Does your facebook profile picture tells everything about you??

June 10, 2011 9:09am CST
Your facebook profile picture is very important part of your profile.Does it tells everything about you i/e what kind of person you are and so on..??
4 responses
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
10 Jun 11
No. It doesn't reflect the inner me. I am shy but friendly once I get to know a person but in facebook I look like I am so open minded woman. Ha..ha
10 Jun 11
Yes. I reflects me. As I regularly change my profile pic according to my mood.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
hi, i can say yes that my Facebook profiles tells everything to me,and even my pictures their are always updated,i alwaystell everything to me except my real given name and my home address and my mobilenumber.and the other information are in their in my profiel.
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
My personality is not reflected on my Facebook profile pictures. But people tend to judge other people by just looking at their profile picture. Let us say if you use a sexy profile picture, you might be considered as easy to get? Or probably if your profile picture is with an animal or family member, you might be judge as someone who is friendly and loving. I don't know but some people nowadays tend to be judgmental.
• India
11 Jun 11
hi actually no .. not everyone's Facebook profile picture shows what kind of a person they really are .. some may be exactly the opposite of what they have portrayed as their profile picture in it could be in terms of appearance or nature etc...... and moreover everyone whether they are a coward or not so pretty or handsome would prefer uploading their best pictures in which they look the best from all angles as their profile picture ....... when that is the case how can you say that profile picture displays one's true character or what type of person he or she is because at the end of the day the profile picture is nothing but a glamorized version of the original person of course there are exceptions:):):)