She started smoking again!

United States
June 7, 2011 9:50am CST
I have a friend,Lori who had stopped smoking like a year not to long ago. Lori had been taking meds to curb her cravings and when she stopped using them,she wnet back to smoking! Then she stopped again when her husband Goeff found out his is stage 4 lung cancer last fall! That didn't last long! He started smoking again,even though he has lung cancer which has now spread to his bones! So that was Lori's excuse to start smoking again! Not a good thing at all! Her husband is dying probaly because of his years of cigerette smoking and that has not stopped either one! It is not good and a sad story!
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6 responses
• United States
8 Jun 11
It is all part of the depression. He is dying so he is saying what the hell! It is killing me already. and I assume she is sad too. she doesn't want him to die and with all the stress ,she has started up again.
• United States
23 Jun 11
• United States
23 Jun 11
I am sure it has to do with depression. She has been though alot of stress! It just not knowing her husband dying it also has to do other stuff! The paper work to make sure the health insurance pays for everything! She has been trying to get money from his 401 fund,his other pension money from other jobs,planning trips before he gets worse and trying to support both of them when she is the only one who can work! No wonder she is stressed out and starting smoking again! Not good!
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
9 Jun 11
Yes. That is a very sad story My husband and I both smoke. We know it is bad for us but we do enjoy it. It has not took a bad toll on our health as of yet. I would stop if it harmed someone else like this situation. We smoke outside and that helps alot.
• United States
23 Jun 11
That is what my brother-in-law does! My sister hopes he quits soon but it is not happening! One sister-in-law smoked for years and even did through 3 pregnances! She finally stopped smokeing a few years ago! For years she smoked inside and only smoked out side when asked! I hated that!
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
8 Jun 11
we have a friend who's mom has COPD, is on oxygen, won't go to the doctor and STILL SMOKES!!! it is killing her and she just won't go to the doctor to get the meds that are out there for COPD...
• United States
23 Jun 11
I have heard of people like that! They are on oxygan and still smoke! That is so sick! Like your friends mom,she needs help but won't help herself! That is a shame! Same with my friend!
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@samaire (154)
• United States
8 Jun 11
Everyone around me are smoking. I don't smoke. When i was a kid my father smoked really alot and because of that i hate smoking! It's strange that she is smoking again! Even when her husband is sick! There is a reason she started again. Maybe smoking friend... She has to stop because of him. You have to tell her that every day! My boyfriend stop smoking when we met and he said it's because of me but he got really sick and he couldn't breathe and maybe that was the reason! It doesn't matter! You have to give her a reason to stop!
• United States
23 Jun 11
I have told my friend that I wish she wasn't smoking again! She knows the risks. She has been so stressed out over all of this she wanted to find an excuse to do so! Whne her husband did,that was her excuse for her to start again! It sucks and I hope someday she can stop!
@polaris77 (2039)
• Bacau, Romania
7 Jun 11
This is an unbelievable behavior from your friend,I mean what stronger motivation to give up smoking for good can it be than to find that your husband has got lung cancer?I stopped smoking 9 months ago and I'm sure I will never return to this nasty habit,so when I read about people who quit,and then started smoking again I feel really sad,but I'm afraid there's nothing that can be done if they don't have enough will to help themselves.
• United States
23 Jun 11
Right now Lori has no will power to try and stop. She was on meds to help her stop but they didn't work! I know it is crazy she started smoking again and so has her husband! It makes no sense but it happened! I hope Lori quits someday soon. With Goeff,he is beyond hope!
@anRcy99 (26)
• United States
9 Jun 11
there is the solution of all the problem. no one can predict without knowing the people. one has its own problem. why don't you take them in no smoking class by convenience them.