Questions about Titles and posts.

New Zealand
June 20, 2011 2:03am CST
Hello, I just have a couple of questions from you expert bloggers. Is it ok to change a title on a post anytime.I have been learning a little more about keywords and could make my titles more search engine friendly. Should I include my title in the body of the post for SEO? Do your labels on your posts make any difference to search engines or are they just there for the visitor.Should my label be the same as the title? These questions may seem silly but not to the newbie.Hope someone can help.
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2 responses
• New Zealand
4 Jul 11
I have changed titles but only slightly, but perhaps a slight loss in search result rankings. You might also want to reverse title, i.e. to display post title + blog title. This will display the post title first in search results. Tutorial here:
• New Zealand
4 Jul 11
Thankyou for your response.I am only now starting to realize the roll titles play in search and it is a good idea.Possible should have studied up on blogger blogs before I wrote so many posts but learning along the way.At least my next blog will kick off with some advantage. I will check the site you mentioned out.Thankyou for your help.
• India
23 Jun 11
I think you can use different labels for the same post under the same title. though I am also a new blogger but I think labels on posts creates difference to search engine.