Who do i contact when i have problem with mylot account

June 12, 2011 2:16am CST
I totally love mylot and my friends here.. Recently since almost 2 month i noticed that my earning is not moving at all so i contacted support team for help, but i didn't get any reply at all.. I just dunno what to do then.. any suggestion what i can do here? please??
3 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
12 Jun 11
If your earnings do not moving there is one simple reason and there is no need to contact anyone at all because the answer is in the FAQs: "If you earned nothing, then you didn’t post anything during the time period in question" http://www.mylot.com/o/faq/faq6.aspx#16 YOU only earn for your own efforts here. You do not earn for what others post on to your discussions. They ean for those. I see from your profile that you were inactive for a couple of weeks therefore there would have been no earnings during that time. The next update will be in a few hours from now and if you were active yesterday (myLot's yesterday by the clock at the bottom of the page) you will see earnings added when the update takes place.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
12 Jun 11
Cairalyssa when you registered you received an email from myLot with links to the FAQs, Guidelines and TermsofUse. If you did not read them then you would not know that there is no earning without any contribution. You would also know that admins here have a badge, therefore I am NOT an admin.
• Malaysia
12 Jun 11
It would be stupid if i went and contact support team knowing that im not doing anything at all. The only reason i want to contact them is because despite i started and participate in discussion my earning is not moving at all even just 0.01. Are u the admin MysD? your suggestion is not pleasant at all. simple logic my fren : i have been here for few month, how come i didnt know there is no earning without any contribution? Cheers!
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Inactivity will not give you earning, irregardless of the length of time that you've been a member here. Simple logic my friend: "you post, you get paid." Have a good day
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
12 Jun 11
Right at the bottom of this page, there is link "Contact". Why don't you leave them a message there? There is a drop down for you to select your problem too. Cheers!
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@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
12 Jun 11
Oh ... Always nice to see someone from the neighbourhood. Welcome to myLot and enjoy. There are other malaysians around. I am sure you have met some. One other person you can write to is GoAskAlice about your payment. Do you already have enough to cash out?
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
12 Jun 11
who is alice? :)
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
12 Jun 11
@GoAskAlice (5821)
12 Jun 11
Are you saying your earnings have not updated at all in 2 months? Or is it just in the last few days?
12 Jun 11
The system updates earnings only every 24 hours during the week and it is almost never updated during the weekend. So if you were concerned that you were not seeing immediate results that is why. Check your earnings each day after the the daily update (time given in FAQs) Read more: http://www.mylot.com/o/faq/faq6.aspx#16
• Malaysia
12 Jun 11
i already read the FAQ, where i found the link to contact mylot and i have send a message pertaining my issue. But i didnt get any reply..The last earning that i received was on early May.(As seen fr earning report)Since then, as referred from my profile, i have participate and started few discussion too.. If there are reason why im not earning, atleast keep me informed, then i can be more careful..
• Malaysia
12 Jun 11
i was not using mylot for quite sometimes since i noticed the earning is not changing after FEW post.. then recently i tot maybe if i post more i can see my earning will change even by just 0.01. But it is not changing, so i decided to send an email to support team but i didnt get any reply.. It would be nice if it is fixed and i can enjoy participating again here at mylot..