what would you do if the boy/girl you love has a gf/bf?

holding each other - boy wants to hold girl he loves^^
June 11, 2011 3:48pm CST
hi guys what would you do if the boy you love has a gf? would you fight to be with him anyway or would you just letting him go even knowing he is your true love? what would you do? about me i would showing him my love everyday so he would know that i really love him. i wouldnt try to steal him away from her but i would say how he means to me. i just couldnt let go of a guy i love unless he loved her. but if he didnt love her i would keep saying i love him so maybe he could leave his gf to be with me. what would you guys do?
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27 responses
@gamma9967 (607)
• India
12 Jun 11
That should not happen to any one but unfortunately if it happens to me then i will definitely leave her and will never ever talk with her but i will not hurt her because i truly loved her but i will never ever go back to her that is for sure.
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
i understand your feelings. you would be afraid to get hurt again right? sometimes i wish i thought a bit differently. but when i love someone i really get too blind. its like things are obvious and i just want to see a good side. anyway i cant let him go. if he wants to just forget about me, then i cant stop him. but i wont be the one that will give up. i love him too much to just let him go. he has to make a decision and i will wait for it.
• India
15 Jun 11
Yes i am scared that my feelings could be hurt again and what's the point holding to that person who has cheated and what's the guarantee that person will not cheat again so i think i will leave that person.
• United States
11 Jun 11
Hi cat It is hard to give you what is right and or wrong unless we have gone through it or not. I have been guilty in the past of hoping things would change and they simply did not for me. Therefore, I would suggest that because you love him, one really has to love someone to let them go. Meaning wait a while, though you can still have feelings and see how things go. See some ex-partners will take us for granted, Meaning they know no matter what you will be there and surely that is not someone we want. We want someone to make us his/her number one always and not as a last resort or someone thy know they will have there later. I would say to allow some time away with no communication, perhaps to see if the person truly misses you. There are times when an ex can feel like so secure that if they needed you, you will be there. This only leads to continual pattern later of perhaps being cheated on. So wait for a while and see if he freely comes back to you. I do wish you all the best and hope it all works out and or you get someone who makes you his number one.
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
i think you are right^^ im just afraid that he doesnt come back :( i truly love him you know? and the fact is that this girl can do all to prove her love bcs she lives near him. and me? all i can do is to talk with him by far. thats why im so afraid to stop talking for awhile. it is bcs we couldnt talk for awhile that he found someone :( if i just stop talk for awhile again, he might forget me completely. thats what im so afraid of :( i just dont know what to do
@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
16 Jun 11
Hi sweetloveforeve, HWG has made some good points there. If he doesn't come back to you, that proves that he really doesn't love you.
• India
12 Jun 11
well if my girl whom i loved had a boyfriend i would tell her tat i love her and if she doesn't wanna leave that guy and she is happy with him i would be really happy to see her happy as at the end of the day what matters to me is her happiness and i would step back if I find that , that guy loves her more and can take care of her more than me n she is really happy to be with him........
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
i will do the same. but he said he loves me^^ so if he loves me i cant give up on him. sure i wont try to break them apart but he will have to decide if its me or her. i see you are a really good guy. you would let her be happy with someone else^^ i guess thats what everyone would do. and im happy that you would tell her your feelings and allow her to choose what to do. its good that you would fight for her and not just let her go without at least ask her how she feels too.
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
I don't think I can say how I feel to the boy I love... I'm shy and afraid, what if he'll get mad at me or he'll just ignore me? waaaahhh I'd better not telling him what I feel... I like this boy so much but whenever he pass by, I just couldn't look his face... and my friend's always teasing me.. I think he's 4-5 years older than me... and I don't think he likes me...
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
i understand you feel very shy about tell him about your feelings^^ i would feel the same way. but the truth is that you can think about a way that he talks with you without being so obvious. why you dont ask your friends to help you? but sure in a quiet way^^ you can like pass by him and let something fall and wait that he catch and gives you that^^ but you have to let it fall without show it was done in purpose ahah or you can just act like falling in the floor and wait that he gives you a hand^^ really cute right? but that way you have to walk alone without friends around so he is the only one that can give you the hand^^ ahah you can ask your friends to just try to investigate where he will pass by. then you are in that place he will pass by and you fall ahah ^^ or let something fall and wait he helps you^^ just try your luck^^
• China
12 Jun 11
yes ,it's my situation now. the boy I love has a gf for seven years, he is so gentle, I could't help want to see him, hear his voice, I could't make sure if it is ture love. damn love!
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
so you truly understand me^^ im happy to find someone that is on my situation^^ some people just judge without being in our position^^ well i think its normal how you feel. you just want to listen his voice and see him. thats what i want too^^ im so sorry that he has a gf for 7 years. thats a lot of time. does he love you too? if he does, maybe you can say to him your feelings. we should always tell how we feel or we can lose the chance to be happy. who knows he loves you too^^
• United States
12 Jun 11
Well it really all depends on whether or not he takes any serious interest in you... if yes then well i'd tell them how i truly felt and fight the hardest I could to make them mine forever. But, if he only has a slight interest in you i'd leave the situation alone because if he is she is in love with this other person then there isn't much you can really do about it and you just have to move on. Been there done that, it isn't easy but it in the end it its worth it.
• Portugal
14 Jun 11
he says he loves me. but the truth is that we are so far. she is near him. i mean its really hard to fight against that. sometimes i feel im helpless in this situation. but then i know i love him truly and i cant let him go without fight first. i told him my feelings and now he has to see in his heart what he will do. but i couldnt just let him go. i truly love him and i want to be with him as soon as i can^^ but sure while he is with her i cant.
@shibham (16977)
• India
14 Jun 11
Well, i have no g/f and my bride will be my g/f after marriage... and if it occurs after marriage, then it will be a big blow for me... i dont know what i will do... better it will depend on situations. Have a nice day.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
16 Jun 11
Agree... cent percent.
• Portugal
14 Jun 11
thanks for share your opinion^^ i think you are right we have to be on the situation to know things better. im sad that some people here just judge without know all the story. its not easy to be in a situation like this. if you really love someone isnt so easy to just say i will let him go. to love someone is really complicated. we should always try to stick near the person. i just cant give up without fight first. a true love is like that. dont you agree?^^
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
12 Jun 11
I am not a love guru but as I know about love , I think you will always want the happiness of the person whom you love, so If I were in a place and know that the person whom I love , he or she loves someone else, I would be more happier if he is happy with her. That is actually the real love. Other thing that I know that it is not possible some time to bring him or her towards me , so I would have put my energy on me or somewhere else to convince me for the reality.
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
i want his happiness. you dont know all the story, why you are judging me? he doesnt love her so sure i have to fight for him. its not just let go of person you love. we let go if this person loves someone else. but if that isnt the case we shouldnt. love is not just about let go. if we love we fight till the end. thats what love is. and about see the reality im seeing it. and if it is to answer me in a rude way next time dont reply on my discussions!
@ansi09 (151)
• Tunisia
11 Jun 11
Damn girl, love hurts, lol, what a disease, you are in deep love sweetloveforever, & that's a good thing. I envy your ex-boyfriend, haha, how come he let you go. You are sweet & beautiful, i guess you should let go sweetloveforever, as long as he's with someone else right now, it's just not meant to be, i passed through that also, but my ex-girl friend lives in the usa, & am from tunisia, way far from each other. I suppose cyber love is so rare to succeed. You are cute woman sweetloveforever, you'll find someone who really appreciate your company ^_^
• Portugal
14 Jun 11
yes maybe i should let go.. i just dont know what i really should do. i love him so much and it really breaks my heart to let him be with someone else. but what can i do? he knows i love him. and he accepted someone so that was his decision. i just cant keep hurting so much myself. i need to make a decision about what to do. i know that to let go is very hard and for me we shouldnt let go ever. but if he doesnt want to wait for me, i have to let him :(
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
I am not really sure how to answer this. If he leaves her because of me, that would be a great burden and I have respect for my fellow women. I can just imagine the pain she would go through. But if I came into his life just when he was already falling out of love with her then maybe I could endure the guilt and not give up on him. Nevertheless I would still wait until he's free before committing myself to him. I have this belief that if a guy could fool around with his former girlfriend, there's no guarantee he wouldn't do the same to me. So I just want to make sure that I'm not the main reason why he broke up with her.
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
well what happened is that i was waiting for him and he was waiting for me. but he found someone else and didnt tell me i was really chocked. so i asked him what was that. he said that he did that for both of us to dont get hurt anymore. he said he loves me and i asked him if he loved her and not me anymore and he said he doesnt love her much. he just said not much. and he said love would find his way and next month he would find a job. so this means he wants to be with me right? thats why i didnt give him up. i was there waiting him and she came. sure i wont just be saying i love him and he is with her. i wouldnt feel ok about it. i told him i love him but for him to make his decision.
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
I will stop loving him as early as possible so my peaceful life will stay the same. Just bear in mind that if you are in her gf's position, you won't like it either. Don't hurt someone so that in time, no one will hurt you also.
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
you are just judging me without know the story. im not doing anything to his gf. he was waiting for me when he just found her. i just told him i still love him when he said he loves me too. whats wrong about it? i didnt say nothing to his gf. if i was bad i would go and tell her that while he accepted to be with her he was supposed to be waiting for me. and i didnt do that. i asked him only to choose bcs he said he doesnt love her much and he still loves me. dont judge a situation you are not in. besides i just told him how i feel for him.
• Philippines
16 Jun 11
I am not judging you and I won't do it. I'm just stating some facts here. If you got hurt or felt guilty it wasn't my fault anymore. I didn't say "you" as in you yourself in my comment, it is a general idea. You have a wrong perception in my comment. Sorry about that.
• Indonesia
11 Jun 11
hi friend. you shoul find another man that has not have a girl yet. it's better.
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
well deni is more complicated than that^^ he was waiting for me but bcs we are so far and he didnt want to hurt us any longer, he found someone else. but he doesnt love her. he loves me. thats why i didnt let him go. sure im not trying to steal him away. i just want him to say if he loves me and will leave her to wait for me. or if he will be with her. sure i wont force him or bother him. but would you let go of someone that loves you too and just found someone for you both dont get hurt bcs of distance? its not so easy to let go when you really are in love.
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
it's never wrong to love someone whatever the circumstances but what you do out of that love could be wrong. Just let him know how you feel but don't expect too much. If you really love him, you'll be happy as long as he's happy even if it includes you or not.
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
sure. i just want his happiness. and im happy that you say that it isnt wrong that i said to him that i love him. i was feeling like i was being a bad person. but i think that its really hard to just let go the person you love. mostly when he says he loves you yet. how can you say ok i let you go? its not easy at all. but sure if he chooses to love her there is nothing i can do. sadly im not near him to just go and hold him tight
@kyle0329 (57)
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
One thing to know when you go into relationship is that be sure that the one you plan to be with is free.Remember always that not all single are available.If you found out that he/she has gf/bf then you have to be fair,talked to him/her and clarify things so that everything will be okay. Happy mylotting and Godbless..:)
• Portugal
14 Jun 11
kyle your answer really helped me^^ i must talk with him and ask him if he wants to wait for me or be with that girl. we both love him and one will get hurt. so he should decide now before more hurt gets done. i have to be strong and ask him directly. im afraid of his decision. but all i can do is to ask what he wants to do. im getting hurt and i get more hurt if he leaves but if he is meant for me he will be together happens what happens.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Jun 11
If he was with someone else then that would be my clue. He is not being forced to be with someone he doesn't love and he obviously doesn't feel the same about me so I'd ignore it and let it be. I can't really love someone that I haven't spent a lot of time with so it would be just a crush anyway....maybe a huge crush but not love. I would not do anything to interfere with someone else's relationship. I would wait for him to be single or move on.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I don't understand. If he loves you and not her then why is he with her? That isn't fair to you or her or even himself. Maybe there are parts of the story that I just don't know about but from what you say it just seems as if he is playing both of you. I'm not saying that he is but that is just what it sounds like.
• Portugal
14 Jun 11
i understand what you mean. but he said he loves me. i understand his side also. we are so far so he just didnt want us to get hurt any longer. but what hurts me the most is if he just chooses someone else. sure i wont interfer and if he doesnt choose to leave her, i will just wait that he gets single. i love him truly and its not easy for me to just forget about him. i think that that is like impossible to do without know things clearly first.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
If I am in that situation much better for me let her go. Because I know in the future she still cheating me and it will be bother me if that always happen... How can you love a person in that gesture. How can you fight for something which in reality she did not loves you and continue denying you? Better to let her go, friend
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
Well, I appreciate how you love that person. Even if there is a sign that he is not coming back with you. There is still hope with you. Your taking the chance...which you take the song of air supply 'I can wait forever'..have a nice day!
• Portugal
14 Jun 11
i understand what you mean. you say that he can cheat me right? well i dont think he would do that if we were near each other. the truth is that our situation is very hard. we are far away since awhile already and it isnt so easy to wait for the one you love for monthes. i cant let him go unless he says he loves someone else. if he does then i have to let him go but for now i will just wait for his answer^^ lets wish that he says he loves me and chooses me
• Portugal
14 Jun 11
i dont know if he will come back or not. its not like i will be waiting forever. i love him but if he chooses someone else i have to let him go. but you shouldnt talk that way. its so hard to know what to do in a situation like mine. if you loved a girl so so much you wouldnt talk like that. i love this guy a lot and its not easy for me to just forget him. im not the kind of girl that just find other guys all the time. im not moving on so fast. i need to know things clearly before make a decision.
• Mexico
11 Jun 11
Hi sweet love forever: I think that if a situation like this would happend to me, I'd respect this relationship. My interest is to make this person I think I love happy and if she is happy right now I won't destroy her relationship, but she is suffering and she is into a disfunctional relationship I'll try to make her notice so she'll understand and probably take the decision to be happy with someone else . ALVARO
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
he said he loves me. thats why im so confused in what to do. anyway i must think well in what i will do. its just so hard to feel i lost him. i love him and to let him go is so hard. he doesnt love that girl much. thats what he said. so it means he doesnt love her. he just likes the way she treats him i guess. i dont know what i should do but im so afraid to lose him. i will think about what is the best to do. i will think with my heart^^
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
If he leaves his girlfriend to be with you, then he might just do the same with you too... Always put yourself in other people's shoes, though I always go for what makes me happy I never go for it if it hurts other people...think that the gf is also a girl, how would you feel if you were in her place....sooner or later when that man really loves you and not his gf, he'll just break up with her without your interference or she'll break up with him...and if he's really in love with you he'll court you properly, not the other way around....
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
i put myself in her shoes. but he doesnt love her. he said he loves me and if i just let him to be with that girl he might fall for her. thats why i just said to him if he loves me, to leave her. of course i cant be saying i love a guy that has a gf. i wouldnt like if i had a bf and a girl was saying she loves him. thats why i asked him to choose. its just so hard to be in my situation. she is near him and im so far. all i can do is tell i love him but to prove is so hard :(
• Indonesia
11 Jun 11
you should find another man that has not had a girl yet. it's better.
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• United States
11 Jun 11
I don't think you should degrade yourself so that you have to wait around for someone. I don't think a woman should try to start a relationship with a man unless he is completely enthusiastic and loyal to her. Otherwise, he will just lose interest eventually. In your case, you should not have to fight for anyone before anything has even started. You can be there for him, but if he doesn't see you as more than a friend, he's just not going to.
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• Portugal
14 Jun 11
he loves me. the problem is that we are so far. sure if he didnt love me would be so easy to let him go. but he does. if i just stop talking with him, im afraid he forgets me i just dont know what i should do. i just know i really love him but should i interfer in his relation? i think i shouldnt. i feel im being selfish and not thinking about that girl feelings. but i really love him so much