What goes with traffic and adsense?I

New Zealand
June 19, 2011 2:13pm CST
I do find this google adsense page impression thing alittle confusing.I recently started a new blog and it was picking up nicely with adsense and post visits then overnight it fell back to next nothing. maybe I have submitted my url to the wrong place and upset the apple cart I just don't know.I have heard that google will penalise for certain things and I have tried to be carefull but how do you know if that is the problem and will it pick up again if I watch what I do? I am posting often so it is not that. Does anybody have a clue to why traffic suddenly falls back. my traffic was coming from google search engines mainly.
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1 response
• New Zealand
4 Jul 11
Because you say it's new blog, it may have not stabilized for it's rankings in the search results, i.e. it may have dropped backed a page or 2 - or more, to settle. Thus less traffic. Also what's the bounce rate or visitor time on your pages? If low for a new blog, it might get pushed back in search rankings. Plus the intent of queries might have been diverted; If you were previously getting informational queries, this may have been reduced, if your content does not match those queries. Has happened - even to me, so I had to add more insightful content, add a outbound link to relevant sites, images, video, charts, etc to make content more useful, specific, and relevant. Since too many other blogs/sites were similar.
• New Zealand
4 Jul 11
Hello, I thankyou for your response.Your info is very helpful to me.I have found a great site that is helping me a lot to sort my blog.My blog is quite new and the page views are slowly picking up again.I found I have my pages all on restricted robot text but so far from what I can make out that is normal.Something to do with blogger blogs and labels so I have stopped trying to search a solution to that problem.Decided just to work on adding quality posts and hope for the best.I finally found out how to submit and get indexed with yahoo search so looking forward to see results.(I submitted to their search weeks ago not realizing I needed to plant their meta tag to get fast results.Its a learning curve for me. Thanks again for your help.