Money "doesn't" grow on Trees

gold from plant/tree - that would have been cool i think.
June 16, 2011 6:53pm CST
Not an easy topic though...but hey,we all think of getting rich some day. You know sometimes I'd wish my mango tree here would grow some money so that i can just pick it up and sold it to the Pawnshop (that opened yesterday[FINALLY)] One thing that i want to point out here is that if you want money to grow on trees, What happens if the Bill that is growing is "NO LONGER" valid for trade or exchange. bills do get expired after a decade or two they changed it with a new format to keep fraudilers from making fake money out of it. But I don't mind my tree growing GOLD MANGOES instead and have them impound to the pawnshop in exchange of money, that would have been cool. (Yeah, I wish) Unfortunately, In our reality, we have to SAVE the best we can....
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23 responses
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
but in my case how i wish my coconut tree will grow money as well.. but i do have investments lately that i hope will soon give us more income ( you want to know? )
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@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
money doesn't only look like a paper or a coin.... not only coconut but the whole coconut itself is a currency coin money too... no wastes, from root up to leaves of the coconut are so called the TREE OF LIFE note: in the older days, SALT is considered as White Gold and serves as a money....
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
we were just literally referring to money bills growing on trees..just for fun
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• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Hello jazel, WOW! wait, if you have money and investment you can actually make your own VIRGIN COCONUT OIL production! now that's even good business because you got yourself a coconut tree there. just imagine the possibilities. you can search the internet on how to make a virgin coconut oil, a lot of organic enthusiast knows they are earning from this thing
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• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Literally, you are correct! But looking deeper into it, I'll have to disagree with you. Money can "grow" from trees. It's just about the perspective. Fruits grow from trees which can be a money making instrument. That should be the approach in life in order to grow money. Always look at the opportunity from a situation. In this case you should look at the opportunity from the tree growing fruit. Even if it isn't bearing golden mangoes, it still bears fruit. Even a standard mango can grow you money. That concept of always looking on opportunities makes people grow rich.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jun 11
but here in California we have to pay an a rm and a leg almost to get fresh mangoes and I love them. just think how much money a mango grower could make selling them even cheaper here as a lot of my friends love mangoes too and here they are so costly. We grow lots of other common fruits here but not mangoes. so if you raised them and sold the fruit you would have a sort of money tree but yes you still would have to do the work, raise the fruit tend the trees,feed irrigate then s ell them. its work but it does make money;lol
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Actually you can't really take the phrase literally because it's an idiomatic expression. Bottomline, what LEtranKnight is trying to point out is that money is not easily obtained (as in you have to work for it) so SAVE as much as you can. And to add to that - invest wisely as much as you can. ^_^ Good day guys!
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Yeah, I agree with that!
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@oscar6 (1938)
• United States
17 Jun 11
lol, I loved your discussion. I also wish that money grew on trees. I have a feeling that we as a society would be saving a lot more rainforests if money did grow on trees lol. Unforntantly we have to come up with other ways to make money. I usually make a decent amount of money online but I wish it would just grow on trees.
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• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Hello osacar, thank you for appreciating my discussion. It's just sad that we can't re-engineer tree from turning a tree into a gold growing thing. well, online earning these days are one of the most closes for so called money coming from the trees. not only we don't have to pay the fee but also we can actually earning while sharing our thoughts.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
17 Jun 11
It really would be nice if that really would be possible. It'd be nice if money really could grow on trees. But, as you've said, reality is that money doesn't grown on trees and we have to save as best as we can. That's all we can really do.
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• Philippines
17 Jun 11
hello dodo19, unless i can sell mangoes that grows up every one in every six months, there's no possible way that i can get money from trees . a lot has actually tried to sell their fruits from their trees but mostly like my mom ends up giving it away
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
correction: Money really grow on trees.... but that trees are very high.... that after repetitions of jumps still cannot reach the money that grows in trees... after all, it is easy to say: "Maybe those money that grows in trees are all fake" nyahahahaha find a ladder? the ladder is for RENT your income should be sufficient in order to pay for rent and the results is SAVINGS...
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
who knows we can create a genetically modified tree that grows gold..that's something we should look forward to since every single invention of man can literally grow from imagination itself.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
i remember what i read before, the witches in Europe used to cook stones with fish scales in order to produce gold hehehehe
• Philippines
15 Sep 12
Exactly. We must always save and save whilst we still have a source of our money but we all know that eventually the day will come that money will no longer come to us so we have to save as early as possible to be ready for anything.
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• India
14 Sep 12
Money cant be plucked from trees or mined out from ground. Had it been we would have had many more millionaires. It is earned with a lot of effort. But once we build a platform in any domain, then money would come to us more easily.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
9 Apr 13
I also think that money does not grow in tree and we have to work hard to earn money and also try to save money. I think some people tries to look for easy money and there is nothing known as easy money and we have to save money for the future.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
17 Jun 11
Money without its face value is nothing more than any printed papers. After the Japanese war, my grandparents were left with lots of Japanese currencies that became valueless when the Japanese army surrendered. The central bank did not recognize the currency so were unwilling to exchange them with our malaysian ringgit. Since there were useless and could not be traded, there were put on fire and reduced to ashes. Money has its expiry date too. It is therefore good to buy gold when there are excess of money as the value of gold keep on appreciating and can be traded in the international market.
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Hello zandhi, I agree with you most specially if there's no government or economy involved. well, when Japanese occupied the Philippines we had this mickey mouse money type japenese peso. that's true that money has it's own expiry dates. i think gold is still the best way to get rich because monetary value doesn't last.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jun 11
hi ketran I had a dream one time that was so real it continued for a few minutes after I woke. I did dream that I had planted an apple orchard but one tree was growing but not producing apples just large odd leaves but when I took a closer look I was so thrilled. instead of leaves they were ten dollar american bills. so I was picking these leaves like crazy and putting them in a box . In my dream I had picked u p a light green box that had maybe one or two deep green used Kleenex in it. My son's voice woke me asking me "what on earth are you doing mumbling over an empty box of used Kleenex. Mom throw them away" I yelled at him" no not used anything ten dollar bills.LookP I was still not out of the dream. Now he really laughed," mom wake up that must have been some dream." dream" I sputtered"{ look there they are all oh mygosh" I did wake up and said."right used kleenex, wow thats all my dream was worth really.throw them away." So much for my dreaming of money that grew on a tree.I guess maybe something was telling no you have to work for it,it does not grow on trees. but when I was growing up I made really money selling home grwon apples from our apple orchards so in a way money can grow on trees well that's a bit of a stretch of the imagination
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Hello Hatley, Wow, that is some fine dream you have. unfortunately, i don't have that kind of dream, i never even dream of winning the lottery or living in a big house.. it's nice of you to have make you're dream come true. butmy dreams a bit different. but there was a dream that related to my recent activity, like my job
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
That would be fantastic if any trees in the yard would bear money instead of fruit! That way you dont have to go to work everyday. You just have to wait for the tree to bear money for you. Then you just have to make sure you build a high fence around it so the neighbors won't know and steal some.
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Hello artistic temper, We actually have a pawnshop here as one of the renters. if that's possible i can exchange what ever gold mangoes i have for a couple of thousand bux. well, it doesn't need to be that high if it can be ELECTRICAL.of course, if they knew, they will steal it from me.
@de_toya (2429)
• Indonesia
17 Jun 11
In my country, there is a tale about gold fruiting plants. Well, it just a tale. In reality, off course this won't happen and I think we don't want except if the gold fruiting plants is own by myself only . If everybody have gold fruiting plants, it would trigger high inflation. And if everyone have many Gold, Gold will not be precious anymore. And perhaps, freeport company will go bankrupt
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Hello de toya, Well, some tales do come true, or probably it's a gold colored fruiting plants or something. it's good if every ones going to sell their gold, that would be something. i am not sure but can you explain about free port company going bankrupt? thanks
@de_toya (2429)
• Indonesia
18 Jun 11
It was just a joke! Freeport company is gold mining company which operate in Irian Jaya, Indonesia. This company belong to someone from USA. So, if we all have gold fruiting plants, no one will buy gold and this kind companies will go bankrupt, won't they? Well, it was just nonsense conversation. In fact, gold price is increases.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Hi knight! Well, I do hope that will happen, too have real "gold" mangoes that can be pawned and make money from it. But as you said, money can't grow on trees. If it was true, none of us will strive and work hard to live in this world. But I really hope there was an easy way to get what we wanted, just like picking up gold from tree to make a living. But in real life, we know we really have to work really hard and save the best we can.
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Hello annavi, Yeah, but i know some lotters here who runs a mangoe tree. there's nothing with thriving and working hard for it. but the best way to be able to be a bit rich was to save money as the best we can, and it's not easy but that guarantees that you can get something in the future if you save now. well, i didn't this month and i can't help but being hungry
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
18 Jun 11
Oh, I bet you really are a mylot addict. So, I think in a day you really earned 1 dollar. Am I right? For me, it's hard to earn a dollar in here a day cause I am not that active. And my earnings in here are just a bonus, an extra money for a starving stomach.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
17 Jun 11
Money does not itself grow on anywhere unless you know the technique to grow it.
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
there's no technique, unless there's a genetic make up that can make it happen into the tree. that would be cool. if only possible getting money from the internet alone with out consider putting something in
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
20 Jun 11
Interesting way to look at things. I think overall it is a concept we really could look at in other ways. Because in reality, Money does not grow on trees. It is something that you need to learn to work for, or make wise choices and investments on. Even when you have jobs, etc. it is not always going to be there, so learning how to save and plan is what works the Best.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
17 Jun 11
That would be great if money did grow on trees. I work very hard every day online to help buy things and pay bills and such.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
17 Jun 11
yes if we save then that will be our gain.So best thing is saving .
• United States
17 Jun 11
Your discussion made me laugh! I wish money did grow on trees. Maybe to deal with the whole expiration date every decade or so, the money can fall off the trees like leaves when they expire! Now, where can I get one of those money trees?
• United States
18 Jun 11
lol Letran, Money does not grow on trees but it can take money to grow and maintain that mango tree. lol We certainly do have to learn to save but first make the money to be able to save some of it. lol
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Yes, unfortunate it doesn't. if this was true, I cannot imagine how we live and and treat it. When I was still young and grossly thinking of money so I can have a good excuse to get away from home, I sincerely wish that they are growing out of trees so I could just pick them up and spend them in any way I please. I kept this mentality until high school and when i stepped into collage, I suddenly became financially concerned. Somehow, i sank into me that i need to exercise soem restraint when it comes to money. But every now and then, I still wish to have a growing tree with shiny green things that, in my imagination are wads of green bills. I guess your golden mangoes trumps my green leaves any day.