leaving the room without turning off the lights
lights off
turn out the lights
turning off the lights
Not turning off lights when you are the last person to leave the room.
By megamatt
@megamatt (14291)
United States
June 13, 2011 11:55am CST
This rather annoys me for some reason, when people seem to have not turned out the light when no one was in the room. I mean, when no one was in the room, why would you have the light on? There is really no reason to have the light on. Especially when its in my house. When its in the house of other people, it does kind of make me cringe, but its their bill after all and if I'm the person who leaves the room, I try and turn the lights off. Does this annoy you?
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9 responses
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
16 Jun 11
I think that sometimes many people forget. We are only human. Of course, there is just something that really annoys me in many ways when you really do think about it. Especially when it is something that becomes a constant habit that happens on a rather regular basis. Then it is really something that is going to be a bit of a problem and far more of an annoyance that it really needs to be. So yeah, as long as it is really constant a lot of the time, then mistakes are to be expected. We are humans, we all make them. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@sjvg1976 (42007)
• Delhi, India
14 Jun 11
Hi megamatt,
I too have the same habit of switching off the lights when i go out from the room & no one is there in the room.This is even the best thing we can do to save energy. It always annoys me when i see lights are ON & no one is there in the room.Even i was more better i whenever used to go to any one's house i always show the same habit & don't forget to switch off the lights.
Even now i have the bad habit too some times i switch off the lights & fan even when some one is there in the room.
But really its appreciating that you have this habit of saving electricity.

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
16 Jun 11
Habits are really hard to break. Sometimes there is a chance where a good habit is a bit too much ingrained into our brain. I remember there was a time or two in a past, where I left the room, kind of half thinking, not realizing that people were there. To be fair, I was tired, but I turned off the light, getting a "HEY!" in the process. Still it is just something that is a habit and I try and make sure that everyone has long since departed from the room that I was in.
Of course, there are just a lot of times where my mind tends to go on autopilot and I am just along for the ride more often than not. I do try and really make sure that everyone is done doing everything that they are going to do in the room. I just often times really do forget, it is something that slips my mind. A rather honest mistake for certain. A really honest mistake a lot of the time, but hey I am only human. Still its a good habit but there are a lot of times where good habits can work against us. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
16 Jun 11
Yeah, children tend to be rather bad with this. I don't think I ever was that much. Oddly enough, I have no idea why I was never really bad with this, as my father tended to be the one who left the light on. Then he turned around and wondered why the electricity bill was so high. Well all of those times that you have left the light on when you have left the room, that does really tend to add up over a lot of the time. I guess it stuck with me at a young age.
Perhaps it is something that just simply bugs me in many ways when you really think about it. Still let's say you leave the light on for an hour that is not needed every day. That's thirty to thirty one hours of unneeded power used during the month. Its really something that adds up and it is really annoying to say the very least, other that the wastefulness, just the fact it is annoying. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Jun 11
no what annoys me is when my hubby or my son would turn off the light in the living room when I had left it only to go to the bathroom and was on route back to a dark room when they had eyes to see I was watching a television program and was returning. otherwise I would have turned therm off myself. lord sure I wanted to save electricity but they wuld go too far. nextg thind I would find myself sitting on the pot in the dark as they would just reach in assume nobody was there and flip the swithc,. you can bet I had a f ew words to say to son and to hubby b ack then. I am all for turning off lights when leaving a room permanently but just fort a kitchen snack break or a potty break no leave it alone. here I leave them on all I can I am paying way too much as is so might as wedll get my moneys worth.we can rest assured Gold c rest figures in lights and food and anythingelse their greedy hands can use to charge us for.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
16 Jun 11
Its bad when people go too far in one direction, but they do go too far in the other directions. Granted, there are going to be times where we are going to leave for the night or whatever, but there are times where we go to the bathroom or go to the kitchen or answer the phone or who knows what really else is going to really happen where we only leave the room for a couple of minutes. That is going to be something that is just as frustrating in many ways.
Granted, there are times where we might not return for a while, but those tend to be a lot of exceptions to that rule. Its bad when people always leave the lights on despite not being in the room for a least about ten or fifteen minutes or more. Then there is people who take it upon themselves to turn off the lights. Both extremes can be extremely frustrating for sure when it all comes down to it. So yeah that can be annoying, just as much as so if not turning the lights when you leave the room on a more permanent basis. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@maioliveras (31)
14 Jun 11
Yes it really annoys me also..we should save electricity if it is not necessary to use then why should you waste using it..am i right MEGAMATT?
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
16 Jun 11
Very correct indeed. There are times where we tend to use something that is in excess. Not just lights mind you but that does really tend to be a rather common offender in many ways. There is just a lot of people who I don't know if it is laziness or what, or perhaps just being forgetful or any number of things, but they are not just turning these lights off. Thus they are burning through a great deal of electricity. Is rather scary to see how much can really be lost for sure. A great deal of power is being wasted and there seems to be no end to it at all. Yeah, we need to be a bit more mindful of this for sure. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@famee87 (29)
14 Jun 11
hello megamatt :)
i understand your concern on energy consumption and it is true that some people are not that vigilant enough to conserve energy. i sometimes too get annoyed by this. i think people should be concern with their doings. and also, it is important to turn off the lights when nobody's using.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
16 Jun 11
Yes its extremely important for sure. Every little bit does in fact help. Also on the flipside, every little bit does in fact add up over the days, weeks, and months. I think that there is really no need. Plus not to mention, it does cost money to buy light bulbs when they burn out and you need to replace them. Granted, not that much, but any money saved is really a benefit. So that is really another reason why that the power should really be conserved when you can. Among the many ecological reasons out there.
To increase the lifespan of your bulbs, so you don't dig through your pockets for even more money. Not just from the bulbs mind you, but also from the power bills that added up. Be smart and not to mention the fact that the light being off is rather something that is quite annoying to say the very least. So its really unneeded in many ways. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
13 Jun 11
One time I thought about how much electricity would be saved, if people remembered to turn off the light when they exited the room. When you think about it, there could be potentially be a lot of electricity conserved in many ways, just by doing one simple thing. It might not seem like all that much to some people, just by turning off a light. However over the weeks, months, and years, it is really something that does tends to add up over an insane amount of time. It is really extraordinary in many ways. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
13 Jun 11
I am the same way!
I feel annoyed when people in the house leave the lights open. Specially if it's the washroom that they leave open. We have 2 washrooms in the house, one has 6 lights on it, and the masters has 8 lights. I always feel that this is the worst room that they could leave it on, as I feel that this is the most wasteful.
Yet, people seem to forget all the time.

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
13 Jun 11
I remember reading that is the most common room that people would leave it on. You think that since it is normally a rather small room a lot of the time, it would be kind of hard to really miss. I mean, its not like you have to walk a long way from one end of the room to another. Not to say that it is equally frustrating when the light is being left off at other times but that is really a bad one. It is extremely wasteful for sure. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@jeanneyvonne (5501)
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
This makes me tick too. I meas, how difficult it is to switch off the lights? In my house, this happens almost regularly and I am almost always cursing under my breath becuase I'm the one who checks for things like this. I try to remind everyone but they always have some excuse.
I think what's worst is my brother's habit to sleep with the TV and lights on. I often had to wait him to sleep so that I can turn off his TV and his lights. I can't blame him but I'm losing sleep worrying that he might rack up the power bill.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
13 Jun 11
You want to know how long it takes to shut off the lights? Approximately two seconds, at the most. Four if there is two switches in the room. Still that is really not that long. I mean, there are going to be times where people are going to forget, but when people do it constantly, forgetting to turn the lights off, well that just makes me slightly agitated for many reasons. It is rather wasteful and there are a lot of wasteful things that are out there to do, believe me. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.