No to Animal Cruelty.

June 14, 2011 5:34am CST
"Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless he's owned a dog. A dog can show you more honest affection with a flick of his tail than a man can gather through a lifetime of handshakes." Jerzon Senador has earned a lot of bad comments right after he posted a photo of his puppy being pinned at a clothesline. Here's the link of the news: Not a referral pink. I saw the photo last night and has somehow showed my outrage and made a discussion here in mylot. Just to give a better narrative view of what has really happened. A Facebook page has been made in order to warn others who also shows cruelty to animals. And I hope you could read the news link as well to know the whole story. Animals are like Human beings. They are unable to speak for themselves when they are being hurt or appreciated. Just like the movie I saw last night, Water for Elephants. I cried in that movie when the Circus owner beat the elephant because Rosie (the elephant) can't seem to understand his instructions in English yet little did he know that she was trained with the language of Polish.
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12 responses
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
14 Jun 11
Speaking of animal cruelty, what about killing chicken or pigs or cows so that people can have meat for food? is that also be considered as animal cruelty? Yes, it is true that animals has can not defend themselves. And it is painful to them to die because want to eat their flesh. How about that?
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
Yes, bebs. Hard as I admit it but that is also one cruelty shown in order for one's survival.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
16 Jun 11
Yes people and animals kill for food but it is usually done with as little trauma and pain as possible. I have no problems with killing animals for meat but I think the animal should be killed without pain and yes that is possible if humane practices are followed. Have you ever seen a cat with a mouse, that is an interesting exercise in cruelty as the cat tortures the mouse before killing it. I am not sure the cat understood cruelty but she was a nasty cat who attacked everyone, including those who fed and cared for her. Some people are like that as well. There was a recent video made of how cattle are killed in some abatoirs in Indonesia which showed extreme and unecessary cruelty. If people are cruel to animals then it is probably true that they are also cruel to humans. We are animals as well and some people are just nasty.
@allknowing (142886)
• India
15 Jun 11
That is the rule it appears. Bigger animal kills a smaller animal for its food. We destroy pests who also have a right to live. We kill to eat else those animals will live up to their old age with none to care with countless ailments that they would have to go through. I would only say in such matters "Ours is not to reason why, but do and die". This thought occurs to me several times but that is how it is ordained. I have a rooster who we consider as a pet. He is now 10 years old and can hardly walk. We do not know whether he is in pain but we all love him. I have however realised one should not keep anything as pets that which is meant for human consumption.
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
15 Jun 11
Unless you are vegan, you are actually torturing animals with every flesh-based meal you eat. Every animal you eat is tortured brutally & for no good reason. The only way to stop this life-long torture is to boycott these "products". You contribute to it with every dollar you give to the industries concerned. Governments provide these horribly inefficient (0.01% efficient!) industries with very generous subsidies & allow this form of legalized murder to continue all day, every day & can't "go after" them because it's called something different: Standard Industry Practice! Lawful killing & lawful torture for the whole life of the animal. One law for one type of animal, like cats & dogs that are owned (as opposed to stray) & yet another completely different rule for another type of animal - intelligent, loving creatures with every bit as much soul as your pets. You can't be serious! One one hand you condemn what has been done to these animals & on the other hand you condone & support & fund the livestock industries who brutally murder after a lifetime of torture over 424 billion (2005 statistics, it's much more these days) innocent, intelligent & loving animals every single year. Hypocrites, the lot of you! For shame! And then you go out & bash vegans on forums like these, who are the only ones with guts enough to actually "walk the talk", "practice what they preach" & put good sentiment, noble intentions and sympathetic thoughts & feelings into positive action! It's not good enough anymore just to want change. You must be the change you want to see in this world. No more idle talk. If you are truly compassionate, show it in your daily actions, then & only then does it count.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
16 Jun 11
Hmmm I tried being a vegan and could not handle it, the meat cravings were so bad that I actually started eating commercial hamburgers and I rarely ever eat them. I am a meat eater, it is my nature as an animal. My dogs are meat eaters. If there was no livestock industry I suppose we would have to raise and kill our own food as people did centuries ago. Just because we eat meat does not mean that we believe in cruelty to animals. We do not. It is possible to kill humanely and that should be done. Some people are cruel, they torture animals and humans alike. It is not hypocrital to believe in humane killing and oppose cruelty. Pets are humanely killed by vets all time because their owners do not want them to suffer, yet humans are forced to suffer until they eventually die. Many die in agony in hospital with their lives prolonged to the bitter end. There is no excuse or justification for cruelty.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
14 Jun 11
maybe pictures like this inspired Jerzon? - source:
Hello totallyundecided, This is another proof of what a sick mind can do. I think he was inspired by those many photos that can be seen all over the Internet with puppies hung to dry on a clothesline. But those pictures are cute, because the puppies didn't suffer during the photo session. But this Jerzon Senador wanted to go further. Why to spoil a baby shirt to make the photo? He imagined he could simply hang the poor puppy by his skin. I hope he will receive what he deserves, more than only those negative comments from animal lovers from all over the world.
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
Yes but the great thing about your photo is that the puppies are not being hurt whilst his, Jerzon, he clipped the puppy with its skin on the clothesline. Yes, PAWS is persistent in pressing charges against him.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
14 Jun 11
I know they were not hurt, but I think this guy wanted to be more original and imagined that if he just hangs the poor puppy by its skin, the picture will be even cooler than the other similar photos on the Internet. I'm glad to know that there is an organism that will pres charges against that guy. Maybe his case will serve as an example for every crazy guy who might think about hurting a helpless animal.
@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
14 Jun 11
That photo is horrible. That poor little puppy. What were those morons thinking? I wouldn't even think of doing something like that to any animal. I think these people should never beable to have pets again. Question is, How do you truely stop them from get other pets? Best Wishes!
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
Horrible photo but rest assured though, his actions are being reported to the animal rights organization here in our country.
• India
15 Jun 11
Absolutely disguisting. Shameful and totally disrespect for animals. Come on guys they also have life just as we do and more importantly they are most honest than we humans. Just because they cannot communicate that does not mean we can take advantage of them and do whatever we feel like. That picture of thd dog hanging on a clothes line is brutality. I'm sure that the person must be insane. Authorities should do the same with him/her and make them feel the same pain that the poor animal went through. Severe action has to be taken against such people. They should not be left free. I hope that the dog is doin fine and nothing severe has happened to him..
• Philippines
15 Jun 11
Yes! The dog is absolutely fine. He's still with his owner. He was hanged just for a few seconds only so he was not really injured nor harmed seriously.
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
OMG! what a horrid picture! and such a cruel person.... i'm in a literal outrage right now! ugh! disgusting human.... doesn't he know that dogs has emotions too.. what the! if ever i will see that person, i can't promise myself that i will not curse him!
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
Don't worry my friend. We're just one of the many who got angered by such cruelty to this poor pup. Actions has been done by the anti animal cruelty here in our place.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
16 Jun 11
It is sad that some people are able to be cruel to animals. I believe that the way we treat animals shows what sort of people we are. If you can be cruel to animals then you can be cruel to anyone. I would never trust a person who showed any cruelty to animals and I would seriously trust a dog's view of a person. Dog's know if a person is ok or not.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Jun 11
Down with animal cruelty...
@allknowing (142886)
• India
14 Jun 11
I just had a glimpse of that site and all what I can say is that whoever did that is not in his senses and needs to go to a psychiatrist. No normal person will do that. I love animals and I bend backwards to see that my pets are loved, fed well and treated when ill. I hope due action was taken and the matter reported.
• Philippines
14 Jun 11
during the news earlier, when he was being interviewed, he was asked what made him do it. His answer was simply that he had nothing else to do - he got bored.
• Philippines
15 Jun 11
definitely no to animal cruelty. a lot of my friends would agree to this because we all love animals big and small
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
17 Jun 11
Yes, i agree. I saw it online and i felt for the poor puppy. IT's pegged up on the laundry line with so many pegs. IT sure must hurt a lot for the puppy. I don't know why there are such cruel people, torturing small, defenceless animals for the fun of seeing them in pain. Such irresponsible people or even owners of pets should be jailed, caned, let them suffer the same pain like those animals.
@shengcruz (221)
• Philippines
15 Jun 11
Hello totallyundecided! Yes, my heart hurts for that poor puppy. But I think the lad did not really intend to hurt his puppy. He just gave him a bath and that only proved that he cares for his li'l dog! Sometimes, we all do have this "wild imagination" and this must have prompted the boy to hang his cute pup on the clothesline. Anyway, it's good that he immediately realized his mistake, showed regrets and apologized for his foul action. I think this is another lesson to be learned by many. Let's not just too quick to judge and easy to condemn others. What our society needs is better education and effective awareness campaign about the VALUE of ALL LIVING THINGS...and the RESPECT that they truly deserve!