Suspicious Activity On MyLot

United States
June 9, 2011 7:34am CST
So the other day I was on here minding my own business (what, you don't think that could happen?), and all of a sudden I get this message telling me that my activity is suspicious. I think that I am insulted. I mean, I admit there have been times that my activity could possibly be considered frivolous, loquacious even ... and possibly a time or two a bit lascivious ... but definitely not suspicious! Then, to add insult to injury, the message tells me to try this activity again later ... like it will not be as suspicious if I try it again, especially after getting the warning the first time. So, have you ever been involved in a completely innocent activity and still been accused of acting suspiciously? Do you think it is suspicious for the person accusing you to encourage this sort of behavior in the future? Do you think it is suspicious for a flower to be searching for summer attire? Would it be less suspicious for a flower to be researching gardening tips perhaps?
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25 responses
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
9 Jun 11
Good evening, PA I haven't known that you're so sensible to feel insulted by that blue borders box. In case that that message is an insult, yes, I've been insulted once, as innocent as I am. But the opposite happened to me, too. LOL I was a teenager and I was in a group of friends the same age as me. I don't know how it happened to me (you know how teenagers are...) that I said something improper when one of our teachers passed by. It definitely was not me, because nobody even thought to suspect me. We were all called to the principle's office but nobody accused me of anything. Unlike my friends, who were all suspected even though they were innocent.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
9 Jun 11
Lovely story that one... I owul dnever have thought that possible of you, never
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• United States
10 Jun 11
Thank you so much, Inu, for sharing that story with us. Do you realize that you are the only one that has responded so far that has shared a story like I asked? Most realize that I was talking about getting the reward from the search feature, but many did not take it in the light-hearted and fun manner that I had intended (some did, of course, but many did not). I think it is hilarious that not only did you do it and were not suspected of it but also that even when you confessed nobody would believe you! You must either be really innocent or really good at covering up your mischievous side.
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
9 Jun 11
Now, you shouldn't imagine some really rude things had been said. It was only an onomatopoeia that imitated the style of the teacher's talk. You know what was the funniest part of the whole story? When I told the principle that it was me who created the incident, she (and everybody else) didn't believe me and they all imagined I wanted to take everything on me, to let the guilty person escape unpunished. I couldn't convince anybody that it was me.
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@allknowing (142792)
• India
9 Jun 11
Normally this happens when someone uses the myLot search engine but in your case, since you say " I admit there have been times that my activity could possibly be considered frivolous, loquacious even ... and possibly a time or two a bit lascivious ..." one never knows
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• United States
9 Jun 11
ROTFLMAO! Now that was good, Allknowing! And it might even be true, because as you say "one never knows" ...
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• United States
9 Jun 11
It does not bother me at all. Besides, if I use the search engine I might even earn a reward this time rather than an insult ...
@allknowing (142792)
• India
9 Jun 11
And that does not bother you? You better do some research and for this you will have to I am afraid use the myLot Search Engine![em]devil[/em
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
9 Jun 11
I would not be insulted. Machines are basically idiots who operate by the instructions that their masters give them. Sometimes we can only discover their 'rules' by finding out when we step over the mark. Just reduce the frequency with which you search somewhat, change your search terms each time to something less similar to the last and, above all, VISIT the links that the search engine provides!
3 people like this
• United States
9 Jun 11
Thank you for your advice and words of wisdom here, Owl. I actually was not really insulted, but I did think it was funny, especially when they encouraged me to perform this suspicious activity at a later date. I know why I got the message this particular time, but I do not get it often. I was doing related but not exactly similar searches and did not always find what I was looking for on the first try, which is what most likely was the problem.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
9 Jun 11
I've had it before a few times. I refuse to be insulted by a machine! LOL
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• United States
9 Jun 11
In my experience, Owl, I think that a machine would be the only one that would have the nerve to insult you! Don't get me wrong, nobody should be insulted, and you in particular have never done anything to inspire such treatment. However, I think that many are somewhat afraid of you, because they think you are "stern", and they would never think to tease you let alone insult you. I, on the other hand, just cannot resist teasing you, especially when you do have a good sense of humor.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
9 Jun 11
I have found an email account suspended for suspicious activity, and I had to prove that I was... myself to be able to log again in my account. You can say whatever you want, we know all that to try to satisfy curiosity is not an innocent activity, and this small box used as a field of investigation for your searches can drive you to an arid desert or to an orchard of rewards that myLot's members are proud to upload. I uploaded myself my last search reward : $0.01 ! You have to understand that this search bar is a safe, and has to be protected against abuses committed by members like you.
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• United States
9 Jun 11
Since we all know now how you use your e-mails (not to mention your PMs), it really does not surprise me that you were accused of "suspicious activity". How did you prove that you were you, though? Did you have to show them one of your infamous pictures? I am coming to realize that your box is not as innocent as you would like one to believe. In fact it is a brilliantly disguised trap used to ensnare certain members, but it does in fact offer its rewards as well ...
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• United States
9 Jun 11
Ummm ... Top, I hate to be the one to bring this to your attention, but everyone knows what you do in your PMs now ... or at least they do if they have read your last discussion! And in your last comment are you suggesting that the only reason to interact with me is for material profit as our interactions are not intellectually profitable as well? I know for a fact that you have learned at least one or two things from interacting with me ... {insert "whistle" and "devil" emoticons here as I have used up my allotment already}
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@topffer (42155)
• France
9 Jun 11
My emails and my PMs are private : you perhaps know how I use them, but not every myLot's member. I had to send a sms to keep this account. My box plays with two concepts often shown as opposite : intellectual profit and material profit. I have emphasized on the only interesting one, without any trap.
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@sjvg1976 (42019)
• Delhi, India
9 Jun 11
Hi PAB i have never ever got that warning as i hardly use the search engine.But definitely one would be hurt if get such warnings provided he is innocent.
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• United States
9 Jun 11
Are you questioning my innocence here, Sjvg? I am as innocent as a beautiful purple flower can be I tell you! So, have you ever been accused of participating in suspicious activities when you were merely doing what you were asked to do and doing it in an absolutely innocent way?
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• United States
9 Jun 11
You don't do suspicious things, huh? Well you responded to me, and I find that quite suspicious!
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@sjvg1976 (42019)
• Delhi, India
9 Jun 11
Never i don't do suspicious things PAB.
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• Philippines
9 Jun 11
Hi Purple! I have also receive that warning about suspicious act while I am Using the search engine, Actually I am in a middle of searching a certain query that is hard to dig so I am trying to rephrase typing other words or query to find that certain information then suddenly that message of "suspicious account activity" pop out. I was shock about that message and I thought of what may happen to my account. Thanks goodness I'm still here. One thing i realized , we cannot use this search engine like what we use the other search engine. Still I am happy and willing to use this search engine cause it gives rewards.
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• United States
9 Jun 11
Yes, it is definitely a good thing to use, because not only does it give us the information that we want (at least most of the time) but also it gives us random rewards for searching on things that we would be searching anyway. I think that these precautions are necessary to try to protect myLot against people "scamming the system" only to try to earn rewards instead of really searching for information. As far as I know, this warning is not a cause for an account to be suspended or deleted ... unless a person gets this message on a regular basis - but this is just my opinion and not a fact. I actually was not intending for everybody to talk about the search engine, although it is a perfectly valid response to this discussion. I was more hoping that people would have some fun with it and tell of a time where they were doing something perfectly innocent and yet got "reprimanded" or accused of acting suspiciously for it. Has this every happened to you except for on myLot with the search feature?
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• United States
10 Jun 11
Oh, now that must have been extremely embarrassing at the time, although looking back on it now I hope you can laugh about it, especially since you were able to prove your innocence. That just goes to prove how much timing can play a part in how people perceive things. If your cousin had come into the room just a little earlier or a little later, then there never would have been an issue as watching a thriller is perfectly innocent. I wonder, did your cousin get in trouble for accusing you of doing something that you obviously were not doing?
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
You are right. I am embarrassed at that time but whenever I remember that incident, I can't help but laugh. You are also right about the timing. It is indeed, plays a crucial part in every incident and any kind of situation. My cousin's never got in to trouble by doing that. Since she only do that on me and my brothers. Actually we got used to her attitude and her suspicions. And isn't it fun to have a cousin like that. Someone that brings little trouble on you sometimes?
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
9 Jun 11
I was wondering if perhaps your suspicious activity was searching avidly. For summer wear why not get a tutu. I think it would go well with your purple floweriness.
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• United States
9 Jun 11
LOL @ "a tutu"! Now that is a great idea! Do you think that a tutu will make my roots appear larger, though, since recently I was accused of having a rather large root system.
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• United States
9 Jun 11
I also was going to suggest that Allknowing search for "tutu" and possibly even earn a reward along with the knowledge of what it is. I do not know that much about gardening, but I thought that my mom's petunias came back every year without needing to be replanted. I guess that they must have different varieties of these just like they have different varieties of ... shoot, now I can't remember what they are called, but they are small, beautiful and very colorful, usually having two colors on the flower but they can also be just one color. Anyway, I thought that they were always perennials, but I accidentally bought some that were annuals. GG - Thank you for such a lovely compliment!
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@allknowing (142792)
• India
9 Jun 11
I don't know what a tutu means but let me say something in behalf of the petunia. They are the most loved and gentle plants I have known although they demand that they are planted anew each season.
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
9 Jun 11
I have never gotten a message like this and am not really sure of what I would do if I did. I think that it is strange that it would tell you to try this activity later if it was tellin you that it was suspious to begin with. Maybe they think that you are doing something that makes it look as though you are cheating the system so they want to see if you will do it again.
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• United States
9 Jun 11
I think it is probably triggered in more than one way, but that does not really mean that you are doing anything wrong or even really suspicious. It is just a warning, so that members do not try to "cheat" to earn a reward. I think that it encourages us to try it again later so that we will not be afraid to use it again, because they are not trying to make us stop using the search feature nor do they want us to think that we will be banned for an occasional warning like this.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
9 Jun 11
Well if you put it like that... So if we are all invited to continue doing what we were supposedly doing, and what we were doing was something that we should not have been doing and then we get invited to do it again... and we do it... whose fault is it and at the time of an unlikely but possible further warning, who should we complain to if the only people available are those that told us to do it in the first place? Should we be able to claim damages if we do what they tell us and repeat the action at a later date and get caught again and become 'multiple offenders'?
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
9 Jun 11
... to keep trying to be bad... I guess a lot of us get it right then because they send us our pay each month!
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
10 Jun 11
Yes they do. But imagine that they get their own checks, too. They're more than interested to keep us addicted. On the other hand, we enjoy the captivity and everybody's happy.
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• United States
10 Jun 11
ROTFLMAO! I believe that a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there was a superior Jedi warrior that told you that sometimes bad is just bad and good is just good, but there are times when being bad is even better than good ... or I think it was something like that anyway. I guess that it might just be myLot's way of giving us permission to be bad in a good way ...
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
10 Jun 11
Did you add jumping to it, sweetie? You know that always sound and looks suspicious.
• United States
10 Jun 11
Jumping is suspicious activity?! Where exactly are you from, Saphy, that jumping is considered suspicious in your area anyway? I mean, I suppose that along with wearing summer attire a person could think that a lovely purple flower engaging in activities that require jumping might be suspicious, but I can assure you that most people would not find jumping itself suspicious at all. Then again, it depends upon what you are jumping for ... or on!
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
10 Jun 11
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@topffer (42155)
• France
10 Jun 11
Good question : what are you jumping saphrina?
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
10 Jun 11
Haha~ I only got that message once or twice. then I never get it at all. That is mean I need to limit my search and if I need to search for more I need to use other search engines. I am searching things that I need to search but since they have limitation we can't do nothing to it~
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• United States
13 Jun 11
I think that you are right, when we need to modify (or limit) our search, especially if we need to do it more than once, then this might be considered "suspicious" and might trigger the warning. I do not think that it always triggers it (although I obviously do not know for sure), but I know that sometimes on "regular" search engines I have to refine my search more than once, so it would make sense that we might have to do that at least a time or two on here as well.
• United States
13 Jun 11
Agreed ... at least when it comes to information contained on other websites, although I have noticed that the searches on here are getting much better and more relevant with the first search. If I am searching for discussions, though, the myLot search feature is the best that I have used thus far. I can sometimes find myLot discussions with other search engines, but I always get that annoying box that pops up saying that I could participate if I was a member of this site. Since I am a member, I find that box rather annoying.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 11
Yes, agree. We need to refine the search more than once. That is what we always do here or in other search engine. I can't deny that. That is why I just go and use the others instead mylot if I need fast, accurate and relevant results!
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• United States
9 Jun 11
My first day I used the search bar as I saw it there and thought neat a search and as a brand new member who never did anything to myLot I was labeled on the first try as Therefore, I logged out and did not come back for a week. Though I have received twice thereafter. I want to defeat it by not allowing it to scare me away.
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• United States
9 Jun 11
I would say that you could try bribing it to see if that would work, but what would you bribe a computer with that it might like? Oh wait, I know ... you could promise it a new shiny and pretty "facelift" if it would be kind enough to give you a reward or two once in a while ... I would ask you if you had ever been accused of being involved in suspicious activities, but after the pictures from the last discussion surfaced, I think the answer to that particular question is self-explanatory! {insert "evilgrin" here} LOL!
• United States
9 Jun 11
"I want to defeat it by not allowing it to scare me away." Now that right there is my kind of attitude! The only problem with that is that in the warning they encourage us to continue this sort of suspicious activity in the future. It is almost like a challenge or enticement or whatever, and it kind-of makes me wonder whether or not the computer has a split personality or something.
• United States
9 Jun 11
I guess it is entitled to some bad days, just like humans. Though I must admit I have only received a reward one time on one year. So maybe it does not like me. It seems to like many others who get them more frequently. I will continue to use it as necessary and well let's just say maybe it will randomly be nice to me one day again.
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@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
9 Jun 11
The only time we would get that warning is when we misuse the mylot search engine just for the rewards
• United States
9 Jun 11
Actually that is not true. We are not necessarily misusing the search engine, when we get that message. I think (although I am not entirely sure) that if there are too many searches within a short period of time or if there are too many searches using similar wording, then that message will appear. We are told to use the myLot search engine like we would use any other search engine, so that could mean trying different phrases or wording until we get the information that we want as some searches do not give us the information that we want right away. Since myLot will reward us for these searches, though, they want to avoid people just "searching for rewards" only, and that is why there are measures in place to help avoid this. It does not mean that we have actually done anything wrong, though, which is why they say to try the search again at a latter time.
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• United States
9 Jun 11
It is more difficult to find what we are looking for using myLot search engine, which is why it often takes several searches to get what we want. I think that if we only do this a little bit at a time, then it is alright, but if we do it too often in a day (or perhaps a more specific time period), then we will get this warning. I do not think that anything bad will happen to us from getting this warning, though, unless we manage to get it on a regular basis. I will use the myLot search to find what I want, but if it takes more than a couple of searches, then I will switch to a different search engine. I like getting the rewards, but I don't like wasting time, especially if it might result in getting a warning. Still, I am definitely not saying that we shouldn't use myLot search, because most of the time I do find what I am looking for using the myLot search.
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• Mumbai, India
9 Jun 11
i am the one who actually loves mylot search engine as i am able to get a rewards on daily basis using those as i search a lot if i am looking for some particular site then i am able to find it easier in mylot search engine but when i do searches for writing an article then it usually take a time other than that mylot is good but yeah not fast i till now have been warned just twice and that too when i was new here and searching just for rewards but after that i haven't got any of those warning luckily
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@ajk111 (2495)
10 Jun 11
i was once arrested for swimming naked in a pool at 2am. i think it was a over reaction and i would not of been in the pool if Tony Blair had locked his front door properly. I do find it incredible that you have been found suspicious. you are so innocent and pure.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
11 Jun 11
Maggiepie “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep & bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." ~ Thomas Jefferson
• United States
13 Jun 11
I suspect there was a little sarcasm there, Ajk, when you said that I was innocent and pure, but I will let it go ... just this once ... because you did what I asked and shared a funny story with us! Now I definitely would have liked to be there and seen that as I am sure it was a complete and total overreaction on his part. He was probably just jealous that you could swim better than he can.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Well, back a couple of yrs. ago I had someone copy one of my discussions word for word, and mine ended up getting removed and their stayed until I insisted mine was first and they had copied mine. It was something that almost made me want to leave. Now I would just leave for a bit and come back later if something like this were to happen as I would think it would be a glitch for sure.
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• United States
13 Jun 11
Oh I definitely would not like that one bit, especially if mine was the one that got removed and not the one that was plagiarized. I am glad that myLot listened to you, though, and it seems that they checked into the matter and restored your discussion while deleting the other one, which is how it should have been in the first place. I had one of my discussions copied as well, but the copy did not get removed. This person even used the same title for the discussion but changed enough of the wording to make it less of a plagiarized discussion and more of a similar/duplicate one, although reading mine and theirs it was obvious (at least to me) that it was copied. I tend to have ... let us say "unique ways of expressing myself" from time to time, and this person even copied that in their discussion, which did not "fit" with the way that they normally speak.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
8 Jul 11
When I do research, it generally takes some time. And a number of tries, looking at different sites on the same topic. If I find general consensus, on medical issues, for example, I can be fairly certain that what I'm reading is trustworthy.(You can't trust EVERYTHING you see on the web, just as you can't trust suspicious flowers) I have therefore innocently raised the "suspicions" by doing what I was urged to do. I remember being somewhat surprised when I got that warning once! I felt like a cop had jumped out from behind some bushes and clapped some handcuffs on me!!
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• United States
8 Jul 11
LOL! Yes, I was a little surprised and upset the first time that I got that warning, especially since I really wasn't doing anything that I thought was "wrong" or "suspicious". It was when we were first urged to use the search feature for things other than searching for discussions on here, and I started using it whenever I needed to search something. I felt like I was being urged to use it, and then accused of doing something wrong when I did. GAA at the time explained the warning, though, and said that it really wasn't anything too serious as long as we didn't get it on a regular basis. That made me feel better. I can see how you might trigger it doing your research, even though it is completely understandable why you would be doing multiple "similar" searches. In fact, I sometimes need to do multiple similar searches, even when I am just doing "normal" activities and not research, especially when I am not entirely sure what I am looking for ... like song lyrics, for example, but I don't know the song title or artist.
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
13 Jun 11
That sounds like pogo´s search engine. There´s no way to pledge innocence. You are always doing something evil, like the day I was checking on recipes for cornmeal bread. I did ask myself why the sin was not as bad if I tried it later. Maybe the deities wanted me to start baking later. I think a flower can do anything she want´s to. She is entitled to it just for being beautiful.
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@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
13 Jun 11
I was just playing a game at pogo and wrote pogo instead of mylot
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
15 Jun 11
I will not offer cornbread to anyone who is saying I am doing suspicious activities I always expect applauses from the people who come for snacks.
• United States
14 Jun 11
Awww shucks, thank you for such a beautiful compliment! *HUGS* LOL @ "pogo" instead of "myLot"! I do that sometimes as well. I will be doing one thing and talking about something else, and I will say the name of whatever I am doing instead of what I am really talking about. I am not sure why the activity is less suspicious at a later time. Perhaps they could not join you for the cornmeal bread when you were searching, so they were hoping you would postpone the baking until they could show up for a snack?
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
14 Jun 11
It's either I'm very good, or I'm very lame! Because I would consider some of the things I do in here very suspicious, yet I never had gotten that kind of warning. In fact, I didn't knew such things exist here on myLot. I choose the 'very-good' kind (of flower searching for summer attire)!
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• United States
15 Jun 11
Awww thanks! I think that you must certainly be very good, and that is why you were never accused of engaging in any suspicious activities on here, because you are definitely not very lame. So, do you have any suggestions for the type of summer attire that I should get, since I was interrupted in my search and never did find any suitable solutions.
@hanuma34 (819)
• India
10 Jun 11
After going through number responses by other mylotters in this discussion, I felt I should add my response also for whatever it is worth. 'a flower searching for summer attire' seems innocuous but unusual. The remark you got is perhaps a system generated one. Out of the available list 'the activity is suspicious and try again later', must be the most common one used under such circumstances. I think there is no need for you to get worked up.
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• United States
10 Jun 11
I believe that you are correct, Hanuma, the message that I got is a system generated one that is triggered by certain activities. It is not really a serious matter as I believe that there are several ways to trigger this message when using the search feature, and I was not really upset about getting this warning. Many myLotters have gotten this warning at least once or twice. If a person starts getting it on a regular basis, though, then I think that there might be some cause for concern. I do like the fact that the discussion got good and informative responses, because it is always good to learn more. I really was trying to make this a more fun than serious sort of discussion, though, and some people also went in that direction with their responses. I think that a good mix of responses (both serious and silly) are great in a discussion, because then there are many ways to take the conversation without repeating the same things over and over again. It also gives people the opportunity to comment in many response boxes, which increases our earning potential as well as our fun interactions.
@hanuma34 (819)
• India
10 Jun 11
I do agree with you PA- (is that not how well you are known to mylotters?). If a discussion meets people like me it may be curtains because I tend to be more on the serious side. Only with some types of silly comments the discussion branches off and develops into a b..i..g one. There may be more fun and little information. Of course there may be some incentive in the form of some earning!
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@hanuma34 (819)
• India
10 Jun 11
P.S. All the same I appreciate that the discussion brought in quite good, interesting and informative responses. LOL.
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@TheHorse (224846)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Dec 15
I'd be a bit "weirded out" if I got that one!
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• United States
7 Dec 15
LOL - wow, this is one from a while ago! This was back when myLot had a different search feature than it does now. We were supposed to search for similar discussions on myLot before we started our own discussion, so that we did not get a bunch of duplicate discussions. If we found a similar discussion, then we were supposed to respond on that one and comment in other people's response boxes as well rather than start our own discussion. It was supposed to foster more interaction and communication rather than just "questions and answers". We could also search things not on myLot but all over the web (there were different search options), and sometimes we would earn a reward (a few pennies) for these searches. If we made too many searches or too many similar searches in a period of time, though, then we would get a "suspicious activity" warning.