obsessed with indians and india? duh!

June 8, 2011 9:07am CST
Hi mylotters, I don't know how will i approach this girl I met her through a common friend we had a fine few bonding before but recently I am getting piss off because she was acting some kind of a can't find the right word. The third meeting she was so excited to see me I told her if we can watch a movie she refused to ok that is fine, she asked me where I want to eat I told her I want to eat thai food then she said I want Indian food but there is no Indian restaurant we need to travel 1 hour to reach an Indian restaurant from the place where we met until she agreed we can eat at Thai restaurant, as we placed our order she keep on asking me about India and Indians as if I am an Indian. She even wanted me to introduce her to my Indian friends Invited me to go with her to shop Indian dresses Go to Indian grocery store She wants to join me going at Temple Attend Indian Festivals Eat to all Indian Restaurant here She even wants me to cook Indian food for her That is all fine but I hate it when she say that Indians are snobbish,insensitive,self conceited, doesn't smells good blah!blah!blah! I never heard any positive traits about Indians with her and she is acting as if she wants to change herself into an Indian gal. When she saw my kurti top and salwar at home she was amazed and asking me if she can buy one of them what the?????of course not it was given to me by my Indian best friend and a friend which I considered as my Uncle I will not sell it even I don't have a money. Tonight she is forcing me to come with her at Indian store to buy Indian dress I refused her because I am busy and can't just leave my business she gets mad I think because she said "YOU ALWAYS DON'T HAVE TIME, BUT I SAW YOUR PICTURES WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS YOU ALWAYS HAVE EXCUSES, IF YOU REALLY DON'T HAVE TIME THEN IT'S FINE WITH ME" and she log off before I can answer her back what the she ruined my night really. What worst is she will ask me about India then she will tell it to her friends about it and act that she really knows everything but the truth all the information she said to her friends was the same information I told her. When her friends commented on our pictures like this "Your Indian friend is pretty huh" she commented back "SHE IS NOT AN INDIAN SHE IS A FILIPINA DUH!" I was surprised by her reaction. I need to avoid her she is just using me to her own benefits, stealing those ideas from me is not good at all. just want to ventilate happy mylotting
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16 responses
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
9 Jun 11
Tell her about your south african friend. We are rude, racists, extremely unmannered and hard to live with. Maybe that will get her to leave others alone. What and whop does she think she is anyway?
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@voldrox (7191)
• India
9 Jun 11
Awww, those words are so cute my Saphy..!! lol..
1 person likes this
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
hi dear, I found African a nice people my cousins work there for many years he said that African are friendly and jolly person , even I don't know any African I do believe that it's not about nationality it's about the person itself. Miss yah thanks for the response happy mylotting
1 person likes this
• Philippines
10 Jun 11
@ jaiho, I want to drink till i get drunk and forget everything
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
Maybe that girl having an indian bf, that is why she is reacting like. She wants to learn the actions, culture and everything about Indian, to please her boyfriend... I though your an Indian, friend? As I have notice you always talk about Indian...But in your profile your a female Filipina.
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
aerous, bhaby is an Indian princess in her previous life...
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
@ jaiho, And you was a Bollywood Queen hahahaha!
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• Philippines
8 Jun 11
hi aerous, Me INDIAN? NO I am Proud Filipina She doesn't have an Indian BF she even hates Indian guys for so many reasons that's why I felt weird towards her. If she want to learn something she must work for it thanks for the response happy mylotting
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Jun 11
Hi Bhaby! I could not gather whether that girl is from Philiphines or some other place? Your post made me perplexed.. How did you allow her to speak ill about Indians.. She has no business to tarnish the image of Indians and if she is on mylot, she does not deserve to be in your list of friends. I feel that she is either insane or too clever and does not deserve to be your friend.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Jun 11
I fully agree with you that one should not generalise and all fingers are not equal. Irrespective of our nationality, we all are human beings and we all have more or less the same positive and negative traits. You can ask her not to discuss such matters.
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• Philippines
9 Jun 11
hello dpk, She is a Filipina I am irritated when she commented bad traits towards Indians because she is generalizing it I choose not to comment back because if I do I gave her the chance to steal information from me besides that's her thinking How I wish you will know how much I felt bad about it I can prove that some Indians are not that bad besides not all fingers are the same. Before I got pissed off with her I always telling her that I have Indian friends and they are good unlike the others she met. I don't have plans to invite her on mylot . thanks for the response happy mylotting
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
I don't have plans to discuss anything to her I just want to avoid her
• United States
9 Jun 11
Just reading this about her makes me dislike her. It annoys me that she's so fascinated by Indian culture, yet disrespectful when it comes to Indian people. She seems like a poser. Not only that but she seems very immature. It annoys me that she thinks you need to dedicate time for her, as if you are supposed to give up time you spend with your family for her. It's not like you were lifelong friends. I'm not saying that people don't dedicate time like that to friends they haven't known as long, but the attitude she gave you is gutsy. I wouldn't have the guts to tell someone something like that. I would probably just get the hint and do my shopping by myself. You need genuine people in your life, and if you don't have a good feeling about this girl then I think you're making the right decision to try to avoid her. I personally wouldn't want to spend time with someone that behaved in that way.
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• Philippines
9 Jun 11
hello Chastised_Dreamz, Exactly how come she can appreciate Indian culture and hate Indians She wants to join me always like last Diwali 2010 I was wearing this salwar when we went to temple when she saw me she kinda praising me with sarcasm when she met my friends at temple she acted as if they know for a long time . I thought she wants to be my friend but it seems she just wanted to get all those information that she can get from me. Too demanding to give her my time. I don't want to spend anytime with her too....... thanks for the response happy mylotting
@voldrox (7191)
• India
8 Jun 11
Hello bhabycatch, Wow, i am offended by your erm, whatsoever you call her besides your friend. LOL. She is such a pain in the neck. She would just try to take benefit of your politeness if you don't shoot back at her. It could be hard, but try, i guess giving excuses for everything is at least going to make her feel like you are really getting pissed of now. I don't understand one thing, if she doesn't like Indian people at all, in fact she hates us so much, then why does she like everything else about India? She is really weird and annoying. I wish you get rid of her soon.
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@voldrox (7191)
• India
9 Jun 11
Heyyy NOOOOO.. I meant i am offended by your so called friend...!! Not you. It's a good thing you don't tell her everything you know. Just try to keep away from her whenever you can.
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• Philippines
9 Jun 11
hi voldrox, Sorry to offend you One of my real friend asked her last time why she like so much everything about India but hate Indians she said because they are the only nationality I can talked in chat room I was surprised by her answer I choose not to comment back even I wanted to depend Indians because I believe I have more experience and interactions with them than her but I want to be safe not to give her another information that she can steal from me. I am wishing that she get want I want to happened by refusing her last night thanks for the response happy mylotting
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• Philippines
9 Jun 11
Yes I need to keep away from her It's good I figure it out that she just using me for her own benefits
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
bhaby, She's forcing you again? Tell her i will give her company and let's see if she still wants to shop,dine and eat Indian foods...
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
@ jaiho, Yeah!I think she will never talk to me again well if that happens I will be happy I felt every time I am with her she thinks I am India Map or an India Ambassador thanks for the response
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
let's give her the map chettan draw and send her to India
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
she wants to come with me if ever which is not a good idea at all
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@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
9 Jun 11
That girl got issues, i mean at first she says Indians are insensitive, Selfish and then she wants to be one? wth? stay out of her! for you own good, befoer she makes you crazy too!
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
hello rock_rock, She almost made me crazy I am trying to avoid her really thanks for the response happy mylotting
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
8 Jun 11
Well if you arent married to her I say just dont talk to her anymore. She seems to be pretty rude much of the time and she makes you unhappy. Whatever the reason that someone makes you feel like that you really should put a stop to it and not accept that type of behavior. The longer you wait to break all ties with her the harder it will be.
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
hi ladygator, I agreed with you I need to break her neck oopppsss.....I mean I need to break it to her now or I will suffer a lot later on thanks for the response happy mylotting
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
11 Jun 11
Hi. bhabycatch013. I think that you should leave this cookie alone. Something is definitely up with her and I think that it is best that you separate yourself as soon as possible. Maybe she wants to be an Indian. She probably want to look justlike an Indian. I am sure that she is fascinated by the Indian culture, but her obsession of an Indian will drive someone completely insane because she doesn't know how to control herself when it come to the Indian culture. She is also rude and impatient, so it is better that you don't remain friends with her, especially as close friends.
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
hello cream, This cookie is going insane with India and Indians maybe she wants to be a Parle-G If she really wanted to learn or know Indian culture she must put an effort on it Well I am starting to avoid her thanks for the response happy mylotting
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
She is plain jealous of you bhaby.. best way is to ignore her.. People like her do exist..
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
hi jazel, Jealous at me for what? I tried to share everything I know but what pissed me off when she acted to her friends that it was originally her idea at all which is not. I will try to ignore her even she will turn into a drama queen thanks for the response happy mylotting
• India
11 Jun 11
Beta I wonder, why she says this, Indians are snobbish,insensitive,self conceited, doesn't smells good blah!blah!blah! it has to be some reason behind.. Better avoid her.. Thanks for sharing God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Hello Baba, Like what I've said it's not all about being Indian because we have differnces Whatever her reason/s still she don't have the right to comment like this and act as if she is fascinated with Indian culture. Happy Mylotting hugs to Ma and Shubee -It was nice talking to you last night and seeing Ma and Shubee-
@sjvg1976 (42007)
• Delhi, India
9 Jun 11
Your friend seams to be mad or too clever. There are many things which force me to say this firstly if she is not an indian & don't like indians then why she forced you to cook indian food,go to temple etc. and asked you to have indian food. If she don't think indians are good then why she has so many indian friends. Why she want to know about india when she does not like indians. All these things are contradictions.I think you should stay away from her she can really be a problem for you in future.
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
hello sjvg, I thinks it's only her defense mechanism because Indians are ignoring her She already gave me a problem that's why I am avoiding her thanks for the response happy mylotting
• India
10 Jun 11
hi dear i seriousl think you are stuck with a wrong type of a girl .. she doesn't treat you like one after all that ou said !!! i dont see any incidence where both yours wavelingth matches so i think its seriously high time you give a second thought for continuing this friendship to further stages ... and about adding friends online ... take extreme precautionary steps especially wen its a request send my guys !!!!! happy times:):):)
• Philippines
10 Jun 11
hi kittie, Welcome to Mylot! I don't easily add people online I learned my lesson in the past About this girl I am trying to avoid her now thanks for the response happy mylotting
@sentshan (40)
• Jamaica
8 Jun 11
I think your friend is crazy she needs to understand herself
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
hi sentshan, Maybe she is desperate that's why thanks for the response happy mylotting
@piya84 (2580)
• India
8 Jun 11
People all over the world have hate love relationship with india and indians.But you know its same for everyone and every country.People like few things and then they hate few things.Thats normal. Btw this girl sound yadda yadda irritating.Do something more irritating in return so she will run away.
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
hi piya, That will be fine with me but the way she hated Indian and put so much interest on it thats why I am so pissed off . Thanks for the response happy mylotting
@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
8 Jun 11
OMG...tell her to get lost somewhere , such people are piece of crap who will screw others happiness in order to show that they are smart... ignore her and make sure that you don't even talk to such people, why to disturb your daily ruitine for someone as pathetic as this girl???
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
@ dollar, I tried to avoid her but she put this drama like " i don't love her anymore", "maybe i don't want to be with her" blah!blah!blah! I will going to avoid her from now on because she just really pissed me off She acted smart really thanks for the response happy mylotting