Life stinks... :) love? well these days, it also stinks

@jamuls (530)
June 17, 2011 3:38pm CST
it's been 12 days since i've last said "i love you" to the woman who made me who i am today and who still holds my heart. we've spent six years together but fate has not been kind... she left for he States to join the Navy while i stayed here in the Philippines. some of you might ask why we still aint married and honestly speaking, i really dont know. we havent talked about it when we were still together. i didnt notice any signs, didnt give hints that she wants to tie the knot. she's the type of girl who wants to have everything, make her dreams come true and etc. etc... after 5 months of being separated by nearly 7000 miles, she broke up with me. reason? i didnt ask... this might sound strange to you but for me, ignorance is a bliss... i cant handle the truth. she did say that no 3rd party was involved but i'll never know. her life there, based on what she tells me, is really hard. all the back breaking exercises that she undergoes and the lessons, lack of sleep and rest, homesickness and probably the hunger for some intimate companionship took it's toll on her... for people who're like me at this very moment, i'd like to share how my life goes on after the break up and at the same time, i'd like to hear some of your words that can help me move on faster.
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6 responses
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Jun 11
hi jamuls well life just stinks for awhile then you find you need to move on and maybe y ou can mend the gaps between you two or mabye not. but sounds like the break up is done as she has joined the navyPerhaps in the long run the break up was good as maybe you are slated to meet someone you will fall for big time and she will be the one for ypu. Six years thats a lot of time to just throw away yet theres someting she moust not have told you.She holds back and maybe theres a reason and she does not want to tell you. I thinkit is over and you have to pick up the pieces and start anew with someobe wgi wants to be here with you not miles and miles away.
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• Australia
18 Jun 11
That's a very sad story, i do feel sorry for you. But that's not what you need. You need to take your life by the horns and make something of yourself. This is not the end of your happiness and just the end of an era life does go on and as it has for your partner will change so much in the next few years you may not be able to recognise yourself. Have you ever though about joining the armed forces? or do you have another dream to follow? Now is your chance to do what you want to do. To become the person that you want to be without someone else's dreams influencing your decision or holding you back. I think your want everything out of life approach is something you should take from this experience. Goodluck in your life, i hope you find happiness.
@jamuls (530)
• Philippines
19 Jun 11
thank you so much for this... i just have to get rid of all these demons inside me and get that thing called peace of mind and get back to work.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
19 Jul 11
this may sound strange and not helpful but I personally think it's for the best that you broke up this training and discipline will toughen her up obviously for the role but you will find it also changes her and you may not like this change
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
17 Jun 11
Remember that nothing lasts, but nothing is lost.
• Philippines
19 Jul 11
Sorry bout what happened to you guys... I guess I really wanted you to end up with her... we're not getting any younger and I was really hoping that your long distance relationship would work. Just so I'd be convinced that mine would once Adda leaves for the states
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
17 Jun 11
Hello. First time so why not the woman said to her that he loved her. Do not you know that every woman wants attention and affection. How much time to repay. Friend try to find a woman to show what its capable of that you can love and respect to be kind and gentle.