Can Anna Hazare Succeed In His Crusade Against Corruption

June 8, 2011 11:55am CST
Anna Hazare is Gandhi re born in need. Do you think his crusade will be marked in history, will he nail the sharks and win the battle?
1 response
• India
9 Jun 11
yes, Anna Hazare will be marked in history as the "man who began the second struggle". The results may not be immediate, but he is setting out an era of protest against corruption, he urges the youth of India to use their power of democracy so that each and every citizen will be afraid to commit corruption. Hope the system changes, and Hazare fulfill his dream of a better India in future...
• India
9 Jun 11
I really liked your comment. But will this be possible by a LOKPAL bill ?
• India
10 Jun 11
yes. In the present scenario, the Sabha (ultimately the Assembly Members) have the supreme power to pass or reject any bill or even influence any decision by the judiciary. Moreover the ultimate decision making power is in the hands of an individual or a few (The Supreme court judge). Thus the system on the whole is corrupted. Hazare's concept of Lokpal brings each and every person(even the Prime Minister of the country) under the Lokpal committee. There will be no supreme power because any question raised against any of the Lokpal committee members also shall be investigated (as an emergency case) & clarified within a period of 3 months. Thus Lokpal bill gives "us" the power to decide than to an individual or a group.