Do you think I am a strict mother?

@kaka135 (14934)
June 8, 2011 5:16pm CST
I have a two year old son, and I always try to let him do what he wants to do, because I think it's good to give some freedom to kids, and as much as I can, I want him to be happy. There are two things I am trying to control my son from doing: 1. Watching TV programs. His pediatrician did advise it's better to control kids who are below 2 years old to watch TV programs, else it'll affect their development, and my husband and I think that too. Hence, we always try not to let our son watch TV programs. At home, my husband and I do not watch TV program too. Now, he is already two years old, I do let him watch some TV programs, but of course violent scenes are not allowed. 2. Eating junk food. I think junk food is not good for health, especially for kids. Hence, I always stop my son from eating any junk food, such as sweets, potato chips, soft drinks, etc. At home, I also try to cook healthy dishes for my son. Many of my friends said I will spoil my son, but when they heard about these two restrictions, they think I am too strict. What do you think?
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24 responses
@ElicBxn (63834)
• United States
9 Jun 11
sounds to me like you are doing a fair job, I know so many parents that let their kids go to sleep with the tv on and eat anything they can get their hands on... now, at least one of these kids is having nightmares because he woke up and the tv showed something scary in the middle of the night.
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@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
9 Jun 11
Hi there, thanks for your response. Yeah, I have also heard some parents or babysitters like to put the babies or kids in front of the TV, so that the kids won't be disturbing them. But, without much interaction with humans or other activities, it makes the kids not healthy. My nephews have been watching too much cartoons or movies about fighting, and they always fight with each other. That's why I think there are many negative effects from TV. Of course, there are also some good programs out there, but I think as parents, we need to be selective on the programs.
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@ElicBxn (63834)
• United States
9 Jun 11
I agree that programs should be selected so they will help the children, not just keep them out of their parent's way.
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@Matpunk85 (1066)
• Italy
8 Jun 11
You are not too strict. Tv nowadays gives a very bad example. Tv not only shows a lot of violence scenes, but then it gives to young people bad models to follow. About food it's important to control what children eat and drink. Nowadays obesity is a very big problem and it good to give children the proper nutrition.
@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
9 Jun 11
Hi Matpunk, thanks for your response. Yeah, I also think there are many negative effects from TV, that's why I try to protect my son from those now.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
I think controlling kids as to what they watch and what they eat isn't about being strict - it's about good parenting. The good thing that you said about this topic was the fact that his pediatrician or doctor told you about this, unlike some moms I know who only think it's good or bad because they read it somewhere. I don't know if you have read my topic about my cousin's wife deciding not to immunize their baby. But you'd truly be shocked on why she didn't do that - it was because she ready somewhere online that the side effects of immunization was really bad, she did this without asking a healthcare professional about the implications of not having her baby immunized. Now, after a lot of trouble and the baby getting sick and all she decided to immunize - well most of it is already late. Anyhow, I also know that she doesn't give her kid any butter or anything that could cause cholesterol build-up because she read it somewhere as well. Only to find out that kids actually need these things, they don't accumulate cholesterol yet, but they need these things for their development (of course not too much). I think there's a thin line between good parenting and bad parenting. I know that moms only want what's best for their kids, but I do hope that reading somewhere which was written by someone they don't really know shouldn't always be a basis for taking care of kids. We need to ask around and we should not think that we are smart enough already and we no longer need ideas from other people - most especially doctors and health care professionals. So, therefore, I don't think you're strict. It's good that you monitor what your kid is watching and eating. And it's good that you get the idea that sometimes children need freedom to do things that would enhance their social skills and artistic minds. Have a great MyLot experience!
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
That is what's wrong with a lot of authors and people abroad sending things to people locally. When I told a friend about what had happened to my cousin's kid, she said "So, can she find the authors and charge them for the medical bills and hospital bills incurred because of her following their tips?" I tell you, how is feeding your kid a lot of vitamins, minerals, and supplements everyday better compared to just having one shot? Remember, the body has means and ways to absorb things and it's not only through feeding the person. Do you know that you have to take a truckload of milk in order to truly satisfy the body's need for calcium? This is why calcium tabs were manufactured in the first place. Further, too much taking pills and eating and drinking those stuff not only makes the child's body overworked to processing them, but also makes your kid traumatized from all the intakes. I think we should not take the health of our kids too much in our hands because we were not trained medically for it. I think we should at least talk to our doctors about it. They have studied more than 20years and experienced more for it than we do. Are we willing to make our kids guinea pigs just to prove that it works?
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• Philippines
9 Jun 11
I don't think that's being strict -- you just want the best for your son. I also have a daughter who's turning 2 end of this month, and like you I also limit the things she watches and the food she eats. I believe that, in excess, TV watching limits the child's social interaction and I want my daughter to interact with me and the other people she encounters. Also I let her watch kid-friendly shows like Dora the Explorer, Ni Hao Kai Lan and Yo Gabba Gabba (all of which she loves) and not let her watch soaps. In terms of food, I haven't given her chips or sodas, and it was only recently that I let her taste ice cream. My friends think that she's missing out on the sweets, but I think that it's best that at this stage, she eats only healthy food like fruits, vegetables, and lean meat. I do believe we think the same for our kids, we just want what's good for them.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
8 Jun 11
Hi. kaka135. In my opinion, you are not a strict mother at all. I don't allow my kids to eat junk foods either. I usually try healthy snacks. Just a while ago, my kids wanted some popcorn. So I popped Smart Balance, Light Butter popcorn for me and them. They ate all of it too. When I used to live with my in-laws, they offered my kids candy and they would ask me if my kids can have some candy and I would tell them no, because my kids had already had something sweet to eat. So, no you are not being too strict at all. The way that I look at is this way: You are the one that will be going to the doctor when your child gets sick, so it will be on you to make your child feel better. If your child's teeth start to decay or rot out, you are the one that has to handle paying any dental medical bills to get your child's teeth fixed and not the other parent's that are telling you that you are too strict. You are a great mother and I know that my in-laws may not agree with how I raise my children, but they are my children. Being a parent is not about spoiling a child, it is about making sure that they are healthy and well.
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@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
9 Jun 11
Hi cream, thanks for your response. Actually I do not think I am strict too, just that when I heard my friends or relatives commented me that way, I was quite surprise. Yeah, as you said, we are responsible for our kids, not them. I always think parents are not only responsible in bringing up the kids, feeding them with food, but we also need to make sure they are healthy and well. To me, eating too much junk food doesn't only affect their teeth, but also affect their health. Many of my friends are having high cholesterol, of course we can't blame the parents, but some of the eating habits were developed since we were young. That's what I am trying to do for my son, let him eat as healthier as I can, at least when he is young. When he grows older, he can make his own choice.
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@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
9 Jun 11
Hi kaka, Ben Franklin used to say "Spare the rod and spoil the child." It's true. Children should be given proper guidance and not just let loose as they see fit. It is our duty as parents to guide them in right way and we have to exercise extreme caution not to damage their growth and development. You are on the right track, keep on it.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Jun 11
that's not at all being a strict mother. junk foods are no good for them, and to much tv also is just not good. so i think not allowing him not to do those things makes you a good parent. I have 3 kids and i know how important it is to give them boundaries and not allow them go run all over you! Yes they need freedom, but they also need rules, structure, and discipline.
• United States
9 Jun 11
i DON'T THINK U ARE BEING STRICT AT ALL. Good for u is what i think. It's a shame more parents aren't like u. It just shows how much u care about your son.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
10 Jun 11
No, I do not think that you are too strict. In fact, I could add to your list. The most important one is to make s ure that he respects both you and his father. Respect for authority is something that is frequently lacking in today's youth.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
11 Jun 11
as a mother, i think that we should do like that. although children like to eat this junk food,but these foods lock of nutrition and even harm children's we have this responsiblity to control children to eat junk food and let them grow healthy.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
14 Jun 11
I think that you'll never really know. Some kids react better if they've had this kind of strict re-enforcement when they are little. But some kids rebel, and do just what they've been constrained to do as they grow up. I think that it is good that you try to control TV and junkfood with your kid. I just hope that as he grows older, you also introduce moderation, so that he'll also figure it out for himself that these things that you try to control, are really not good for him.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
I think it is a great decision. You are just doing them for the welfare of your kid. There are no nutritional value of junk foods,so why give it to your kid in the first place. Better give him fruits instead to snack on. Sometimes, a lot of people tend to use the TV as a baby sitter for their kids. Which when over exposed to TV, can't be healthy for a kid. The first 2 years of life are considered a critical time for brain development. TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with parents and others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social development. Most of children's free time, especially during the early formative years, should be spent in activities such as playing, reading, exploring nature, learning about music or participating in sports. Without the distraction of TV, you can have a good bonding time with your family. Just be creative, it won't be boring I assure you.
@marcmm (1804)
• Malaysia
10 Jun 11
Nope, you are not strict. That is what mother need to do. control our kids from doing that would not do him/her any good. TV. Obviously we need to control our kids watching the TV otherwise the TV will control our kids. I have seen kids attached to TV since as long as their eyes open because their parents are not controlling them. And worse there are parents make their children watching TV so that their kids won't bother them much. Junk food. Not just kids, even for grown up junk food are not good. Our goverment should stop junk food producer since it kill us, not immediately but slowly. You've done a good job there.
@Jessi_T (379)
• United States
9 Jun 11
I allow my kids to watch TV, play video games or play on the computer on Saturdays only we use to allow them an hour a night but the three oldest begged to change it so we changed it to Saturdays so they have longer time on the same day. As far as junk food goes I try to monitor it and used to do a good job at doing so until I myself turned into some what of a junk food addict. Lol =D I don't think you are strict for monitoring junk food or TV time.
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• China
9 Jun 11
I don't understand why your friends think like that. After reading your discussion, the only conclusion I can draw is that you're not strict at all. You just interfere in two things which are quite inadequate to my point view. I know many mothers lay down a great many rules for their kids to follow. Apart from the two rules you list here, they also put restrictions on their kids' making friends, going out at weekend, developing hobbies, even in choosing a certain career path. They do mean well, but too much interference just poses an obstacle in kids' creativity and inventiveness. It's harmful in the long run. Considering the rules you ask your son to follow, I think you're doing the right thing. Kids are poor in self-control and also lack judgment. Sometimes they just don't know what is good for them and parents need to help them to realize what is right to do. Never mind about your friends' judgment. As long as you think it's good for your kids, you ought to keep to it.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Jun 11
I do not think you are too strict. You love your son and are looking out for his physical and mental health. When parents let their children watch TV for hours on end, they are allowing outside influences to pervert their minds and encouraging them to go against their nature--children are not naturally wanting to sit in one place and stare at something. Your friends are wrong! I think that you are showing how much you love your son. I allowed only Mr. Rogers (a children's show) when my boys were small. They watched 30 minutes of TV per day and that continued till they were in school. I ALWAYS sat and watched with them when the TV was on--my husband was a TV junkie and would watch anything so we had a separate viewing area and we didn't often use it. You just keep protecting your son. You're doing a great job!
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
Hi there kaka135, As for me, you are not classified as a strict mother. And for me, there is no such thing as a strict mother. Maybe, each mother has their own way and strategy on how to handle their kids' attitudes. Exactly on what you are doing with your son. You are just doing what you believe is right. As long as you know how to control the behaviour and attitude of your child, that is a good sign, however, if their attitude is no longer controllable, it does not mean that something wrong with the way on how you handle them, perhaps, their environment influence them that much. In addition, I can also say that some TV programs do play a vital role in the character development of a child. For this reason, as their parents, we should be observant to the shows they want to watch as this programs might affect or can really affect their development.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
9 Jun 11
Hi kaka~ You are not a strict mother at all. That is what every mother need to do~ I am still single yet I always strict with my little nephew and nieces. Yes, I do control what you have said just now, the tv programs and junk food. The other family members and even their mom said that I am too strict to them but for me I am not at all. I know the consequences and that is why I refused to follow their interest. They can't eat cold stuff as they tend to get cold easily and sweets, I just can't stand looking them eating again and again~They will have their sweets, ice-cream and other junk foods as well but in a certain amount. TV programs?? I am very strict to this but usually they won't follow what I said because others member think that it is okay to do so. My niece and nephew likes to duplicate and copy things they seen on tv. They will do it even if they were told that it is not good and not right to do so. But what can I do when others members and even their mom are allowed them to do so?? Still remember when they let them to go sleep late and let them watch movies without adult member guidance and control. I can't trust them and if I have children one day I will not let them to do so. It does not mean that I am going to be strict, I just do what I think is the best for the children. They still can do whatever they want but not in certain situations~
@Gaurav2d (29)
• India
9 Jun 11
you are not strict,it is for good
@ludyvel04 (311)
• Philippines
9 Jun 11
I don't think so...I even don't let my son watch t.v programs that portrays violence to avoid adapting violence and it has influence on the child's behavior according to studies. I also restrict him from eating junk foods cause they are unhealthy and "junks". I give things that my son wants just like you and I never thought that its being too strict. Its my way to discipline him and I believe someday he will thank me for doing it cause I care for him and I love him. So don't get affected with others opinions as long as you know that your way of disciplining your child is good. Always remember that what you planted to their young mind will instill as they gets old and will also impart with their own children.