One baby bunny saved, one lost.
By mentalward
@mentalward (14690)
United States
June 8, 2011 8:07pm CST
My cat came in the room where I was watching TV last night. I didn't hear him, though, I heard the CRUNCH.
He was eating a baby bunny, a TINY baby bunny. (Wild, of course, we live in the country.)
I wasn't nearly in time to help that poor, defenseless critter. I felt so bad. Even though I hate the furry critters eating my garden veggies, they're so cute and I don't have any problem sharing the rest of my property with them. After all, we have plenty of clover they can eat.
Tonight, however, I was able to save the life of one of the first bunny's littermates. I assume it was a littermate since it was the same size as the other one. This one, however, was whole. It started squeeking like one of my dogs' squeeky toys. I thought it WAS a squeeky toy except that my dogs were going nuts trying to get it, much more hysterically than they usually get over their toys.
I looked and, sure enough, it was a baby bunny in my cat's mouth. I smacked the cat and made him let go of the bunny which ran straight behind my computer desk. I then grabbed a small clear plastic box and managed to get the little guy in it. He looked unharmed but was so frightened!
Anyway, I took him outside, making sure the doggie door was closed tight and with my cat inside the house. The box is now outside on the fringe of our property, sitting sideways so the bunny can hop out whenever he feels comfortable enough. I saw his mommy and daddy so, hopefully, they'll help the little fella to get home.
Have you ever rescued an animal from your cat's (or dog's) grasp before it was too chewed up to live? Did you let it go? It took everything I had to let the baby bunny go because I'd love to keep it as a pet. (I used to have rabbits.)
I hope the bunny lives through the night, assuming no internal injuries. I also hope it's gone in the morning, otherwise I'll just have to buy it a cage. 

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10 responses
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Jun 11
Thank you, paultraj. Welcome to myLot. I'm honored that you chose my discussion for your first post.
I love all life and will do anything I can to help or save any creature in trouble. Luckily, the rabbit was gone from the box this morning. I saw him again as I was watering my flower garden. He apparently felt safe in there, although he really isn't, not from my cat. But, the cat is inside right now and he'll stay here until the bunny grows up and can run faster or he moves on (probably after eating all my flowers lol).

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Jun 11 cute. I love little bunnies. I once rescued a chicken from a dog I had a few years ago. My daughter's dad sent home a chicken with her....A chicken! The dog I had was huge..and very lazy. I really had no idea he could move that fast until we let that chicken out in the backyard. Every kid in the neighborhood was jumping up and down and screaming for me to save the chicken...well..of course I had to or be responsible for traumatizing them. I would have tried anyway..but that was just a little more I caught it and give it to a friend of mine that had a bunch of chickens.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Jun 11
Her father gave her a chicken. How... well, how unique. LOL
My ex once gave my youngest son a drum set. My son was around 4 or 5 at the time. I got even with him by giving his newest daughter (with his newest wife) all kinds of noisy musical toys for Christmas, like a tambourine, maracas, one of those black plastic flute things (we called them 'flute-a-phones' when I was in school) and a few other noisy things I can't remember anymore. That was for all the headaches he gave me over that drum set!
I'm glad you were able to get the poor chicken from the dog AND that you had a friend who already had chickens. How fortunate! Your dog sounds a lot like my cat, at least as far as the lazy part goes. I'd never have thought my cat could run fast enough to catch anything faster than a turtle but he fooled me! 

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Jun 11
They are just adorable, aren't they?
We had a dog named Bleu once who one day came to me with something in her mouth. I put out my hand and she dropped a baby bunny into it! She trotted back to the nest and got another then. I didn't have the heart to scold her but I put a box over the nest with an exit so that she couldn't get to the bunnies--well, she could but she knew that meant she wasn't supposed to! What a great dog she was!!
I'm glad you saved the bunny. Yes, they are a nuisance but they are God's creatures just as we are.

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Jun 11
Aww, that's so sweet! Bleu was probably rescuing the bunnies, in her mind. How sweet!
I was happy to see that the bunny wasn't in the box when I checked this morning. I think it was the same one I saw scurrying out from my flower bed as I was watering it a bit later. He ran across the driveway so, of course, I had to drop the hose and walk over to him. I stooped down and was talking to the little guy as he just sat there, watching me. He let me pet him on his back, then ran back into my flower bed. (I apologized for spooking him with the water. lol)
Now, I hope he'll be okay out there. My cat is inside for now but we're about to get hit with what the Weather Channel is calling a severe thunderstorm with golfball sized hail. There'd be nothing left of the little fella if one of those hailballs hit him. Geez. Maybe he'll run back to the nest, wherever that is.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
9 Jun 11

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Jun 11
Well, it is a cat's nature to hunt smaller animals in the wild. Even though it wasn't nice, I'm glad your son got a taste of his own medicine!
My cat was either a lost kitty or someone had dropped him off when he found his way to my house when we first moved here. He was SO SKINNY! You could feel every bone in his body so, obviously, he had been on his own for awhile. He's such a sweet kitty and goes nuts when I run the can opener so I'm convinced that someone once loved him very much. But, he had to learn to eat whatever he could catch while he was on his own. I used to like that when he would kill the mice, chipmunks (even though they're adorable, too), moles, etc. because I had a heck of a time keeping them out of my garden. Now that I've finally found a really good solution to that problem, I don't want my cat killing any more. I certainly feed him enough! He's a big guy now, 16 pounds! He doesn't need to be killing and eating any more rodents. He just doesn't want to listen to me. Hmmph! So, he's inside for now.
The rabbit wasn't in the box when I went to check on it this morning but he was in my flower bed just a little while ago when I was watering it. He scurried across the driveway. Stupid little rabbit! Geez. I'd have been so far away from this house if I was given a second chance like he was! So, the cat stays inside for now, at least until the bunny grows enough to outrun the cat.
@JESSY3236 (20304)
• United States
24 Mar 16
That's sweet and sad. I don't have pets. I did see a bunny one time near a holly bush I have in the yard.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
23 Jun 11
Hi Marti! I'm playing catch up if you can again! *sigh. Well, my cat Music caught a baby squirrel but luckily I got it away from him before he killed it. Hubby and I took it to a wildlife rehabilitor to raise till it was able to fend for itself. When I told my mom, she told me that squirrels make wonderful pets. Well gee thanks, too late now, it's gone. Maybe next time I'll keep it....
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Hi Marty, wow that was a very interesting situation you had going on there. I couldn't help but smile when you said you smacked the cat. I know it is not a smiling thing that the cat had the bunny in its mouth. Well I don't have any pets. I do have a screen-in back porch and I like sitting there in the evenings. There once was a bunny that use to frequent my backyard a lot, I would sit there and watch him eat. I had my grass cut and now the bunny has disappeared so I guess he/she or it moved on to greener pasture. I still sit out there hoping to see him again. I see a lot of squirrels but I don't care to much for those boogers, because they put a whole in the siding of my house.
@whispers168 (768)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Yes i have found and rasied baby bunnies before,birds,ect.Believe it or not but now we have a baby fawn we are trying to raise.Its mother was hit and killed by a driver.We have had the fawn for over two weeks now and so far so good.Its wonderful of you to open your heart up and take the bunny in.I love animals and if I see one that needs help I try to help it out.Good luck with the bunny :)
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
24 Jun 11
Awww the poor baby bunny got eaten. At least you saved this one. My daughter"s dog ate her birds. It was too late for us to save the birds. I live kind of out in the rural but just a minute from the city. I saw a beautiful bull dog. She seemed so curious and shy at the same time. She must have wandered off from her home. She had a collar on but seemed a little thin. I went into the house to get some food for her but she was gone when I came back out.