Our Beloved Chihuahua Peanut Passed Away
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
June 11, 2011 9:52pm CST
late Monday night early Tuesday morning. And it is the reason I've not responded to any or very few discussions in the past few days. Peanut would've been 13 years old next month. He was a very smart little guy too. We miss him so much. He was the last of the originals, which is what we call them. Our gang started with two cocker spaniels, a chihuahua and two cats. They're all gone now. Hard to believe. We miss them all even though it's been years since the first one passed away. I know they're all in a much better place than I am but still, it's hard to let them go. Hopefully we'll get to see them again some day. I really hope so.
Anyway, Peanut loved my parents so much especially my dad (grandpa) His ears would perk right up and his eyes would be really opened and bright when granma or granpa was mentioned. Sad to say but Wednesday was my dad's 79th birthday. It broke his heart to hear about Peanut. Wish he could've held on for another couple of days but it just wasn't meant to be.
Hubby and I spent the day with my parents. We had bought them a set of white rocking chairs for their front porch and bought him a white dogwood tree because he commented about how pretty they were on the ride back from his doctors appointment in Salem which is two hours drive away so we had to get that for him for Fathers Day which is coming up. Then we took them both out to dinner to a Mexican resturant which they both really enjoyed. The staff sang happy birthday to dad with a Mexican hat on his head. We had a good time in spite of what had happened the day before. We know that that's what Peanut would've wanted so we carried on. We got some pictures of dad with the hat too which was so cute.
Anyways folks, I'm trying to get back into things and although it's been a rough road these past few weeks, I'm going to give it a try again to get back into the swing of things.
Has anybody missed me lately? Or did you even know I was gone?
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20 responses
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Thanks jillhill.... he's in a much better place than here on earth. He'd been sick for a while now so we knew his time had become very limited but still, we miss him very much because he was a great dog.
Yes, we did have a great time with my parents on my dad's birthday. Honestly, none of us kids thought he'd be around this long but are very happy that he is!! At the same time, I'm sorry you don't have yours. Please know that you all will be together again one day..... but we can wait on that!!
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
12 Jun 11
I am sorry to her about Peanut. Our animals really do become a part of our families and when they are gone there is an emptiness and sadness and really can't be replaced.
You are a good daughter and the dinner sounds like it was delightful for all even under the circumstances. It is comforting to all be together when everyone is sharing a sadness.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Thank you stary.... yes they do become a part of the family. A huge part of our family. It'll take some time to get used to the idea that he's really gone. He was really something.
It was my dad's birthday why we took them both out to dinner. He loves mexican food as my husband and I do so that's where we went. Mom tried something she's never had before and liked it so we'll be going back more often now.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
12 Jun 11
I knew you were gone, but I also know you spend a lot of time with your folks. I thought about you earlier today actually. Sounds like a really nice set of chairs and a pretty tree. My dad is not doing so well. You need to post the picture of your dad in the hat.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Hi GG, I did spend a lot of time with my parents but I don't anymore. I mean, I still clean their house once every two weeks or so and a few other things but I'm not with them as much as I was because mom is doing a lot better than she had been. She still has her dizzy moments which she works through them if they're not bad.
You've been thinking about me? ME? I must've left an impression on you.... I sure hope a good one!!
I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Mine isn't doing good either. He's having a hard time with his breathing and his doctors are giving him a hard time about getting oxygen to help him. I know it's only a matter of time before he drops and leaves us. It's hard as hell for us kids to watch our parents falter more and more.
I've included a picture of my parents at the dinner. Hope you enjoy it....

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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
12 Jun 11
I am so sorry Cats, I remember a few times you mentioned Peanut and yes, I believe some day you will see him again along with all your other pets who have gone before him.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I can't remember what your beliefs are, but if you are a believer in the Bible, I do have scripture proof that you will..If you are interested, I can e-mail you what I have, maybe you'll find it encouraging..:)
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Jun 11
Oh yes! I'm a firm believer of the Bible and Christianity! Do send it for I'd love to see it! Thanks so much!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Thanks carmelanirel.... Peanut has left a huge loss in our hearts with his passing. Even though I know he's in a much better place without all the 'old age' problems he had, he's better now and free of all of his troubles. I hope you're right that we do see him along with the others when our time comes. It'll be a huge reunion for us all.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
12 Jun 11
I'm sorry to hear about your poor dog. It sounds like he led a good life. I'm sure he is in a better place now. I'm glad you were able to be with your parents for your dad's birthday. I like it when restaurants help patrons celebrate like that. I hope that things start going better for you. Have a great week!!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Thank you daeckardt. He did have a good long life. He was a great dog. I've always called him my hearing dog because he'd bark when someone came anywhere near me unless it was someone he knew. Even still, he'd react and alerted me when someone was around. I'll miss him for a long time to come. Hubby and I have four other dogs, two little ones and two big ones as well as 11 cats but still, Peanut will be sorely missed by us all.
About my dad, he had a really good birthday and he seemed to enjoy it which is what we were aiming for. Thanks!
BTW, thanks for adding me to your friends list! Hope you have a great week too!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
We didn't intend to get this many pets, it just happened. Like we didn't ask for the other chihuahua mixed breed puppy but a friend bought it for us and we were going to return her but ended up falling in love and keeping her. As for the cats, some are strays that adopted us and we them, two are rescues and the others we got before we moved here plus the one that we got a few months ago which is the siamese. I can't turn any of them away because I have a heart. Yeah, I'm a softie. Can't help it. I feel this way, if I were a stray, I'd hope someone would be so kind and take me in and feed, love and shelter me. I feel they're all here for a reason and though I may never know what the reason is, they're here nonetheless and I feel God is in control and will show me a way to care for them all. They're all fixed so no babies will be born and they're all covered medically too with frontline, heart worm protection and their shots. Some how we make it but only by the grace of God. After all, they are God's creatures too.
Yes, we do live in the country and we have a right large house. Long story in that but to shorten it, hubby was in the army and just retired so we moved here and found this place to be the closest to what we were looking for as far as being off the road and 5 acres of ground for our pets to run around on. We didn't want a large house but a large area for our pets. We have a pet door for the little dogs and cats to come in and out. The larger dogs have a big dog house but we bring them in during really bad storms. Trust me, my house is clean and you cannot tell we have animals because I won't have a dirty stinky house. No way.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
12 Jun 11
A lot of times I add people that I make responses to. I don't currently have a pet of any kind, but maybe after I finish with my last two chemo sessions and move into an apartment I might get something. How do you handle all those animals??? You must live in the country or something or else you have a very crowded house.
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
12 Jun 11
Hello CatsandDogs,
I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
For us it is never too early to loose a beloved dog. My Nera was also 13 years old (she had had her 13th anniversary five weeks before the day she had to go).
You had to be there for your dad's 79th birthday. You shouldn't feel guilty that you celebrate granpa's birthday soon after Peanut passed away.
We didn't have anything to celebrate (even if the Christmas was 3 days after) and we cried and we cried for days, until Binne came into our lives and make us smile again.

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
You hit the nail right on it's head. You said it exactly how it is..... Peanut's passing was a huge loss but we have to carry on especially with my dad's birthday which may be his last. We'll always remember him for he made a huge impact on our lives because I'm legally deaf and Peanut would let me know when someone came to the door or if we went somewhere, he'd let me know if someone was close by. He was such a great dog. We have two mixed breed chihuahuas that will fill our hearts like Peanut did.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
13 Jun 11
If Peanut was so special, you will never forget him.
You're lucky that you already have the other two dogs with you. It would have been more difficult for you if Peanut was your only dog. When Nera passed away, her place in our home remained empty and so were our hearts. Until Binne came, we were like zombies. We only cried and felt how empty was our life without a dog.

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@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
12 Jun 11
CatsandDogs, my sympathies on the loss of your beloved Peanut. I'm glad that you were able to have time with your parents for your dad's birthday ~ I'm sure it did you well to have that change of scenery, just for a little while. Glad you're back! If you want to get anything off your chest or need a shoulder, we're here for you
~*~ "To make Heaven the perfect resting place for loved ones we adore, God made sure those Pearly Gates contained a doggy door." ~*~

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@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
13 Jun 11
You are so right, CatsandDogs... time heals. If you'll allow me to relate a bit of a story...
I had my dog, Cody, for 11 years and he had to be put down just before Christmas six years ago. Everyone kept telling me "you need another dog," "you have to have a dog" ... and I honestly wasn't ready. No one seemed to understand - but I stood my ground.
Losing Cody had a huge impact on me for so many reasons. I brought him into the family when my youngest daughter was about a year and a half old and I was still living happily with their father. When we separated, after 18 years together, he had to keep Cody with him in the house until I got settled elsewhere with the girls. He didn't take care of him well at all (it would be too difficult for me to really explain) and then he informed me he was moving across the country for a new job. He dropped Cody at a kennel, about an hour from where I was living, and paid for three days. I asked what happened after the three days and he told me he didn't know and didn't care.
I had to scramble to get him back... and he was in such bad condition (his hair was overgrown and literally dragging on the ground, his ears and eyes were infected, etc.) The owner of the kennel threatened me that she wouldn't give me my dog back unless I left her premises and went straight to the vet. I spent over $500 in that one day to get him his basic needs, grooming, vaccinations, meds, etc... and I honestly think I spent the rest of his life trying to make up for what had been done to him. When he was put down, part of my heart went with him.
Just two weeks ago now, after those six years, I have adopted a new little dog. I've always kept up with the website of a rescue not too far from my home. Over the years, I saw lots of adorable dogs and puppies needing homes - to the point that my daughters "forbid" me from showing them anymore because they said "you just tease us and we never get one!" Then, there was the photo of a miniature dachshund, about one year old, who had been found wandering the streets near the home of one of the rescue's volunteers. CatsandDogs, I looked at his pics and his eyes reached right inside me. I applied to adopt him and they accepted me :) I renamed him Charlie and he's been home for two weeks. He is beautiful and learning so much already.
The reason I tell you this is, first, to say that I understand the loss you feel over Peanut - and you have the added issue of him having been a "hearing companion" for you. Second, I encourage you to take as much time as you need to remember Peanut and to let your memories and the special moments with him be things that bring you joy... not sadness. Only you will know when that time comes, no matter what anyone believes 

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Awwww thank you thinkingoutloud. You're so kind! I really do appreciate your thoughtfulness! I'm just living day to day letting time pass by to ease the pain of Peanuts passing. I know time is the only way that will work. I'll never forget the little guy though for he had a huge impact on my life because I'm legally deaf, he'd let me know when someone was at the door or when we were out and about, he'd let me know if someone was nearby. He was an awesome little guy.
I love the statement about the Pearly Gates having a doggy door! I couldn't agree more!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
26 Jun 11
Hi thinkingoutloud, it's been two weeks since you told me your story but at the time it was too hard to comment back and then I've been so busy with one thing or another that I just couldn't get back to you. Sorry! I hope this gets to you for I'm not sure how mylot works anymore with continuing responses because I don't get any of mine but when I see them I try to get right back to the person, and in this case, you. *sigh
I'm so sorry to hear what your low life ex had done or the lack thereof with your dog Cody! If he hasn't already, he'll get his one day because I'm a firm believer of what goes around comes around. I wish we could make them suffer the same as they've made the animal suffer. Laws have gotten tougher on animal abuse but not tough enough yet.
As for you, again, what goes around comes around, you will be rewarded for what you did for Cody and bringing him back to his formal glory. BLESS YOU!! Cody knew he was very much loved by you. How could he not? I have no doubt that he's up in Heaven watching over you!
As for myself, I won't be getting any more at the moment because we still have two chihuahua mixed breed sisters and one german shepherd dog and one german shepherd mix outside plus 12 cats. Now do you see why I choose my username? lol
We got one of the sister dogs for companionship for Peanut but then a friend of ours bought the other one and gave her to us. As for the cats, a few we got but the others were strays that adopted us or we them and some are rescues. I can't turn any of them away because I feel, what if I were in their shoes? I'd hope someone would take me in and feed, shelter and love me too. They're all fixed so no babies will be born and all are well cared for including their shots and so on. It's not easy but some how by the grace of God, we're able to do it.
Anyway, thank you for telling me your story!! Bless you for taking good care of Cody! And I wish you the best with Charlie! Give him a few pets on his head for me. 

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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
12 Jun 11
I've missed you, but I've been rather MIA for a while too, oh, I try to get here, but its hard.
Today we worked hard around the house (and outside) and then this evening was my 40th HS reunion that I went to for about an hour and then home to watch Doctor Who!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Awwww thank you Elic! I'm feeling a wee bit more important now. lol
Hope you had a good time at your HS reunion! I won't go to any of mine..... nope.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
12 Jun 11
I was hoping to hear from you again soon Cats. I always miss your discussions. I am sorry to hear about Peanut’s passing. I know how it feels to lose a beloved pet you have had for a long time. They are part of the family and they are surely missed when their time comes. Hopefully you will see him again one day, just not too soon! It sounds like your parents had a great time at the dinner...
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Hi paula and thanks.... it feels good to feel a little important. lol I've been feeling so slapped in the past few weeks that I wasn't sure how to feel. I've lost a long time friend because I told her the same thing that others were telling her, Peanut passes away and other things that have happened. It's all just too much but knowing God will see me through and He has, I've tredged on. I hope to see Peanut again some day. He was a great dog.
My parents did have a great time at dinner. Mom doesn't like mexican food but did find something on their menu that she ended up trying and liked it very much so it was a great dinner. Thanks....
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
12 Jun 11

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Hi Jen, I remember the picture of your little gal being up your tail all day. lol She's a real cutie pie. It's hell to lose our little babies but their time is so limited. I bet she's a smart little gal too just like my Peanut was. Peanut would let me know when someone was at the door or nearby and I didn't know it. He was such a great little guy. We're going to miss him for a long time. I had been away for a few reasons, Peanut being one reason and the other was grieving over the loss of a long time friendship over something so stupid. That's what the double standard discussion of mine was about. Plus a few other things that I've felt like I've been put in a washing machine on the spin cycle. I had to get myself back to a point that I could think before coming back on here.
Next time I'm gone like this and you want to know why, send me a pm. I'll let you know what's going on..... maybe then we'll swap emails too.

@sam2424 (110)
• United States
23 Jun 11
I'm truly sorry your beloved peanut passed away. I worry about my girls all the time. ( a Rat Terrier and a Fox Terrier Mix ) they mean the world to me. I get so sad sometimes imagining my life without them. If you don't mind me asking why did he pass? Well try and remember the good times and I Hope hes in a good place somewhere.
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Sorry, that your beloved Peanut has passed away. People who own pets really understand the pain others feel when they write about their pet passing away. Our pets are not just animals to us, they are part of our family, so when they are not around anymore, we missed just as we would miss any other member of our family.
As time passes, you will feel less pain of your lose and you will remember your pet with love and fond memories of all the fun and silly things he did, but right now you probably are feeling pretty sad which is to be expected.
Time takes away pain, but not our memories.

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Hi Angelgirl, I agree, it does take an animal lover to understand the pain of losing a loved pet. Wish we all were animal lovers because so many are in need of homes. When we lose a loved pet, it's like a void that won't go away but it does with time, a lot of time. Peanut was a huge part of our family, that's for sure so the void is felt in the most deepest of ways but I hope we'll get to see him again one day when our time is up. Till then, we'll treasure our memories which we have a lot of. Thank you for caring....
@msabc1 (88)
• Hong Kong
12 Jun 11
I'm sorry to hear about what happened to Peanut though this is the first time I get to know him. Losing a pet is as painful as losing a best friend or even a family member. I have never kept a pet at home because I'm afraid of the pain of losing it. When I was a kid, my parents didn't allow me to keep a puppy at home, we lived on the first floor at that time, so I kept it at the stairs under my flat - in the car park of our building. My little puppy was knocked down by a car one day when I'd gone to school...After that, I have never kept a pet again...
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Thank you for caring. Hubby and I both miss him something awful but we know he's in a much better place and will get to see him again one day.
About your little puppy, sweetie, I'm so sorry! That had to be a very tramatic experience for you. Bless your heart! Please do get another puppy to enjoy. There are so many in need of homes that you should try again. I still have 4 other dogs and 11 cats because I love animals and can't give up on having them. You shouldn't either. Besides, they heal our broken hearts.
BTW, welcome to mylot! Hope you enjoy your time here!
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@youaremylush (479)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Awh :(
Losing a pet is one of the most traumatizing things I've ever been through. You have my condolences!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Thank you youaremylush. Welcome to mylot and thank you for adding me to your friends list. Hope you enjoy your time here. About Peanut, I know he's in a better place but I sure do miss him!
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Oh my gosh. I am so sorry to hear that, I know how hard that must have been on you. We had to put our Pomeranian down a year and a half ago. He was almost 12 years old. It is never easy. We bought a Yorkie, He is spoiled now too. I am glad to see you back now though.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Oh gosh, I know what that's like, having to put a pet down. We've had to do that a few times and it's no easier than the first but knowing we're doing the right thing by our pet gives us some solace in our decision. We didn't have to put Peanut down, he went on his own for it was his time. He went rather quickly too which is much better than suffering.
Good luck with your newest baby! He sounds like a real cutie!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Jun 11

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Hi bunnybon.... yeah, I've been through the wringer the last few weeks as you already know. I had to take some time out for myself to regroup so to speak. We will always keep Peanut in our hearts for he was such a wonderful little guy. I hope you don't lose your Coco anytime soon either.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Wow CatsandDogs This is really sad. 13 years old is a very long time and to pass away it is like you child passed away. It has to be really hard for you, my sincerest condolences.
I do hope you can begin to feel better and that your Peanuts memory lives long in your heart.
Certainly a friendly member is always missed and it is always a pleasure to see your return. I truly hope you have a better week and you can rest as it really sounds like you were very busy all week.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Yeah it has been a wee bit busy but not in the way I'd like for it to be.... well except for my dad's birthday which did go well but it could've been more on the happy side had Peanut lived another day or two. He was a huge part of our family that's for sure and he will be forever missed. Thanks for caring....
@dlpierce (495)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Pets are just like family it hurts just as much when we lose one of them. I backed over my bobtail cat about a month ago. He was only 2 years old and very spoiled. I always watched to see where he was when I came in the driveway, but he ran behind me so fast I didn't see him. I guess what hurt me the most was knowing I killed him even though it was an accident.
We have a spoiled Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix, and a couple other dogs, but our dogs have a fence to run in when outside the house.
You are so lucky to still have both parents. So glad you had a special day with them. I miss my parents most of all and thank God for the good memories.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Oh gosh! I'm so sorry! It was an accident and in no way your fault. My mother had done the same thing, she had ran over one of her cats when it flew out in front of her. She felt awful about it but it was an accident. So don't blame yourself, it was his time to go and no matter what, he would've gone one way or another because it was God's plan. Try to remember, he's in a much better place than any of us are and we'll all get to see our lost loved ones when our time comes. I have to believe that.
@tink91879 (742)
• United States
13 Jun 11
So sorry to hear of your beloved puppy passing away. Its so hard to say goodbye. My eskimo, Sampson, passed away a cpl years ago. He was young though. We had to put him down. He was the first dog my husband and I had together. It was like losing a child. I had such a special bond with him. I understand your pain and Im so sorry for your loss. ive yourself time to grieve. I have a picture of my Sampson out in the dinning room. I think of him daily. My kids miss him too. Hope your days get better and each day gets a little easier.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
Thank you. I'm so sorry you had to go through such a thing with one so young. I had to do it too with a little white kitten that I had taken in. One morning it was rolling around on the floor in agonizing pain so I flew to the vet to have it put out of it's misery. I've never forgotten that little kitten nor will I ever. I had to do the same thing with another kitten that was a siamese because of it's bowels weren't working properly and there wasn't anything the vet could do to help it. I'll never forget that one either. I try to keep in my mind that Peanut had a long and happy life so I won't get all teary eyed but it never works because we miss him so much but I know that with time, the pain will get easier.
@miadsoriano (884)
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
Sad to hear about your beloved pet. I am a pet lover too. We own 3 dogs and they're all at my parents' house. My daughter is a dog lover. So I understand the grief that you are all feeling.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jun 11
I'm trying to remind myself that we had him for a good long life and that being that he was sick with old age issues, it was time for him to go and be with God and be free of all his illnesses. Still, it's so hard to let go of an old friend. Hubby and I still have 4 other dogs as well as 11 cats and they'll keep us entertained so in time we'll be able to let go but he'll always be in our hearts. Always. Thanks for caring!
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