What do you think about when you try to fall asleep?

United States
June 14, 2011 11:40pm CST
Do you have a certain dream you try and put yourself in? I often imagine being in a thunderstorm, or on a beach. It almost always puts me to sleep with in a few minutes. Do you have any cool things you focus on to fall asleep?
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8 responses
@petersum (4522)
• United States
15 Jun 11
Thinking is my problem! My brain is so active, thinking about all sorts of things, that I can't go to sleep. I'm an insomniac! If only I could stop thinking for a moment, I could go to sleep!
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• United States
15 Jun 11
Petersum, I am like you, I classified myself as an insomniac for years. If I just try and lay down I never fall asleep, I tend to replay the entire day. If I dont find something to focus on ( a type of dream I try and put myself in) I have a very hard time ever relaxing. Once I do fall asleep though Im out. Mornings are hard because I dont want to get out of bed. My family had a hard time understanding why.
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• United States
15 Jun 11
I normally think about things that make me happy. Like people and what not. It probably keeps me up longer, but then at least I'm happy when I fall asleep? :P
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• United States
15 Jun 11
Are you a positive person through out the day? I wonder if your habit when you fall asleep helps your mental health. I know when people focus on the bad al lthe time they become very depressed and negative. I assume doing the opposite would work also. Youll have to answer that for me. Are you a generally happy person?
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• United States
15 Jun 11
Well it's different every night. Most nights these days I'm trying to think of what needs to be done the next day (which actually winds up keeping me up). Sometimes I do what you do and try to picture a relaxing scene. I often think of being a mermaid and swimming in the depths of the ocean (I'm a crazy fantasy freak, and it really is a relaxing image! lol). Sometimes I imagine dancing in sunny rain.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
15 Jun 11
When i go to sleep, i am already very sleepy, so i just put on my night mask and sleep. However, sometimes i would insist in going to sleep early, but i just can't easily. So, i would count sheeps and before i knew it, i am asleep!
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• Philippines
15 Jun 11
I don't really think of anything else before going to send. It is very seldom that I am not quite sleepy when I lay in bed. When the time comes that I have to sleep, I am in fact already sleepy. The minute I lay in bed and close my eyes, I will be able to sleep. There are times that it takes a while for me to fall asleep. I just think about what happended that day etc. After a few minutes I'll feel really sleepy.
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• United States
15 Jun 11
your a lucky one, I try and wait until I am tired but I just dont fall asleep. I end up thinking way to much. But once I fall asleep, I am out and dont want to wake in the morning.
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@sniglet (113)
16 Jun 11
sometimes i feel good dreams whenever i fall asleep. these are really come what actually you are think about something that day over.
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@soulist (2985)
• United States
12 Sep 11
I always have a hard time turning my mind off when i go to sleep. I think about so many different things from what I did that day, what I need to do the next day, what I didn't get done. Sometimes for no reason at all I will think about my ffears like last night I dont know why but i thought what would I do if something bad happened to my brother. I pretty much have to tell myself to stop thinking and force myself to clear my head.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
19 Jun 11
I love to dream before falling asleep. I dream things that I want to live and I slumat. Presenting certain situations and then just fall asleep. Pleased and happy. For dreams make me fly.