No Vet for pets

June 17, 2011 10:04am CST
I often heard of people taking their animals to the vet and spend money for that. Here in the Philippines, you can seldom hear about vet clinic and most of our animals are not taken to the vet. We will just give them the medicine that we think could help them when they are sick. There is no special treatment for animals here. No vet for pets..
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7 responses
• Philippines
18 Jun 11
hi celestial, I know that even Local Government has a public vet clinic and doctor As a pet owner we must be responsible to our pet I am lucky enough that there are lot of animal clinic here at my place happy mylotting
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
18 Jun 11
I do not think so buddy. I think that every animal needs care and attention. Like when we are sick and go to the doctor and the animals need vet. I always keep my animals to the vet and there they make different vaccines. nice day!
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
17 Jun 11
Well, here in America, pets are treated like members of the family. The owner will take them to the vet clinic for check up and even admit them there if they are really sick. They are provided with special food, a place to sleep and will be taken for a walk. Animals here are treated like people. I've about that in the Philippines that they even kill the animals for food like dogs and cats, etc. Here is America, it is against the law to even beat the animals. Stray animals will be provided with a place to live. There is an animal shelter here and those who want to adopt a dog for example, they will just go to the animal shelter.
• Philippines
18 Jun 11
Actually there are special treatment for animals here in the Philippines. I don't what part of the Philippines you live but here in Metro Manila there are a lot of vets you can always count on. You have to think first before posting something like this because you're clearly wrong about it.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
17 Jun 11
Hello Celestial, I think you would rather say "no pets - no vets" because it seems being a vet is not a profession that would bring too much money in Philippines. Here, in Europe, being a vet it is a very lucrative job. No, I'm not a vet, but I know how much money I gave to vets in the last 14 years. I think it is something normal to give the dogs the proper care - including immunizations, proper treatment in case they become sick and supplements (if needed). So I don't find taking dogs to the vet something strange. When you get a dog, you become responsible for their whole life. You can't just treat them empirically, hoping that they will be well. Many medicines that are good for humans can be lethal to dogs, so I wouldn't take any risk.
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
18 Jun 11
I agree with you. We don't spend money on pets moreover for an askal pet. We are not used to pamper pets and only those who have colonial mentality do things like spending too much on a pet. We are not animal haters but simply practical as we have so many things that need to be spend on which is more important. Only those who want to be compared with Americans or English people get Vet for their pets. Most Filipino would rather buy rice than pay for pet. I don't think it is a bad character but only being practical and sincere. I for myself would rather buy a hungry street children a bread than pay high fees for a dog's cough!
@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
17 Jun 11
Hi celestial, Here in the US, a lot of people spoil and pamper their pets with clothes, special foods, nail polish, jewelry, booties for their feet, etc... They treat them like dolls or children and love them dearly. I do not think that is right. Dogs are not humans and should not be treated as such. However, most people in the US do agree that dogs and other pets are creatures of this earth and should be treated properly. This does not mean spoiling and pampering... but it does mean being kind and not abusing them or neglecting them. Here in the US, animal abuse, and neglect are illegal. You must take care of your pets. You should keep them as healthy as possible. They should be taken to the vet to have all of their necessary shots that protect them from disease and illness... and keep them groomed. If they have long hair, it needs to stay trimmed out of their eyes, and you should not let their fur get matted or too dirty. They should be bathed at least once every 2 weeks. Also, it's important to keep their nails trimmed, as if you let them grow out too far it will cause them great discomfort and pain. Their nails will snag on things and break... which hurts!