...has independence lost its importance?

June 11, 2011 1:28pm CST
June 12 is our official independence day. A lot of lifetimes ago, it marked our desire and inclination to be independent form any foreign power. However, nobody recognize that. Not the Spaniards, the Americans nor the Japanese. After the foreign power and the establishment of our own government, the tragic Martial Law came. I guess the only thing to ask in this auspicious day is whether or not the independence that many of our countrymen fought so many battles before has lost its importance. We do fly our flags, sing the national anthem but I wonder if this all out of tradition and practice. We aren't exactly known for our patriotism (except for the our heroes and countrymen who went into battle) and face it, we're still scrambling for our national identity. Do you think that our independence means something now, in this age and this generation? Or are we practicing shallow patriotism just becuase it's part of history? Love to hear your views and opinions.
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4 responses
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Being an American my experience is of course very different from yours. Most of us are very patriotic and we honor those who fought to give us our independence. Of course there are always going to be people who don't appreciate it. When the terrorists crashed in to the towers and the capital building we really came together as a nation. Everyone had their flags flying and we all grieved for those innocent people who lost their lives.
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
In sense, your ancestors was the one of the pioneers of democracy in the modern world. I guess in those days, even my country's national hero, looked at America and what it symbolized - freedom from the opposed foreigner. You had the British, French and other European nationalities in your country and we had The Spanish as an unwelcome visitor for three hundred of years. Took a long time to us to wake to our senses and retaliate. I guess I am only lamenting that patriotism isn't as practiced or as visible in my country as in yours. I always see and hear your elected official and common citizens express and emphasize on your country. Hope someday it will also happen here.
• China
12 Jun 11
I think its a complicated discussion. In nowsday society, lots of people's hearts are full filling with various desires such as money, status, repution or other things. and maybe thwy have even little shuuchishin, don't mention the patriotism. but, in my opinion that the youth generation should have patriotism about their country mother. that can help grown better
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
We had a famous quote form our national hero that goes and translate as this 'the youth is the future of the nation'. Sadly, that doesn't translate well into reality and it just a common catchphrase that nobody (even the youth) takes seriously. Though I had a very nice speech centering on this, I think more and more young people in my country are influenced by globalization and fitting in, rather than stand out in a room full of nations and be proud of what they are.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
The answer is really simple and obvious. I cannot name a single person I know, personally or as a public figure, who I can truly believe is willing to die for this country's sake, myself included. I have been coming to the conclusion that all the efforts and sacrifices made by our courageous patriots is truly one big waste. I do not mean to disrespect them, I am only expressing my opinion on my view of what is happening in our country. These great Filipino men and women who have gave so much and even their lives would have not done the same if only they could see where their actions would lead this country to centuries later, to the present. Truly you too could agree that there is not much left of what they have fought for, even freedom now is just something we want to believe we are enjoying but in reality we are bounded by so much unwanted chains that enslave us from the crimes of those who have taken advantage. I am a Filipino, and truly our blood is that of brave heroes, but how I wish a lot of things aren't the way our country is today.Happy Independence day, KABAYAN!
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
I guess I am guilty as you are when it comes to being brave. I never felt brave before and I understand in our modern society and setting that people are most likely to fend for themselves and their interests and not for the good of everybody. I also left wondering of what the heroes of the past will think of us. Most of us grew in the comfort of freedom and convenience. We have no realization of what and how much sacrifices are made not only for personal interests. I think it's a shame that we are loosing our national identity as well as our national spirit. I don't want to think about it but I often thought that our legacy as a nations and handled by our brave heroes has been indeed wasted over the years.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
12 Jun 11
Well, I'm not from your country, but I think the independence of it doesn't have to mean anything to other countries, because it's something that happened in a foreign country to us. For the citizens of your country, I think that if you're happy that you could finally be an independent country, why not recognizing that? Independence of a country can mean something or nothing depending on the person. Not because of being a national of a country means you want to be identified with it
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
We may be independent by virtue of having no foreign power who suppresses us but we still have issues concerning patriotism. I guess those two come had in hand. If you to wanted freedom for your country, you must love your country, right? The thing that I wanted to discuss is that in the long course of time, people in my country are reaping the benefits of sacrifices made during the past. In my view, we should have least repaid that by truly loving my country and doing steps to improve it. The point of independence is to free from oppression to grow independently but if we still somehow depend on other nations, there is no point of being independent in the first place. Independence is just something for the history books and nothing relevant in this modern world.