Why Is Society Falling Apart?

United States
June 14, 2011 3:18pm CST
In today's trying economic times, we often wonder where this age of uncertainty actually began. I think I may have part of the answer. I would like to hear some feedback on this topic after you have read my thoughts. When I was in High School, things seemed to be going in the right direction. People still helped out their neighbors, elderly people were respected, crime levels weren't as high as they are today. Kids actually listened to their parents (sure a little rebellion here and there but nothing serious),....things just seemed a lot more civilized. I think that the major downfall all started with the increase in our cost of living. Inflation made it so that it is difficult for a family to survive on one income. Children were neglected due to the fact that both parents were out of the home and were unable to give the children the attention required to properly raise them. Parents were to tired to help with homework, too busy with work which they brought home from the office, too busy with work to make it to those afternoon ball games. These factors have such a great impact on psychological development in an adolescent's life. With that in mind, there is another aspect of society which I feel assisted in out downfall. When I was a child and did something wrong, I got "licks". For those of you who are not familiar with this term, "licks" refer to a spanking with a paddle. Typically, this paddle was made of hickory or oak wood, was about a half inch thick and three feet long. After going through one of these sessions, I made sure that I thought twice about doing something wrong. Society has determined that this type of punishment constitutes child abuse. There used to be a saying that seems to describe this in terms of what has happened to society. "Spare the rod and spoil the child." This is exactly what is happening. With all of the facts stated above, we might be able to bring things into focus....With children not being raised properly, juvenile crime rates have increased. These juveniles tend to be repeat offenders into their early to mid twenties. By this time, they are repeat offenders and end up in a correctional facility. This is funded by our tax dollars. We would be better off if we would just allow parents to decide adequate punishment for their own children. These children would grow up learning how to be good members of society. Another solution to this epidemic is for companies to provide one of two things; child care and/or professional counseling for employees and families. The child care would provide adult supervision for these children which would lessen the chance that they would become involved in any mischief. We need to allow parents the opportunity to BE parents instead of making it so that both parents have to work to make a living. Let parents spank their kids when they need it. I am not talking about beating them, I mean 4 or 5 "licks" maximum a day. I think that if this was allowed again, children might get the message that they are doing wrong. This would give them something to think about when they are faced with making a poor choice in the future. I know that it made me think things through when I was a teen. Give me your thoughts on this matter.
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5 responses
• Philippines
19 Jun 11
You definitely have a lot to say about this one. In my opinion, crime rates go up because mostly of poverty. Poverty happens when the products' and services' prices also go up. Although, they increase because of the lack of resources, mainly. Oil companies increase their prices because their product is limited and if they don't, it won't compensate for their needs. It's not easy to keep everything balanced, simply put. Everything should be thought of carefully or it will surely be going down the drain.
• United States
14 Jun 11
Very well said, I agree. I feel it started with my generation. Both parents working, so fast food and faster return on investment became the norm. Peopel started to think less about the future, family and friends and focused on self satisfaction. Dinner at the table not to night go go go ( through a drive through and get some food) then its home to watch tv in different rooms while the kids all play games and never go outside to explore learn and live. I recently hosted a camping weekend, 7 families showed up, our rules no cell phones, ( everyone distributed my number for emergency reasons and it was the only phone) no laptops, no electronic games. The young kids struggled, the parents struggled to find things they and the kids could do. It was sad. Then we broke out yard games, had a scavenger hunt, cooked on the fire, did some old fashion science stuff with magnifying glasses, mentos and soda bottles. By the second day evryone was in a groove and having fun, talking, playing and socializing like we used to. I dont think Society is to far gone, it just needs a reminder of what is and always will be important. Living our lives to the fullest
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I think you said it all I remember when I was growing up if I misbehaved I got licks for it.I was always on my best behavior and gave my elders th respect they deserved,kids now adays think they can do what ever thay feel like doing and it is okay to do so because they have no disipline,I wish things would go back to the old days when if you stepped out of line you got in trouble for it.I hope that you have a great day.
@celticeagle (172458)
• Boise, Idaho
14 Jun 11
Well, I wrote an epic piece but it didn't post so I will try again in a shortened version. I think we live in a spoiled society. With cell phones and texting we don't have to hold a person-to-person conversation anymore. I just posted yesterday a discussion about a High School in Mississippi that handcuffed some kids because of a minor infraction. Kids are out of control and I think it is because of a lack of family values. In my day we had grandparents in close proximity or in the household that helps to teach us respect and family values. Not so anymore. In some countries the whole family lives together. I even had a police officer tell me I could spank my grandson 'if I didn't leave any marks'. I didn't see the tatoo of 'hypocrit' on his forehead but that was what I was thinking. Make the rules and laws but let us slide if we can get away with it. What is that teaching our children? I agree with your thought on companies providing one of two things. I was lucky to have the latter at mine. I think parents are too quick to justify and not want to lose face when it comes to their children's behavior. It is sad. I was taught to respect my elders and I can remember having my mouth washed out with soap when I used my first sware words and being switched with a willow branch when I ran off. I hold no bad feelings toward my grandmother for any of it. Bottom line is spoiled, justifiable, and hypocrits.
• United States
14 Jun 11
I will agree with you that the downfall of society certainly has been because of the downfall of the family. But I don't think it has to do with inflation. Most women choose to work because they want a profession. Some women work because they have to because they are single parents with no child support. Some households both parents choose to work, rather than stay at home with kids, because they want all the stuff their neighbors have. We live in a society of wants not needs, greed not kindness. Children learn from their peers not their parents. Parents allow children to spend more time with peers than they do at home doing family life stuff. That is why society is the way it is, in my opinion anyways.