Who do you tell good news to first?

United States
June 14, 2011 8:15pm CST
I tell my spouse first, then my brother, then my parents? how about you?
6 responses
• Philippines
15 Jun 11
nowadays, i tell my boyfriend first and then my friends. i then call my sister and just text my parents. hahaha
• United States
15 Jun 11
I wish my parents would text, but they are older and dont even understand how to set the clock on the antique vcr... ( flash 12:00 12:00 12:00)
16 Jun 11
First, I praise God and second to anyone close to me that I met first.
@manubla (472)
• Philippines
15 Jun 11
Hi mygameminiatures, It depends on the good news but generally, I tell my close friends first. If it's something that my parents should know, it should be them first. But now that I live alone and away from home, it's usually friends that know about it first
@livecenter (1136)
• Malaysia
15 Jun 11
@mygameminiatures: It depends on the nature of the news. If it is about my study e.g good exam grades I would tell my parents first. Then I would tell my close friends and my siblings.
@sniglet (113)
15 Jun 11
Based on situation it varies.If it happens in the office i will share this one to my team first.If it is related to family,i will tell to parents.so based on situation my conveys varies.
@lukem52 (26)
• Canada
15 Jun 11
Telling your spouse first is ALWAYS the best idea. But since i don't have one it'd be parents, then close friends, then sister.