Do we have this wrong?

@savypat (20216)
United States
June 8, 2011 8:09am CST
I think most of us, humans, have our relationship to Mother Earth all wrong, or at least we live our lives like that. We feel that the earth exists for human pleasure and use. The truth of the matter is Mother Earth is the host and we are the guests. If we do not start to remember this in our lives and continue to act like we are in charge and the earth is here solely for our use, we will find ourselves booted off just as one boots a bad guest in the back side while showing the way to the door. Please respect the earth.
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13 responses
@sjvg1976 (42023)
• Delhi, India
9 Jun 11
Savypat i feel how selfish we are as earth is giving us every thing but we in the greed of getting more & more taking things away from her which we should not. Like for making shelters we almost making all the forests clean making many animals & birds homeless. As human beings are the most intelligent species on the earth among all animals that doesnot mean that only we have the right to do anything on earth we should not make others homeless. Every where we are throwing our waste making our mother earth dirty & only to make ourself clean.We people even have made rivers,ocean also polluted with our waste which we should rethink before doing it. These are the big issues which should be controlled otherwise one day will come when we will make our earth so dirty that we will have nothing to do only to repent.People should understand by doing this we are making future generation difficult to survive on earth.
@sjvg1976 (42023)
• Delhi, India
12 Jun 11
thanks for choosing my response as BR.
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@sentshan (40)
• Jamaica
8 Jun 11
I agree we should respect the earth as we respect our ourselves and our household. We were put here to serve God not to destroy all the things he as given us for our own pleasure
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• Jamaica
8 Jun 11
if we continue to fool around with nature we will soon have to live without it and that is impossible. we should take care of it like it is our own child and nurture it. we should acknowledge the beauty of it and try to make it evovle
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@mansha (6298)
• India
9 Jun 11
A very nice post, I agree the way we are abusing earth it will be real horrible fate for our kids. Everyday you see trees being uprooted , animals killed , in the name of development or religious views. Its sad state of affairs I saw the videos how fast the snow is melting on the polar caps. We have made every region accessible to man leading top worst treatment for the flora and fauna of these regions. Unless we start treating earth more respectfully its a hard fate that awaits us and our future generation. I was deeply moved by the movie the inconvenient truth. Even if it is not true as people say it is a wake up call certainly for all of us.
@Jiabsa (511)
• India
9 Jun 11
Some people treat the earth as their mother. For some people, earth is God. She give equal importance to all her children. She doesn't like to do partiality. She provides to us all equally. There is no distinction in her nature between sinners or divine! But we, her children always hurt her and give her pain. Mother Earth is our home. Her preservation is important for generations to come. She has been neglected and abused and is in much need of our care and healing.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
16 Jun 11
It's a lot like when the British took over this land and raped and pillaged the indians. We are just using everything we can from this planet. You're right, it will not treat us right if we continue. There has to be some sort of side effect for drilling and using the oil and for mining for diamonds and such. How much more can we do to this planet before it starts to turn on us.
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9 Jun 11
human inhabitants of the earth is not alone. all need each other. keep the balance of nature.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
8 Jun 11
Hi savypat, I agree that we are not treating the earth as we should but I feel that more and more people are reaching the same conclusion as you have. Just a few years ago very few people thought of the earth as a living growing organism, but today I see more and more references to that. We need to get governments and big business on side before much will be accomplished. With the changes that are happening much faster now than in previous years and will probably continue to speed up, it may not take as long as many think. Blessings.
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
8 Jun 11
While I agree that we should not look at the Earth as something that exists only for our use, but I don't believe that we should look at it as our host either, but rather realize that we are a part of the Earth. Humans try so hard to separate themselves from other animals and from nature, but we have to realize that we are animals; we are nature. I believe if we can truly realize and accept this, then treating the Earth with respect and with honor will come naturally. We also need to realize that we are not superior and that we will go extinct if we don't start changing our ways and our attitudes. I believe that people are starting to realize this more and more and I believe that we will take the right direction.
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• United States
8 Jun 11
Respecting our home is a very important thing, but make no mistake, we are not guests on this planet any more than any other animal. This is our home and we are children of this planet. The Earth is here for our use. Not our destruction, but we eat her plants, kill her animals, drink her waters. Our birth on this planet made us part of the ecosystem that surrounds us. We're intelligent, capable of doing many things, and these were the natural outgrowth of our evolution on this planet. As a species we are responsible for two things, our own personal survival and the survival of the species as a whole. In order to ensure those two things, we've technologically advanced. Yes, war and weapons seems to contradict that, but they were created so groups of the species could survive in preference of other groups. Other animals do this all the time. Treating Mother Earth with respect is imperative if we wish to survive, but to hold her out there as our superior is stupid and potentially destructive. We should be cognizant of our effect on the planet, but we shouldn't be so aware that we allow our own people to suffer and die for her. In the end, she's a lot tougher than we give her credit for. As science keeps showing us, she is very creative at finding solutions to her problems. Anybody remember how the ozone layer was going to vanish and we were going to be toasted alive? I may be wrong, but the hole in the ozone layer has been repairing itself and our consumption of CFCs hasn't abated all that much. We're not guests, we're part of the system. We should play our part responsibly.
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• Canada
8 Jun 11
Green Peace has been trying to get Governments to take care of the earth but lately, they have been doing so much damage that Im afraid we might get the boot sooner than later. They want to drill up North to get the oil. Did you know that there is drilling going on starting in Ontario, Canada all the way down to Chicago? They drill for salt and they do right under cities and whole neighborhoods!!! They also drill all over the place for gas and in the process they contaminate fresh water for miles and miles. Oh and lets not talk about the oil spill in the ocean that keeps happening all the time (we dont hear about it all) Not only are we polluting the earth and Im not talking about you and me. We are NOT the guilty ones here, big corporations are the guilty ones and governments who are now polluting space with debris, thousands and thousands of debris floating in space. They tell you and me to recycle. Sounds like a good idea, except that they have no use for the products that are being recycled so they sell it to a company who will sell it to another company and then it ends up in your country, put on huge barges and dumped in the middle of the ocean. Ive just learned that nearly all of the province I live in has been donated to big oil and gas corporations. They can come anytime in my backyard and drill if they want to. I cant do a thing and its the same in your country. They can decide to drill on your land and you have NO say at all. Then your well will be poisoned and you'll be living with trucks driving by your house day in and day out. The air will stink and you'll be living with toxic dust flying all over. It makes me very angry when someone wears a suit and comments a video telling ME that I need to take care of mother earth. I would tell him to tell this to the right people......and kick HIS a*ss!!! So you see, its not you and me doing it wrong, its big corporations and governments.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
I think it has something to do with good stewardship, when something is entrusted to us we are duty bound to maintain it and better yet improve it. We pride ourselves and call ourselves the most intelligent creatures on this planet, but come to think of it are we really are what we claim to be? , at the rate of destruction and havoc we are causing, I doubt it, but this still has to be judged when we reach the end, not yet late to change , I hope.
@moirai (2853)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
That's a nice way to put it. =) Maybe also good to say we should co-exist with nature. Not us over nature.
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@sentshan (40)
• Jamaica
8 Jun 11
we are sometimes selfish to think that mother earth is owned by us. we need to cherish it, we are going to put ourselves in detrament and hardship soon.
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