Is it acceptable to abort a pregnancy the child will be severely disabled?
By mend3z
@mend3z (52)
June 10, 2011 1:57pm CST
This is something that I have never been able to form a concrete opinion on so would like to hear your views.
One side of me says that every pregnancy is a potential human and so they should be given a chance at live regardless of any problems they may have and the other side feels that if the child would be severely disabled perhaps it would be cruel for them to live as they would have no quality of life.
I don't know how else to put this but would it be "a waste of time and resources" to prolong a babies life if they still only grow to a few years old?
Hope to hear your opinions on this.
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15 responses
@way2vision (613)
• Canada
10 Jun 11
Its a sad idea, yet many are in favor of it. I do not support abortion, unless the mother's life is endangered. In some cases, some mothers have chosen their babies lives over their own. I do not understand how you could hate a life just because they are different. If you choose to abort a child that will be disabled, that is discrimination, you might as well abuse disable people wherever you go. It's very sad.
@mend3z (52)
10 Jun 11
That's a very good point - I have to admit I never considered it to be discrimination until now, I completely agree with that and also that it would be a very sad situation. I am lucky not to be in this situation at the moment but thought I would discuss it as it is something that I have often spoken about with my mother as she was in a similar predicament.
Are your views any different if the child is guaranteed to be a "vegetable" and to only live to a young age or do you feel that everyone should be given a chance?
Looking forward to hearing your views.
@way2vision (613)
• Canada
10 Jun 11
Well, life has never been fair to everyone. There are in most cases, more doors closed than opened. There are people who have been given the opportunity to rise and be successful yet has chosen to live like a vegetable instead. By that i mean people who live a lazy lifestyle, and has absolutely no contribution to society. Would you consider those people similar to people that have never been able to take action to begin with?
Take a look at pets, they may not contribute at all except be a burden and also be the jewel in peoples lives. So they take care of them, because it makes them happy.
Your child, whether able or not, was created by you, and should be appreciated by you. The beauty in nature is that nothing is perfect. If the child is not meant to become rich and famous, enjoy what ever time you can share with them. Maybe the child may not be able to recognize your love for them, but you have done your best to love and care for them. I believe that it is important to take care of ones self, but also when able to take others under their wing and help them in any way possible.
@simplywilma16 (53)
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
Hi mend3z!
for me no its not acceptable because just like what others opinion only god has the right to take away lives. so if I were in that position.. regardless of the situation I'm not going to abort my child I'll give her/him the right to live after all we all going to die in gods time.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
17 Jun 11
1) Abortion is a woman's choice, just as childbirth is. Whatever she thinks is best for her is what she should do.
2) Disabled children can be EXTREMELY difficult to care for. There are many factors to consider. First of all, finances. Not everyone can afford endless doctor bills and care for a disabled child. Nor can everyone be able to afford the time to care for said child. Or what about if they already have children? The care and well-being of the children who already exist needs to be taken into account.
3) The quality of life of the child. There are a fair amount of disabilities and abnormalities that can be fairly easily overcome and the child can grow into a happy, productive adult. However, there are many more still that will render the child in constant pain, or condemn them to an absurdly short existence of endless suffering. I honestly think that it's just plain selfish to bring a child into the world who will exist to only suffer and die.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
11 Jun 11
Every pregnancy is a "potential" human being? My question to you is, if this is true, then what's growing inside a woman for the nine months of the pregnancy? A tumor? A mass of cells? Does a baby automatically become human at the moment of birth?
Having said that, say that you give birth to a normal, healthy child and some years later, the child becomes physically and/or mentally disabled. Are you automatically going to kill the child that you've grown to love and cherish because you think it'll be a "waste of time and resources" to keep him or her alive? How can you say "We love you, honey, so we're going to put you out of your misery because you can't do what society says you have to do in order to succeed in life"?
If I seem like I'm rambling, I don't mean to. This is another one of the subjects that I'm really passionate about, and I try to explain my position in the nicest way I can. I apologize if it sounds like I'm being rude, because I honestly don't mean to be.
@icantthinkofaname (135)
17 Jun 11
I think until a woman is in the position of having to make that decision, it is impossible to state what is acceptable or not.
There are many factors that need to be taken in to account... What will the childs quality of life be like? What would any other children and the parents quality of life be like? Would the mother be able to cope with caring for a disabled child? The parents home and financial situation. The parents own mental state.
If I felt that the disability of my child would severely cause them to have a poor quality of life, then I'm sure I would consider it.
Disability is such a vague word and covers such a wide spectrum, it is impossible to say.
But ultimately it is the parents decision and responsibility to do what they feel is right for that child. And I don't feel it would be right to judge anyone after they have made that decision. As it would have been the hardest choice they have ever had to make x
@RebelBandGeek12 (129)
• United States
19 Jun 11
Nowadays, there are programs and support for families who have children with disabilities, so that should be taken into consideration. Because of my religious beliefs however, I say that it is absolutely unnacceptable to abort ANY pregnancy. From the moment of conception, every baby, even at the "blob of cells" level has a separate genetic identity from that of its mother. Therefore, to say that the baby is a part of the mother's body as if the child were a tumor or a piece of tissue is scientifically incorrect. The moment the mother's egg is penetrated by the father's sperm, that baby is an alive, genetically and spiritually unique human being. Those genes include ones for disabilities. All human beings deserve the right to live regardless of the perceived "imperfections" or disabilities the child might have. We are all human beings, even in utero, and we are all born with unique life expectancies and qualities. Every human being should be granted the same rights laid out by the Founding Fathers in our respected Declaration of Independence, the "right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" regardless of physical or mental handicap they may be born with.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
12 Jun 11
I have a friend and her parents were told by doctors that she would never walk. Amazingly she started walking at 4 years old. She is disabled but lives a happy life. She works with children and babies with special needs.
In my second pregnancy I was offered an abortion when they found out my son has spina bifida and hydrocephalus. I said no way and hoped for the best. My darling little son was born at home and went to live in hospital for the first three weeks of his life. They closed the hole in his back and put a shunt in his head. He is not able to walk and goes about in a wheelchair. He needs catheter care.
My disabled son is now 4 years old and he will be attending a mainstream school. He can talk well and use his hands. Everyone that meets him likes him. Every parent wants to have their child alive and happy. Doctors can't tell the whole story before a baby is born. So I think give every baby the chance of live however disabled it is thought he or she is.
I know other parents with disabled children. Each of these children are a joy and is happy I believe. I wouldn't ever choose to have an abortion.
@srganesh (6339)
• India
11 Jun 11
this is indeed a tough situation to handle. with the development of science and technology, people have a chance to scan and judge the babies growth at specific intervals. and they can identify an abnormal child and can terminate it at their will. But this is completely upto the individual's wish, I think. we can't justify under what circumstances they took that stand. Yet, I mourn for that terminated life!
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
For me in the eyes of Jehovah God it is big no to it so be good to your child and before you make a child be think if you are afford to care to it?.
@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
Abortion is generally killing another person so I'm extremely against it. I never liked the idea from the start. There are many options to raise a child. Even giving the baby to an orphanage, no matter how harsh it sounds, is still a valuable option.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
11 Jun 11
It depends on the opinion of each person. In my case I think it's completely acceptable to abort in that case, as giving birth to that child would be creating a life that's going to be suffering, and your kid might blame you for being forced to live like that.
People don't have just to think about how much they want to have a "cute" baby (babies aren't cute, though), but also about that kid's life and how our decisions would affect it, and if it's really worth giving it birth to him or her.
@moirai (2853)
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
I just answered a discussion on abortion a while ago and I mentioned there about this man who was born with no legs and no arms. Have you heard of him? I can't remember now what his name is. I think he's Australian if I remember right. But anyway... he's grown up now. He has no arms and legs, seriously. All he has is this thing that looks like some sort of flipper in place of one of his legs. But the amazing thing about him is that he has this amazing spirit. And not only that, he is able to do things that you wouldn't think he'd be able to do just by looking at him. He can even swim you know. =P I don't know how he does it. But he's an inspiration to a lot of people. He actually gives inspirational talks.
What if he was aborted?
The thing is... we can never really tell what the future holds for anyone. There are a lot of disabled people in the world who do well despite their conditions. Who are we to prevent anyone from trying to reach their potential? Who are we to say that they have no potential?
I believe that if an individual has no chance at all to survive in this world, nature will have a way to end it. It is nature who decides (or God, whichever you prefer), not us.
@tink91879 (742)
• United States
11 Jun 11
I believe all life is valuable born perfect or imperfect. God made each person a certain way. I would rather have a few moments of pure bliss and to have heartache with a love lost than to have never known that little love at all. Sometimes doctors will give a child only a few days or months to live and the child outlives their expectations. Nobody can really determine how long a child will live. I believe that is up to God and the child. To abort a baby though for not being perfect is wrong. My opinion. I wont sit there and put anyone down for making the ultimate decesion. I think that is wrong too. We need to be respectful of others and show love and mercy. I cant say what I believe and dont believe in but its not my place to force another to do so. In my case though I would never abort one of my babies.
@kuramax (80)
• United States
11 Jun 11
No, whatever the baby's personality may be, I would say no to abortion. You will kill an innocent baby just to help him not to suffer anymore? You are taking the baby's right to live. You bear that child so you were responsible to take care of him, to love him, and to help him grow as a decent person. I know, we are not murderers but saying yes to abortion means you are a murderer.
@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
10 Jun 11
Hi mend3z!!!
If I were to conceive, and the doctors at some point told me that my child would not live past the age of, lets say, three, because they have a severe disability... then most likely, I would abort the child before it is born.
In my mind, it would be nothing but pain and heartache if the child was born... and you were raising it knowing they would soon pass away. I do not think it is right to bring a child in this world KNOWING they will not live past a young age such as three. There is no point in it, and I see no good that could come out of it.
However, if the doctors told me that the child would live, but live life with a disability... so long as they would not live life as a vegetable so to speak, I would give birth and raise the child, giving it the best life possible. Severely disabled people can still live a happy life if cared for properly.