I'm intimidated by intelligent people

@Masihi (4413)
June 10, 2011 2:15pm CST
This does sound strange, but I'm actually intimidated when I'm around intelligent people. While it takes me longer for me to figure out things, I often feel like they come down to my level and talk on my level. Even yesterday, I had to go to a lady's house to keep her company as there were painters at her house, and since she was suffering from an illness that sucks her energy, and she's extremely intelligent. She's really cheerful, assertive, everything is good about her. Even a family friend who's been a true friend over the years, I sometimes get shy. And the guy I work with online, I'm admin on his site, he's a dentist. Grrr, I just get so tongue-tied, or I get anxious and want to leave the room, or stop chatting with the admin/dentist fella...heck I don't even message him very often anymore. Dangit, is there something wrong with me?
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12 responses
• United States
10 Jun 11
No do not feel this way, I think basically is that you are shy and the shy part of you is what is making you feel this way. While speaking to the lady did she show any gestures of being uncomfortable while you were there? My guess is no and perhaps you just need to remind yourself of how valuable you are to others. This may help in recognizing that you are not beneath anyone, do remember she had you over and the dentist/Admin of the site also enjoys your company. If not they would not continue to relate with you if they didn't. So continue to be you and work on the I am me and this is who I am, as for the shy part, continue to tell yourself each time you are among others that it is like they are amongst true friends and it may help you in getting over the shyness. No matter how smart we are there are likely to be others even smarter, however we should not worry about whether we are not smart enough. It helps me all the time.
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• United States
10 Jun 11
Probably not and I think even the most intelligent people in the world at times feel a little uncomfortable and or shy in certain situations. You see you laughed and joked and that while you felt shy. So you see my dear friend you are not less intelligent at all, because you used your great thinking power to deter the shy feeling. Some people, though it is out of nature, cannot do this.
@Jessi_T (379)
• United States
10 Jun 11
There's nothing wrong with you Masihi, Intelligent who what? Seriously girl even though they are nothing wrong with you, you got to get in the habit of reminding yourself you are just as good as everyone else even if they may seem more intelligent then you, there is something you do better then they do. That is what makes us all special we are all intelligent in different ways and it just may take us awhile to figure out how we are intelligent. =) I know it's hard to not feel intimidated at times but practice telling yourself that you are just as good as the next person and before long you will start to forget about it and it helps you to enjoy the conversation more once you do =)
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@marguicha (225669)
• Chile
11 Jun 11
I´m sure that your problem is mostly shyness which has also hundered you from stopping verbal abuse from your husband. But I love your posts because they are interesting and well written. If you weren´t intelligent, you would not be able to write this way. You are able to express perfectly well your thought and feelings, that is, you understand what is happening in both of your brain lobes. Not too many people are capable of that. Look at yourself in the mirror and say:"Aren´t I clever?"
@marguicha (225669)
• Chile
11 Jun 11
People are born with some talents but they have to develop them. It´s like learning a language. When I started posting at mylot, I´m sure I made more mistakes than I do now and I had to go to the dictionary more often for the word in English. I don´t think your reading level is an 8th grader´s. I think it is a lot more than that. You used "speechless", "struggled", "articulate" all in one sentence. Ask an 8th grader to do that. There are lots of books that are well written yet not boring that you can read. They will give you more vocabulary without even asking for it. Try the classics in romance. Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice are two of my favorites. And I reread once in a while a novel written for children by a canadian author. Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery. It should be in your local library.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
Actually, I own the book Jane Eyre and enjoyed it immensely!! I haven't read Pride and Prejudice before but perhaps I'll borrow that from the library, and I do remember Montgomery's books as a child, the Green Gables and Avonlea. Once when I was a kid we visited Montgomery's gravesite, it was pretty neat (in Prince Edward Island). I admit I'm quite a bookworm, always have been since I was little, in fact they were my best friends, since I was an outcast in school, both elementary and high schools. I graduated with the skin of my teeth, though, hehehehe.....*blush* Hmmm...so I did use those 3 words...in one sentence....without even realising it. Oftentimes I just write (here on MyLot) stuff that comes from the top of my head, since it's a very relaxed environment, but man, when I'm writing for pay or an article I break out into a nervous sweat! :-p You do extremely well for a 2nd language, for sure, I'm impressed. Right now I'm teaching the admin/dentist guy I posted in my original post basic English (he's Greek) and he's getting better, definitely a lot better than he was this time last year, that's for sure. I fixed a lot of texts for him (simple answers to questions) from time to time, maybe that's why he chose me to work with him, because I have patience with him :-p
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
Wow, thanks for such a kind post, I admit I'm speechless, because I've always struggled in academics, but I have had people tell me that I was articulate in my expressions, both in speech and in writing. I think my reading level is around what an 8th grader's level would be, though. That's the same level as the newspapers here in Canada.
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
You don't have to be afraid of them. I used to hang out with intelligent people all the time and there are some who take pride in their intelligence, it's great to chat with them overall. I learn a lot and that's great for someone who's indifferent most of the time when it comes to physics, chemistry, etc..
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• Philippines
11 Jun 11
Yep. They physical in public.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
Okay, well, when it comes to chemistry and physical only nerds talk about that in public!
@moirai (2853)
• Philippines
10 Jun 11
Try to think of it this way... we each have our own strengths. If you think they are better than you in some way, and so feel intimidated by them because of those, surely there are other aspects in which you are better than they are. I'm not saying you should feel arrogant because of those. I'm saying just keep in mind that we all have things we are good at. Have a nice day! =)
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
True, about we all having our strengths, but sometimes it just exhausts my brain to even think about trying to act knowledgeable or anything. I just want to be me, and I tend to be on the more goofy/silly side, hehe
@moirai (2853)
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
Ahh. I see. Well, maybe you shouldn't try to 'act knowledgeable'. Be honest and say, oh, I don't know much about that. I haven't read about that or heard of it. But I will try to learn more, little by little. Something like that. Nothing wrong with being just you. In fact, it's better if you stay true to yourself instead of trying to pretend you are something else. And go ahead with being goofy/silly as you are, laughter tends to make things lighter. =)
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
Insecurity is the root of it. Try beefing up your self confidence and esteem. You'll suddenly find yourself being able to talk to different kinds of people. Being intimidated is a result of fearing what is unknown, and in your case, fearing of getting embarassed in front of an intelligent person (who know a lot of things than you do). Better relax and free yourself of insecurities. Hope this helps!
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
That's for your kind words of encouragement, ya, there is some pain/embarrassment in stretching myself from time to time, but since I'm not going to escape the intelligent world I may as well keep on confronting my fears. I just wish it wasn't so hard, and my anxiety disorder doesn't help things either :-p (I admit after I started treatment with my doctor things have improved on an emotional level).
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
Well, in my opinion, insecurity brings about shyness in a person. Much more of a causal relation than being similar. Just go with the flow and try as much as possible to always confront experiences with intelligent people. This way you would be comfortable by using experiences with them. Do not try to stay away from the intimidating moment and expose yourself to it every now and then. You'll suddenly see the results if you just go and converse with intelligent people upfront. Good luck and I tell you, you can do that! Always try to improve in everything that you do!:)
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@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
13 Jun 11
I sometimes feel like that, too. The funny thing is a lot of people think of me as intelligent and while I am more booksmart than some of my friends, I am very bad at small talk and social outings. I also went to a really good high school where most graduates come out to be doctors, lawyers, and other highly professional people whereas I was always too shy to assert myself and settled for a lesser job.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
13 Jun 11
Oh gosh, I'm terrible at small talk and social outings as well!!! But I think we should be in places where our personality is suited, not what society expects of us. There are other ways of sharing your intelligence than becoming prominent citizens like lawyers and doctors and such. For me, I have to read careful most things that I read before I can make sense out of the words.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jun 11
Well you just confirmed to me that you are intelligent. Hanging around intelligent people might make you a bit unsecure, however their intelligence and way of thinking will rub off on you. Don't you dare run!!!! If you feel you have nothing to offer them in return, remember the most priceless thing you can give, your Love and Kindness. Always be super friendly and smile. Besides, other people like to talk. Only the real intelligent ones, like yourself, are good at listening.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
LOL I'd rather listen than to talk, personally, I"m like a sponge :-p I stutter when I talk and I hate the sound of my voice so if I'm quite and just listen I'm fine :-p The real trouble is when I'm talking one-on-one or in a small group like 3-4 people all having a conversation and they include me into it, ouch!
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
11 Jun 11
Oh Masihi, I know how you feel; I was once very much like you, but I decided that I would try to break out of the shyness shell, and I did. However, it did not happen overnight; I started by reeducating myself. I read many books on everything and watch important channel on television, (keeping up with current events)any word I came across that I didn't know I would look it up on dictionary.com (they pronounce it for you so if you don't know the meaning or how to pronounce it, this is the site). Everyday (even now) I am educating myself and I have built my confidence to be comfortable around anyone. I hope you know that you are not the only one out there who is going through these feelings, which, with a little work, you can overcome.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
It's funny that you mentioned that because I'm all the time reading Wikipedia's articles, I find them really fascinating to read :-D
@m_perez (506)
• United States
11 Jun 11
Well I have the same issue. Every time I talk to a person of higher intellect than me I start saying some really dumb stuff. I hate it and some aren't to nice about it.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
Some people don't understand that we're human as well as they are, I guess. I tend to stay by myself most times and let people come up to me and strike up a conversation, though I"m more expressive online than offline. Ah, well, at least most the people I associate with are understanding, there's a few uppity people who act in total utter surprise that I can actully KNIT!!!!!, or I can actually BAKE PIES!!!!! and all that LOL so I get smart at them and say that any visually impaired can do things providing that they have proper adaptations - just as good as you sighted people! hehehehe....
@iklananda (1202)
11 Jun 11
I was intimidated by a group of intelligent people and the internet is my best way to release it other way i am die and must follow their rule.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
I find the Internet is a great place to be when meeting people, as they look at your words and not your looks type thing. I'm definitely more accepted online than I am offline :-p LOL
@MBBerry (24)
• United States
11 Jun 11
While your shyness might be natural you have no reason to be intimadated. Will Rogers once said "We are all ignorant just on different subjects." You have your areas that you shine in and people probably envy those things in you. I often feel stupid when it comes to computer functions. Just try and relax and remember that everyone you talk to have thier own feelings of not being great at some things or not as good as they would like.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 11
That's true we all have our topics in which we're good in. Oh gosh, talk about computers! LOL I'm so ignorant when it comes to computers, I remember first starting out I actually asked a tech support guy if a virus would literally make a computer blow up - as in explosion blow-up type thing. I can only imagine him getting off the phone with me and letting out a loud guffaw!!!!