are you a jealous type of person

@SIMPLYD (90721)
June 15, 2011 10:15pm CST
I hate to admit it, but I am a jealous person. I would be jealous of my mother-in-law if she seemed to be doing things for my husband and would think, it should be me, not her doing it. I would also be jealous if my friend would go out with other friends . I would be jealous if my daughter texted her father as my husband tells me , while for me, I do the texting to her. Most of all, I get jealous of my husband if she comes home late from work. OMG ! I hate it, but I can’t help myself! Please share with me your thoughts on this.
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15 responses
• Philippines
16 Jun 11
I could get jealous but I'm really not the jealous type. I guess when situation calls it, I get jealous. Whenever my girlfriend talks to another guy, it's quite alright but if she starts flirting, that's when I start feeling jealous.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
16 Jun 11
I think all men will get jealous when they see their girl flirting with other men. When a man don't get jealous, to me, it means he doesn't love me. It is also the same with women to men.
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
That's where my threshold is at, I guess; just like most people. Getting ticked when it's not necessary is something serious, though. There are people who loses their temper pretty quickly when it comes to situations like that. They can't hold their temper resulting on a poor decision making. I've always been taught to think first before I act and I've been seeing why that has to be. Acting first before using your head is something everyone can do but the other is pretty difficult to do. It requires patience and peace of mind.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
That's true. But my jealous side has already been tamed. Maybe our having been married for 21 years has proven that i have no cause to be jealous of and vice versa with my husband .
@dream_ozn (1752)
• Singapore
17 Jun 11
Hi Simplyd, i can totally understand what you mean over here. I do have the same jealousy problem as you face. It makes me down and feel sad and angry all the time. Which is the reason why i felt that i definitely needed to change. However, I have tried millions of times, yet, i am still unable to change. I get jealous at all sorts of time. when my boyfriend tells his sister things that I don't know, I get really mad. When my boyfriend tells his problems to his brother, i'll get jealous too, thinking that he should be telling me. I should be the one who is sharing his problems. I think we have the same problem because i can't help myself too. It's like beyond our control and this makes me feel terrible at times.
@dream_ozn (1752)
• Singapore
17 Jun 11
I'm not really into any religion. So i guess i just have to believe in myself. ANd you are right. Jealousy could take away our love ones from us. We need to get rid of this problem asps.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
18 Jun 11
Yes, we have to get rid of jealousy specially when it begins to consume you.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Try praying for God's help in taming it , if not totally eliminating it. Jealousy could drive our special love away from us , more so with our other loved ones. So, we have to seek for Divine intervention for it to be tamed.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Jealousy has always been an ugly word so one must refrain from this bad attitude. Being jealous is a sign of insecurity, selfishness and lack of trust and regard for others. If you think you are really into it then do something to cure yourself. Just consider the fact that you are not doing yourself a favor when you feel jealous.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Good to know that. Indeed, only God our Creator can change us. All we need is a heart that truly desires change and submissive enough to obey God's leading.
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
I have learned one way of taming my jealousy, praying for God's to help me control it if not totally eliminate it. I am happy to say that now, my jealousy has been tamed. I thank God for that.
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
18 Jun 11
@sql_cell (1427)
• Indonesia
16 Jun 11
I can also say as someone who easily jealous. But, I'm not jealous not because of stupid things. I am jealous of people who could always be obedient to God. I always wanted to be like them. But, I always, do not be like them.
@sql_cell (1427)
• Indonesia
17 Jun 11
YES. I should be able to do it. But,I am sometimes tempted by something that is forbidden by God.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
You don't have to be jealous of others being obedient to God, you do it yourself too. If others can do it, why can't you?
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
18 Jun 11
Hmm, it is said that things that are forbidden is delicious or nice. However, that is only true if it will remain a secret. But once, known the consequence will be heavy.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
talk things through - let your emotions out
"It's not just you, it's also me!" I think jealousy is quite normal for all of us. As they say, if there is jealousy, there is love. But it can be wrong for some nature. As long as your jealousy is really for loving not possessing and being obsessed to the person. There are also instances that you should try to control your emotions. Jealousy can sometimes ruin a relationship. Try to let your emotions out. Talk to the person concern about your real feelings. I think talking things through will somehow ease the pain you are keeping inside.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
18 Jun 11
Yes, indeed! But what can I say, there are times I can be jealous too like you. we are all human and it just depends on how you handle and take control...
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Yes, that's one way of curbing our jealousy - to talk to the person. At least , whatever is causing you to be jealous could be clarified. Thus it will stop in further making you jealous and later mad .
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
17 Jun 11
I envy the rich...I envy the peaceful...I envy the worshipful.. I feel jealous ... I care only about myself...and I hate every other person. and I'm a bad human.. thanks for the topic... have a great day/night....
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
17 Jun 11
hmmm why should I thank and wish you....?? "thanks myself" for my response and "wish myself" a great day/night...
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Try what i am doing , to pray that God will help you tame if not totally eliminate your jealousy. It will make you feel good about yourself .
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
16 Jun 11
I feel very sorry for you because you would be making your own life miserable all the time. But , you have been very frank about it and are not denying the fact.Some people , who I know are not even aware of the fact and delude themselves. YOur self analysis is a path to change and you may change with some inner training.I feel that this jealousy has arisen as a result of some insecurity of yours . Keep looking at other people who do not have a husband at all.[a widow or divorcee] You will realise how fortunate you are. YOu have to keep telling yourslef everyday how fortunate you have been born by looking at other people who are worse off than you in life.Moreover, there is one important thing you have to remember in life.If you behave badly on account of your jealousy, your husband or friends would only drift further away from you.THen you are going to have real cause for jealousy. If you feel jealous just because your husband coems home late you would show it in some way. THen he will start coming late even if he has no legitimate reason. Try and make attempts to change and pray genuinely to GOD.He would guide you .Take care.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
17 Jun 11
Thanks a lot for the BR. You are so aware of this flaw thta you will definitely improve even further and get a lot of peace. I do not see any cause for concern because awareness is the first and best step to change.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Thank you for saying all those bad effects of jealousy. I do know them, it's just that sometimes, this green eyed monster just comes out of me. But i would like you to know, that i have tamed my jealousy now. I realized my husband really do loves me and i am still luckier than other people to be jealous of others. I now always pray for God to help me tame my jealous side.
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@GemmaR (8517)
16 Jun 11
I am almost ashamed to say that I am most certainly the jealous type of person. When I broke up with my boyfriend just after Christmas (we're now back together, and engaged actually) I spent so much time looking at his online accounts seeing if he had been talking to anybody else, and I was always gutted when he had chatted to them and ignored the messages that I had sent to him. Luckily he's the only person I have ever been like this about, and it looks as though that might be because we are actually meant to be together, and I never stopped loving him even though we did break up for a little while for various reasons.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Actually, i am glad that age has mellowed the green eyed monster in me. Maybe because in our 21 years, i have proven my husband's love to me. Sometimes, jealousy could make a monster our of us. I hope you could tame your jealous side also.
• Philippines
16 Jun 11
hi SIMPLYD! I can actually relate to you for I am too a jealous person. Even before when I was young, am really jealous. I got jealous to my sister everytime she gets more attractive toys than me... I got jealous when I felt I was being left alone or out cast... Super jealous when my husband went home late and was not answering his cell phone... I guess, I am not just a jealous person but also paranoid... My imagination sometimes goes far... Like you, I really hate the feeling... This feeling of insecurity is really killing my personality, making my day bad... You know what, I am trying so hard to change... I know this is not healthy for me and for the people around me whom I love... You know what... prayer helps alot. Everytime I am feeling that my jealousy is already starting I tried hard to clear my mind and condition myself... It is actually all in my mind... For us love fully, we must learn to trust... And I am working on it... I hate the feeling of this, being manipulated by my own bad emotions and thinking... Mybe this has something to do with childhood as well... Take care!
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Just like you i pray to God to help me tame my anger. Slowly, but now i can say i am able to tame my jealousy. It made me realize it's stressing and depressing to be jealous. Yes, the tool to fight our jealousy is to offer it to God, for Him to transform it into a better trait.
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
17 Jun 11
Jealous is a good to show our concern to someone. But too much of jealous or unreasonable jealous will cause a lot of problem to maintain a good relationship with someone. For me, I shall jealous if my partner is too close to another guy. This should be reasonable for me to jealous because I concern her very much. If my children sent many short messages to her and she told me about them, then I shall be glad of such good relationship in between her with her children. Not everything we should jealous. Sometimes, we should admire and appreciate of what we have.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Yes, we should learn how to control our jealousy. It can bring havoc into our lives and ruin relationships. That's why, i keep on praying for God to help me tame my jealousy. And i am happy to say, he is already taming it.
• China
17 Jun 11
Proper jealous is reasonable but excessive jealous is bad,so we should control ourselves and correct it,i am not much a jealous type of person,but my husband is like this,it is really bad,i hate it.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Yes, it's bad to be jealous excessively. It leads to the destruction of a nice relationship. I just hope that God will continue to help me tame my jealousy.
• United States
16 Jun 11
Jealousy is completely natural. I would feel the same, besides the daughter texting thing (I don't see how that bothers you). I get jealous all the time though, so no need to worry.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
16 Jun 11
Maybe because, i want my daughter to initiate the sending of texts to me, not me always sending them ,to ask how she is( she studies in a far city). I also want her to ask how i am doing too, in her initiative. That way, i can feel that i am being thought of always by my daughter also.
• United States
17 Jun 11
I've always heard that jealousy is a sign of insecurity. I think it is hard sometimes, though, not to be jealous. I used to get a little jealous when my daughter would talk to her dad on the phone. We haven't lived as a family for a very long time due to divorce. Anyway I kind of felt that she would love him more than me. I know that is silly but I was that way. I'm not that way anymore about that.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
That's true. Jealousy is a sign of insecurity. I can very say that myself, because when i feel that, i feel insecure that my loved one will choose the other party than me. When i am jealous, i am insecure that i might lose them for myself. It's really not a nice feeling , because it consumes your being. So, i always pray to help me tame my jealousy. I can say, that He is already doing it.
@lzink14 (54)
• United States
16 Jun 11
Jealousy is okay, but to much can be very harmful to your relationships. I am lucky that i am not to bad of a jealous person. The only thing i am very jealous about is when my husband gets to go out with his friends all the time while i stay home with my children. That bugs the crap out of me! But other than that i am not the jealous kind becuase i had many boyfriends in the past that were jealous of everything and it drove me crazy, so i swore i wouldnt be like that. Just remember.. Are the things you are getting jealous over really worth it?
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
The after effect of jealousy could really be depressing. Knowing that your jealousy was not worth it, makes us ashamed of ourselves. However, to be jealous is but a normal feeling of two people in love. It just have to be in a proper way.
@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
17 Jun 11
Dear Dina Jealousy is part of our life, so each of us is jealous in one way or other.. Thank you so much for sharing your ways of getting jealous Namastey. ^Kalyani^