Sometimes, energy drink really mess up my rest time

United States
June 15, 2011 8:26pm CST
You know what, it is great to have one or two energy drinks I bought from gas station, because I usually have not enough time for sleep, and I have to get up really early to work. So, energy drinks might help me avoid sleepy head while I am working. Especially when you have to sit down; it is easily fall asleep at your desk. I thought the label says that the energy drink might last 5 hours effective, but 2 days, I simply had one drink, and it was last 12 hours or more. At night, I couldn't sleep, and I felt so energized. That really mess me up with my rest time though. Does anyone here abuse the use of energy drinks somehow?
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14 responses
• Argentina
16 Jun 11
Well, I admit I used to... but I gave up like 6 months. But are you sure you're not having gasoline, pal?
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@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
2 Aug 11
hi, yes, that was also happened to me, i drunk one energy drink in the after noon so that my eyes would not fall in the middle of working hours,but as you have said,but the thing was going wrong because at night i cant sleep and even close my eyes to fall asleep,until midnight i was still awoke.thats why i never drink energy drinks again in the afternoon and even in the morning.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
18 Jun 11
I have never tried the actual energy drinks before. I have tried the 5 Hour energy thing though and it didn't do a thing for me. I have taken energy pills though and they really made me wired. It keeps me up too.
• Australia
17 Jun 11
I think they are great to give you that extra burst of energy but i cant say that they keep me up at night. I have never drank more than is advised on the can, altough i am quite aware many people do. I have also noticed some people seem to be addicted to them almost. Yes there are many side effects to drinking such high doses of caffine, guarana etc.
@GemmaR (8517)
16 Jun 11
I don't usually drink energy drinks unless I'm desperate, because I prefer for my body to get into a pattern that it is happy with, and to stick with that pattern. Energy drinks only provide the body with artificial energy for a short period of time, and you would probably find that you would most likely experience a "crash" later on in the day if you were to drink of these. Plus, people who drink too many of these have talked about experiencing panic attacks and heart problems in the hours following consumption, so it's probably just best to get enough sleep for whatever you want to do during a day.
@donharis (305)
• Pakistan
16 Jun 11
Really i need this energy drink, Bcoz one night i was with my relative at hospital, and to avoid sleep i drink the Pepsico STING energy drink, and u will not belive, bcoz of the drink i sleep very
@narthan (325)
• India
16 Jun 11
What I suggest everyone is use Energy drinks only when it is really required. It is better to manage without but if it is unavoidable only then it is recommended. They contain a lot of caffeine substances which could be harmful if consumed regularly.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
16 Jun 11
I think it will always mess up anyway. When our body can ni linger perform as we expect... I think of course it means we should not push ourselves beyond our limitations by taking enwrgy boosters and the likes.
• Southend-On-Sea, England
16 Jun 11
The wide usage of energy drinks these days really bothers me...not so much from the physical aspect in that they are addictive and contain too high levels of caffeine for the body to naturally cope with...more from the aspect that I've noticed a large body of people who use them become very hyper and unpredictable, sometimes aggressive, in their behaviour.
@m_perez (506)
• United States
16 Jun 11
I have never had an energy drink I'm kind of too afraid to drink one because of all the bad things I've heard about them. Anyways I don't think it would benefit me much because even a soda does alot of damage to me. After I drink a soda I feel horrible and tired the rest of the day. I guess I just don't have tolerance for caffeine. Oh well..
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
16 Jun 11
Wow.. What kind of energy drink is that? I think its cool, but yet bad if we really don't know the effects! I think that kind of energy drink will be much helpful to those who are night shifts call center-agents! I don't drink energy drinks since my mom and dad doesn't allow me to. :)
• Philippines
16 Jun 11
I am not an abuser of energy drink. But I just want to share a story of mine about them. Once after work I felt hungry. I was ready to go to buy my dinner in a nearby canteen. However, I noticed that the canteen's water dispenser was already empty. Having the urge for a drink, my attention was caught on a light yellow bottled juice. I purchased it and went on to drink it with my dinner. It just so happened that what I drank was a type of energy drink and not just juice. I wasn't aware of that. And when I am about to turn to sleep, I can't. It really messed my sleeping habit. Instead of having a peaceful night of resting, I became restless. I was uncomfortable doing nothing that I was awake till morning to go to work. That was the first time I drank an energy drink. It kind of makes you high and actively awake all night. So the moral of the story: never consume an energy drink before bedtime!
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
16 Jun 11
I don't use abusively, but every time that I have a test on my college I don't sleep all night long and I'm only able to do that if I drink some energy drink or a lot of cups of coffee. Now, I'm used and it's not so hard to not sleep during the night as it was on the first times that I had to do that. But after the test, I usually go home and sleep for hours straight and even if I drink one red bull a few minutes before the test, I go home and sleep anyway so it doesn't have a strong effect on me.
@ray8500 (46)
16 Jun 11
I only drink energy drinks when i need to stay up late or when i need that extra alertness. It'll keep you up for long so try to consume one when needed only.