Obliged to share wealth

@SViswan (12051)
June 13, 2011 8:41pm CST
Are the wealthy obliged to share their wealth with people who are less fortunate? It's theirs to do as they please...they've worked hard for it. Is it necessary for them to give back to society to ensure a stable and prosperous society?Should unabashed display of wealth be avoided? Is it none of anyone's business what the wealthy do with their money?
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25 responses
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
14 Jun 11
Display of wealth should be avoided. wealthy should share their wealth to the poor. At least they should pay the taxes properly. It is due to luck that some are born as rich and some are born as poor. have a good day.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Jun 11
Well, there are a few good rich people too. The Tatas, Birlas and the Murthys do pay their taxes. They give back to society in other ways too. The Murthys (of Infosys) do not flaunt their wealth and live the simple life. Even at their son's wedding reception recently, no drinks were served....lemonade with ginger was what was served! But the Ambanis home is really something!!! And the electricity and other resources needed to maintain it!! All that money could have been put to better use elsewhere.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I think it is very important that the wealthy pay their own share of taxes. That goes a long way to helping society and the poor.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
14 Jun 11
Poor people pay taxes. Top rank people find ways for not paying taxes. that is life. have a good day,
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• Philippines
14 Jun 11
I think it's necessary to share ones wealth with others but it's not compulsory. They're not really required to do so but if they want to, they can. It's necessary because poverty is rising and wealthy people are one of their biggest chances to stand up from it all. They can give empowerment to the poor by sharing their wealth and, at the same time, sharing their resources, including what they know, to get people inspired to work for their lives. Most of the poor don't have any idea how to be successful in life. All they know is, if they worked hard they'll succeed, which is partly wrong. In order to be successful you also have to think if what you're doing is right or wrong because it's useless if you're working hard but you're on the wrong path.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Jun 11
Hmmm...the last part of your response is interesting. I'm going to chew on that for a bit :-)
• Philippines
15 Jun 11
Let me cite a real example: I know someone who had been working two part time jobs and he earns about $255.00 a month. That's not much but I know of a job he's qualified to do and pays a bit higher than his two jobs but he insisted on staying with his two part time jobs because simply he got accustomed with it. He didn't wanna take the opportunity to earn more with the same amount of time rendered for work. This is when he should think about what he's doing wrong.
• Philippines
15 Jun 11
Let me cite a real example: I know someone who had been working two part time jobs and he earns about $255.00 a month. That's not much but I know of a job he's qualified to do and pays a bit higher than his two jobs but he insisted on staying with his two part time jobs because simply he got accustomed with it. He didn't wanna take the opportunity to earn more with the same amount of time rendered for work. This is when he should think about what he's doing wrong.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I do not think it is anyone's business what the wealthy do with their money. I know many are generous, and I most respect the people who give in secret. Giving only for a tax write off or for prestige earns its own reward, that is a tax write off or prestige. Giving from the heart gives a blessing in the heart.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Jun 11
I have a theory (not proved :-P)....I think those who make money through illegal means tend to hoard and try to flaunt their wealth and at the same time try to evade taxes. Those who have worked hard and earned their money in the right way pay their taxes AND give back to society.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
14 Jun 11
That could be a very valid theory. It makes a lot of sense to me. If they got it illegally, they are afraid it will be taken away.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
14 Jun 11
Yes. some rich people do start real charities and do good work for the poor. That is nice. Majority do not share anything to the poor thinking that they have all this because of their merit. have a good day.,
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
15 Jun 11
I think it would be a nice thing if they shared...lol...but I don't suppose they should have too. I think that most people would answer yes..they should share and give back but it makes you wonder what they would do if they suddenly struck it rich. I can't speak for anyone else, but it is none of my business. That money is their demon to fight with. I say that because the poor think that the money is the key to their problems while the rich have to question every friendship and wonder if they would still be around if they were poor. There is no doubt that giving back would help with the "stable and prosperous society." But it would still be to the charity or cause of choice. Great discussion!
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
16 Jun 11
Thanks! Guess what? Most of the people who responded said 'No!' :-) I was reading this article which didn't say 'yes'...but was pointing that way. I find that people who have amassed wealth through illegal means tend to hoard while the people who have come up the hard way tend to retain their values and give back to society.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
17 Jun 11
Hi mantis! I agree that there should be some savings set aside for the kids and their education. When I answered I was thinking more about the rich rich people...like the ones that have more money than they could spend. It's interesting that you bring up Santa and Robin Hood..you always have interesting thoughts.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
if you share your excess money and not engage a project of savings for yourself.... buy the time your children enter's college, you have no money to spend to their tuition.... since acting like Santa Claus, bad if acting like Robin Hood... your future Children's on their education first... before others.....
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
In my opinion, the wealthy has no obligation to share their wealth to the poor. It's just that their conscience will bother them, if they see poor people, that in their capacity could be helped by them in one way or another. Besides, it''s written in the Bible to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. So, we have to help them whenever we can. Unabashed display of wealth isn't bad , as long as you get to help poor people too. However, unabashed display of wealth will make you a target of kidnappers. Don't you think so too?
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Jun 11
Rightly said.I was just reading a bit of news where it was said that students were kidnapped and finally killed by some vile people who had demanded a ransom of five crores[roughly 5 million dollars].My immediate thought was it is better to live a simple life without any display if one has to be safe.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
See, it's better to keep your wealth to yourself, or don't display too much wealth. Just be simple on the outside, though you get to enjoy your money without attracting too much attention. Most of all, don't forget to share your wealth unanimously, to the poor.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Jun 11
Hmmm.. Yes, kalav...that kidnapping happened in Bangalore. But though the father of one of the victims is a business man, they aren't the stinking rich...like the Birlas, Tatas and Murthys. I don't think they were flaunting their wealth. The boys were also diligent and silent students. @Simplyd,I personally think it is for the wealthy to do as they please with their money. But from what I've read most of them are philanthropists who do give to charity or use their wealth to help people in need. Some do it in a loud manner and some keep that part hidden from the media.
• United States
14 Jun 11
Not everyone works hard for their wealth, and many people work really hard for little money. Businesses that hire people to work for them with random work schedules and long shifts standing on their feet only pay minimum wage to the people who keep their companies running. Yet, the people who get to work comfortably get paid more. But regardless, it takes investment and risks and just dumb luck to get rich. Sometimes it's just inheritance. I guess it's just about survival. Not everyone can be equal. Then we get into socialism and communism. Those haven't worked out so well in history. As long as we have welfare, and we're at least looking out for people who have less than us, we have a system that kind of works.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Jun 11
Hmmmm....I was reading an article in the paper where some people felt that the rich SHOULD share their wealth. Most of the big shots we read about do their part for their employees...atleast in India. I'm not talking about the mafia or people who make lots of money through illegal means. The genuine wealthy people who made money through their hard work and yes, luck too. They do provide the benefits of the profit to their employees and do other charity work too. When terrorists attacked the Taj Hotel in Mumbai, Ratan Tat not only provided financial help to his employees...but also jobs for their family members....he also set up a trust for the benefit of all his employees.Everything they needed....education for their children, homes, counselling, etc...was provided for.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
16 Jun 11
I agree kalav. We need more such people in our world.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Jun 11
Tatas are a class by themselves SV,; they are unparalelled in their sense of humanity and ethical values.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Jun 11
Very nice discussion topic. Idealistically one can say that the wealthy people have to share their wealth with poor people. But , as Aussie had pointed out, who are the 'wealthy' people? How much must be their income? Is it people who toil hard and try and save up sacrificing much or is it the fortunate generation who have been born inheritors? There are self made people who try and earn and save a lot . It is their choice whether they should give it or not .They must pay their taxes regularly and be law abiding citizens. Perhaps they can give concessions for the poor if f they are professionals like doctors or lawyers. Nothing must be given free in life because people never respect it. They neither value it nor safeguard it. The wealthy can definitely give donations to the poor and downtrodden or to some reliable organizations that does genuine charity work. But it must all be an individual’s choice; it is his/her own hard earned money and others cannot draw the benchmark Display is a person's individual choice and I frankly would not think too mcuh about it because it is no concern of mine.But, safety is one aspect to be considered because public display would attract unwanted attention.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
16 Jun 11
Thank you,kalav. An article in the newspaper got me thinking:-) I would consider the 'wealthy' to be people who have much more than they can spend for themselves. One of the examples in the article were the Ambanis and their new home. One huge structure and the amount of electricity and other resources needed to maintain it is outrageous!Their electricity bill alone is a mind-boggling figure! There are some wealthy people who fall in between the two categories you mentione...work hard, save and sacrifice and the born into money. I find that most of them do not flaunt their wealth and do give back to society (examples would be the Murthys of Infosys). Sadly, they seem to be the minority rather than the majority. I'd be glad if everyone paid their taxes but as you know, it's most often the hard working middle class who do so and the wealthy who can afford to try to hoard it or gain more by illegal means.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
20 Jun 11
Hi! Yes, I think it's the moral responsibility of the wealthy to give back to the society. After all, if we think about it, without the society they would not be wealthy. If they succeed in life, they should help other people to succeed, too. If that wealthy person's society is poor, or if people surrounding him is poor, then his being wealthy will not be complete. Only those who have helped the society can truly be considered successful.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
24 Jun 11
Isn't that what the government does with the tax? To help the general public? The rich obviously pay higher tax amount (that they try and evade it is another story) and that money is used (or supposed to be used) for the betterment of society. Most rich people also give to charity.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
25 Jun 11
You said it yourself, many rich people avoid paying their taxes. And as I've said, it should be the moral responsibility of the rich to give back to the society. If they aren't paying their taxes, then they are not doing their responsibility. And yes, many rich people give to charity, but I only applaud those who do it without having a press con or without televising it.
@Galena (9110)
14 Jun 11
I can't see why they wouldn't WANT to. I don't have much money, but I do have some regular charity donations, and I do give money to people selling the big issue, or collecting for charities. I do try and help wherever I can. and that small amount of making the world better makes me feel good. one of the things I would love about being rich is the ability to help on a larger scale. in the UK there is a programme called The Secret Millionaire. and in it a very rich person goes into a poorer community, under the pretense of filming a documentary of some sort, they volunteer, they get involved, and then they give quite large sums of money to people to help them with their projects. and when I watch this, I find myself thinking how I would love to be in that position. to be able to make a real difference to the world. yes, if I was rich I would buy a lot of things and experiences, but I would be surprised if any of that could make you feel as good as making that difference. so no, they don't have an obligation. but if you're a decent human being, surely you would want to.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
16 Jun 11
I agree. If you've noticed, common people like you and me do the little we can to help others.But most wealthy people who have got the money through illegal means tend to keep it to themselves. The Chairman of a place I worked at earlier was the kind. He wouldn't pay our salary on time and when we did get it, it would be in cash and not in our bank account. A few months ago, he was slapped a notice for tax evasion which ran into millions!! And the land he gained for his 'work' was all through illegal means. Forget giving to charity, he wouldn't even pay his employees!! And there were times when we were 'forced' to pay for 'charity'!
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
14 Jun 11
"Is it none of anyone's business what the wealthy do with their money?" "their money" being the operative phrase. Unabashed displays of wealth (what ever that is) is more a a problem of personal morality (if it is indeed a problem at all). Not one for legislative action. Charity is in one's heart, not in a government tax system. Charity is voluntarily giving of one's own accord, not government robbing it through taxation on the successful to re-distribute to the less successful. Is it necessary for those who can to give back? It does make society a better place and gives one a warm fuzzy feeling, but you cannot legislate that sense of charity in to existence. And wealth envy always eventually leads to class warfare which eventually leads to things like the communist revolution in Russia, the french revolution, etc. It never ends well.
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
hello SV, NO- it's not their obligation,it's a prerogative. It just happen that some wealthy people are really generous and that GOD showers them with more blessing so they can share more. Some rich people really has this goodness within to share what they have. If they displayed their wealth and money,there is nothing wrong about it,they have it and they can't even hide those wealth either. It's none of the other's business,they've worked for it. have a good day
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• Philippines
14 Jun 11
I agree that the rich has no obligation to help the poor. It i still their decision whether or not they want to part with their money and give it to charity. Besides, there are instances when the only gives to a particular charity or sector. Meaning, not all the poor and the needy receives their generosity. For whatever, reason (out of the generosity of their hearts or plain financial advantage), it is a good sign that some rich people gives backs in return to all the blessings that they receive. Besides, even iwth money, the rich people still have troubles in their comfy and cozy lives. Ahh...if only money could buy everything.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Jun 11
I agree with you jaiho (and jeanneyvonne)...but I read an article where people said that the rich SHOULD give back to society and not display their wealth. I think they probably mean the younger generation who are born into money and behave irresponsibly...they do not deserve the wealth...which they use to harm others and get away with it. Most people who have earned the money through hard means respect it and also teach their kids to respect it.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
14 Jun 11
I don't think it's anyone's business what a wealthy person does with his or her money. Specially if they've worked hard for it. And I don't think it's their obligation to share or help other people. But if they are truly helping, without hidden agendas, then it's good on them. Usually, the only people that complain about the rich not sharing their wealth, are the people that don't have money (that's me included).
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
16 Jun 11
lol...I'm not rich and I don't complain about the rich not sharing their wealth. In fact, I find it hard to even take what is due to me (my parents' wealth ) But I agree, it's for them to choose how they dispose of their wealth.
@polaris77 (2039)
• Bacau, Romania
14 Jun 11
It isn't written in any law that the wealthy have the obligation to share their wealth with the poor,and if they worked really hard for it and they deserve it I think it's their problem what they do with their money,but I'm sure people who worked honestly and hard to become rich can't forget their humble origins and they will try to help others who weren't as fortunate as them without anyone asking them to do it,they simply do that because that's what they feel,that they have to do something useful for others.These people really deserve our appreciation.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
16 Jun 11
Yes, I agree. Most people who have worked hard and have come from humble beginnings do remember others who are less fortunate and give back to society. It is mostly the people who have gained through illegal means who flaunt the money and hoard it.
• United States
14 Jun 11
I am a firm believer in hard work, and if I work hard for my money, I don't want to be "forced" to give it away. I don't think there should be any laws saying that people should be required to give out their income when it isn't necessary. However, I am not one who thinks poverty is necessary. There are other methods for helping these problems besides forcing people who make money to pay from them. Go have a look at my Agree or Disagree discussion. A nice link was provided a few comments down about how Socialism won't and will never work.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
16 Jun 11
I will check out the link. I will be glad if everyone pays their taxes properly and not try to evade them. I find that most of the people who do pay their taxes are common people and the amount put together isn't enough to help people in need. At the same time, the rich people hoard money and evade taxes which run into crores (or millions) of rupees!
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
14 Jun 11
First it depends what you call "wealthy". In my book, someone wealthy earns more than a million a year. I don't care how hard they work. You cannot earn a million a year by simply working hard. I would say that they are earning their money very easily by being in a fortunate position. Do they have to share their money with the less fortunate? No they don't. But they usually do because you can only spend so much and you cannot take with you when you die. So if they have some surplus, they'll give it to some charity. However, there is something that the people who earn a decent living above average do not understand. If we don't look after the less fortunate and let them starve, the crime rate will soar, as they will come and steal what they need from the rest of us. Social welfare is as much as looking after the poor, as it is about maintening law and order and preventing crime.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Jun 11
Yes, I did mean the real 'wealthy'...the enterpreuners who own big companies. Yes, sometimes luck favours them too and a few of them are grateful to that. They do not flaunt their wealth and use it for the benefit of their employees and society at large. It's an interesting point you make about the crime rate going up because of the less fortunate. That is true but I had never thought of it that way.
• United States
14 Jun 11
It is none of anyone's business What a rich person does with his or her wealth! Anyone who gives just to look nice is missing the point. Wanting to give Has to come from your heart or it is robbery! Money doesn't make people nice or warm hearted . They Have to be that way Way before they get money.Or if they are born with lots of money then they Have to be taught to give back or they won't.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Jun 11
I personally feel they are free to do what they want with their money as long as it isn't trampling over anyone. Most of the people who got wealthy through hard work prefer to give to charity without making a hullaboo about it.Sometimes it leaks out and sometimes it doesn't.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Jun 11
No, the wealthy aren't obligated to do anything BUT, it would be nice if they would share their wealth with the less fortunate. It's what God would want us to do if we're able to, to help others in need. I mean, why not? It gives the person a wonderful feeling when they do something as that. I'm not wealthy but I still help others when I'm able to. I can't do it all the time but I do it when I can. I'm not saying they should give up all their wealth but to help people who deserve and need the help. Help people who are trying to help themselves to better themselves.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
14 Jun 11
Certainly no wealthy person should be obliged to give any of his or her money away unless he or she wants. It is up to the individual; it is their wealth and therefore no one else’s business how it is spent. Personally I would like to give some back if I became wealthy but that would be solely my choice.
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@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
not really obliged but it is nice if they would. most of them share their wealth only to avoid taxes but some really do help sincerely.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Jun 11
I agree
• United States
14 Jun 11
It all depends on whether or not you care about your fellow man, and whether you understand the concept of investing in the future of the society in which you live. If you don't, then keep everything to yourself -- but don't wail when no one wants to share with you. To hoard one's resources when one has more than enough to sustain oneself, while ignoring one's neighbor who is in dire straits, is purely selfish -- and shortsighted. For your sake, may you never be needy. But for your edification, that might be the best thing that could ever happen to you. For the record, I have been rich, and I have been poor -- and no matter my situation, I am happy to pay my taxes with a view toward making a positive contribution to the society to which I belong and from which I benefit, and to dig a few dollars out of my wallet when I see a homeless person begging on the street, because (and I am not, mind you, a religious person) "there but for the grace of God go I."
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Jun 11
Coming from someone who has been both rich and poor, it's interesting. I was mainly thinking of the really wealthy who have more than enough...enterpreuners who run big organizations and have also made the money with the help of their employees. A few of them who have gone in the right path have given back to their employees as well as society...but many others have who gained the wealth through illegal means hoard it and look for means to avoid giving even to the people who have earned it. I know because I've worked for one such person and finally I quit.