When are children too old for a pushchair/buggy

June 12, 2011 3:28pm CST
Me and my partner have a son of 16months old and are expecting our second child in november. This bought about a discussion for me and my partner how much longer would our little boy need to be in a pushchair for? He is a confident walker and has been walking since he was one, but what keeps coming into my mind is when I have the two it will be much harder and a pushchair will keep some sort of control when needed. But I have always thought personally when a child reaches the age of 2-3 is a good age to stop them using a buggy, I think it can make a child lazy and not as independant to use there own legs instead they make you push them around and I think this can form bad habits for the future. What age do you think is right to remove a child from their buggy? Comments would be greatly appreciated
6 responses
• United States
13 Jun 11
As long as the child walks fine, I would say use a double stroller until around the age of four for big crowds just for safety reasons. I was in a stroller till I was six butI could not walk well and it was cheaper than a wheelchair.
13 Jun 11
I think 4 is maybe a bit to old, we have decided upon a double tandem pushchair so it will be easier for me and for my older child when we have long days out and his legs are tired
24 Jun 11
Well in the uk the pushchair/buggy is what you first get your baby as theyare bigger and better for a new born and also travel systems which can hold the car seat aswel. A stroller is a lot smaller, so it can be easily folded down and even tucked under your arm if needs be. Better for when they get bigger and older as otherwise its a lot of weight to be pushign about
• United States
14 Jun 11
I'm a bit confused, is there a significant difference between a stroller, pushchair and a buggy?
@rakittera (802)
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
My first daughter never really liked sitting on a pushchair or stroller. Even when she was not walking yet, she would prefer to be carried. When she learned how to walk, she would confidently walk around the mall so we never got to use her stroller much. As for my second stroller, she's at peace with the stroller so we use it in the mall and everywhere we go that needs walking. However, I'm not sure if she'll still use it once she learns how to walk. In my opinion, once your child is able to walk confidently, you should refrain from using pushchair to practice their walking skills. Also, walking is a good exercise so, it's better to let them walk than just sit in a pushchair. Whenever I am in the mall and I see kids who are 4 or 5 years old and are still using pushchairs or strollers, I'm quite turned off because I agree with you, it can form a habit of laziness. I think some parents do it to make sure that their children do not wander around. But I'd rather keep a close eye on my children than make them lazy. But that's just me.
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
I love carrying my baby too when he gets tired of walking, and when i get tired of carrying him we sit down, this always gives me time to talk to her. I love talking to her even though she can't understand everything I'm saying. I tickle her a lot too when we take a rest because I like to hear her laugh. And walking gets her tired too, so when the day is over she will have her goodnight sleep until the break of dawn. This also give us a goodnight rest, me and my wife. Not a perfect family I should say but a happy family I must say!!
24 Jun 11
See I am happy to carry son, but now I am 5months pregnant and already have quite a big bump n bad back to go with it, its quite hardwork. And also when I have two to on my own it will be easier to have the pushchair so I can keep a better eye on my son. He is now almost 16months and a little star but quick
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
13 Jun 11
My son is one and not yet walking. He's big for his age so he looks two...I'm sure people wonder why we don't have him out of the stroller. I try to keep an open mind about other kids because I know that there are a lot of disabilities that you can't see that can cause problems with muscle tone or balance, so those kids would be in a stroller or buggy for longer. I think you can buy attachments so that there's a place on the stroller for a toddler or preschooler to stand. Then your son could stand on the back of the stroller some of the time and walk some of the time. I think it's all about what will work best for your family.
24 Jun 11
When people choose to look, Id personally stick my nose up at them, because theres no need for it they don't no he can't walk yet so shouldn't judge
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
16 Jun 11
I have a 4 year old disabled son and he is not able to walk. I also have a 23 month old daughter and she can walk. Usually a pushchair or buggy is suitable for a child up to 3 years old. A child of over 22 months old can do some walking and a bit of time in a pushchair or a buggy. Just before my daughter was born I purchased a Phil and Teds buggy with a double kit. It is suitable for 2 children of different ages like a baby and a toddler. If you have that then your baby can go in it and your older child walk until he gets tired. Then he could climb into the seat on the back or front. Another idea is to have a pushchair with a board for standing put on the back of it. My son now has a wheelchair and my 23 month old walks.
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
For me, a buggy doesn't have a need to me or my baby. This just makes us lazy. Not just the baby but to the parent as well. Walking on his own gives a kid confidence and independence. This will teach him not to always have the need of others. So what I'm saying is that when the baby starts to walk let him walk, when he becomes tired carry him!
24 Jun 11
See I totally agree with this and so does my partner we don't want to create a lazy child, we want of others all the time, and for him to beable to do things on his own with out support all the time, a little independance really. I will be buying a double pushchair in the next couple of months as when new baby gets here my son will only be 18months and will make my life a bit easier, then slowly get him use to not having it as he gets around 2 1/2
• United States
13 Jun 11
I personally think strollers should no longer be a necessity at age 4.. My son is 3 and can walk perfectly on his own, but I like to bring the stroller with us if I know we are planning on going somewhere that is super crowded with people or a place where we have to walk around a lot. Perfect example is the mall, i'd rather bring the stroller and strap him in while we shop rather than forcing him to walk on his own.