Who Controls the OIL?

@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
June 13, 2011 11:00am CST
Who is the puppet master and what really is the goal in the mid east? Can anyone tell me? Reagan defied advisers from his own White House, the State Department and the National Security Council, by addressing “Mr. Gorbachev” with four provocative words. Tear Down This Wall! To Conservative, Reagan defeated Communisism. To Liberals he funded terrorism in the mid east. We went from a cold war stand down to a war on terror within our own borders. But the support of the Ayatollah in Iran began long before Reagan's term. Attempting to control of the supply of oil in the mid east didn't start with Bush. Our dealings with the mid east have always been about OIL. And we can go as far back as Eisnehower to document this. http://uncpress.unc.edu/browse/page/122 Nixon played one side against the other. http://homepage.mac.com/oldtownman/20th/RN/page003.html In my research on presidential actions in the mid east only Gerald Ford stands out as having done no harm. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/geraldford And then there's Jimmy Carter. "In November 1978, President Carter named the Bilderberg group's George Ball, another member of the Trilateral Commission, to head a special White House Iran task force under the National Security Council's Brzezinski. Ball recommended that Washington drop support for the Shah of Iran and support the fundamentalistic Islamic opposition of Ayatollah Khomeini. Robert Bowie from the CIA was one of the lead 'case officers' in the new CIA-led coup against the man their covert actions had placed into power 25 years earlier. I will ask you to ponder the possiblility of there being 'outside' influences on American policy in the mid east. We already know that wars are funded by elitist bankers who fund both sides. Have outside influences in the form of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers been advising our Government and actually causing terror? If so, where are they leading us? Carter's security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and secretary of state, Cyrus Vance, implemented their 'Arc of Crisis' policy, spreading the instability of the Iranian revolution throughout the perimeter around the Soviet Union. Throughout the Islamic perimeter from Pakistan to Iran, U.S. initiatives created instability or worse." Take note that well know Bilderberger Zbigniew Brzezinski author of the Grand Chessboard was involved as Carter's security advisor and helped spread instability in Iran. Is it really true that elitists are funding one side against the other? Are nations and leaders being moved around the board and being played like chess pieces as Brzezinski so eloquently wrote? And it really is about oil. Always has been. But for America's interests or for the interests of elitists whose goal is the New World Order we keep hearing about? Here's a great article that chronicles America's dealings in the middle east from Nixon to Reagan. http://middleeast.about.com/od/usmideastpolicy/a/me070909b_2.htm Those of us who are old enough remember during the Nixon years when the Yom Kippur war in 1973 led ultimately to an oil embargo and recession. More than $1 billion in arms was airlifted by the United States during the war when it became apparent that Israel's ammunition stores were dangerously low. This action, and the threatened Soviet intervention, raised more clearly than ever the specter of the Arab-Israeli conflict escalating rapidly into a confrontation between the superpowers. And then there was the massacre of 11 Israeli Olympians in Munich by the Palestinian group Black September with reputed ties to the PLO. During the Carter years we saw the Camp David accords and the Iran Hostage Crisis as the high point and the low point of interaction between the mid east and the west. We had the hostage crisis with a failed rescue attempt and the boycott of the Olympics when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. The link below is a synopsis of the hostage crisis. http://www.theodoresworld.net/pages/hostage_rescue_attempt_in_iran.htm George H.W.Bush and the Gulf War. It's well known the Bushs, father and son are involved in secret societies. http://iranprimer.usip.org/resource/george-hw-bush-administration George W. Bush and Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield, 9/11 and the war in Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein http://www.uswardogs.org/id105.html Americans are now without most of the liberties gauranteed in the BILL OF RIGHTS because of the fear of terrorism that gave us the Patriot Act. But has it been for NOTHING? Are we on one hand encouraging terror while pretending to fight terror? Are the strings of world leaders being pulled by billionaire bankers in all of this? I have many questions after looking into the history of our dealings with the mid east. It sometimes appears that we actually encouraged terrorism if it looked as though it would give us control over the oil producers. Were does the Bilderbergers and Council on Foreign Affairs and the Trilateral Commission fit in all of this? Barack Hussein Obama and the death of Osama bin Laden. Did our president really 'get' the head al Queda? Was Osama bin Laden really trained by the CIA? The CIA said in 2008 Osama bin Laden was dying of kidney failure and was on dialysis. http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1819280,00.html Do you think America has dealt with the mid east correctly? Have presidential advisors used oil as a carrot on a stick? Is there really a puppet master behind the scenes, pulling strings that will eventually lead us to WWIII? Are Americans being played for fools? Does it even matter who is in the Oval Office? Lots of questions, and way to many who could care less.
2 responses
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
i think the one who controll the oil is the family of muhamaad ali.. they just told that it was manage by the country but the fact is that it is a private property of muhammad.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
6 Jul 11
Middle Eastern Oil Producers are the largest group of OPEC and the country that is the largest producer is Saudi Arabia which is controlled by the House of Saudi.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Thank you bobmnu. Saudi Arabia is now upset with us due to Obama's mideast policies. I wonder if that has any thing to do with the price of gas?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I do think OPEC is controling the world with oil. But I wonder who is controling OPEC?
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
13 Jun 11
if the answer for this question is known, the world will not face oil crisis, economic crisis etc. Dubai having more oil was in doldrums. USA public debt is the largest. China has given maximum of this debt. Oil of course is the interest of all governments. Oil can make and mar the governments. Americans - some of them feel that USA has got into Pakistan and is not able to come out of it. (time magazine) Let us see what our other friends tell. have a good day.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I believe that it is more than just governments interest in oil. I believe oil is being used to control governments.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
23 Jun 11
Thanks Madam for choosing my response as the best response. I look forward to more interaction in further discussions. have a good day.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 Jun 11
I look forward to that also!