What do I do?

United States
June 21, 2011 1:34am CST
"KL" and I have been friends for more than 10 years. She has now managed to ruin our friendship in less than a day. Last week, She asked me to watch her 3 year old daughter for a couple of hours. I agreed because I loved her children. I did tell her that my own daughter had a doctor's appointment later that afternoon. She assured me that she would have her daughter ("SG") picked up prior to that time. She never showed up. I ended up having to get my husband to take off work to take Kristen to her doctor's appointment so that I could stay home with "SG" who was still napping, as any 3 year old would be at 1:30 in the afternoon. Mike of course is not happy, but agrees because the doctor's appointment was important for Kristen, is in her first pregnancy and it is looking like it's twins. We are still hearing multiple heartbeats, but won't have an ultra sound to confirm it's two babies for another two weeks. When they get back from the OB/GYN, I'm so upset. Not only have I missed my opportunity to hear my grandbaby's heartbeat for the first time, but I have now had "SG" for more than 7 hours. She has no more pull ups and has pooed the last one. So once again, I have to ask Mike to take MORE time off work to run to Target or Walmart and pick up the underpants for this precious baby who is miserable in a dirty training pant! At 6:45, I finally manage to get in touch with her dad, who has no clue where his wife and/or children are. He doesn't know that I have "SG" and doesn't know who picked up the older two children after summer school classes were over at 1 p.m. He is frantically on the phone now, trying to locate the kids that he assumed (Until I called) were with his wife. Kristen and Zack offered to drive "SG" home which is a 50 mile trip ONE WAY so that "JW" can stay home and try and find the other two kids.I don't mention to him about having to purchase pull ups, feed her lunch, the missed doctor's appointment etc. I figure he has enough on his mind at that moment. The next morning, JW calls me at 5 a.m. and wants to know if I can watch SG again because KL still has not come home, or called. She is not answering her cell. His mother has agreed to get the older two to summer school, but could he give me some gas money to drive across town and pick them up and keep them until he gets off at 5:30. REMEMBER...they live 50 miles across on the other side of Phoenix. That's a 100 miles round trip. I told him I'd be glad to watch "SG" again, but I just couldn't make that trip to get the other two. So he then asks if I could just come to the house to watch SG and the bus will drop the other two off to me. Well, I have things that I need to do here at my house. But I feel so bad for him, that Mike and I agree that it will be ok for this one day. When I get to their house, I almost turned around and ran. I hadn't been there since we moved out to Arizona. I swear to you...the family could be a guest on the "Hoarders" tv show. I was afraid to stay in the house, and I certainly wasn't eating/drinking anything there. I ended up taking SG to the library, then to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch and let her play. When it was time for the older kids to get out of school, we went for a short drive to let SG finish her nap in the cool of my truck. Then we went for ice cream at McDonalds, and back to an air conditioned playground. *The temp was over 105^ so no way could they play outside! I dropped them off to JW a little after 5 that evening. Told him there was no way I could keep them the next day at either place. I had appointments etc...that could not be postponed. Still, no word at all from KL. Three days later, on Saturday, she calls me and is begins to act like nothing has happened. Quite the contrary...she is mad at me because I let SG have soda at Chuck E Cheese! Hello? I have to tell you, I wasn't very nice to her. But, now I'm feeling really guilty because we have been friends for so long. Her husband was transfered out here from Arkansas and she was SO excited when we decided to move out here back last winter. I love her children dearly but I just don't think she treated me fairly. And she still has no explaination as to where she was for three days, and why she lied to me about how long she needed me to keep SG. Should I just let this go? What would you do?
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7 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
21 Jun 11
No, I would not let it go. I would ask her point blank where she had been and why she thought it was okay to dump everything on everyone else then pretend like nothing happened. Be honest with her. Let her know it was not okay. If you don't, she may very well do it again. I wouldn't abandon her or her kids and husband, but I would be very clear that her behavior was unacceptable.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
19 Jul 11
I'm glad you got to the bottom of it. That makes it easier to handle, anyway.
• United States
19 Jul 11
I'm finding out that her problems run alot deeper than I originally thought. It seems that she has been off her bipolar meds for several weeks before the incident. I wish I'd known before that day, but it makes a little more sense now. Thanks for your input.
@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
21 Jun 11
Until I got an apology and an explanation from her, I wouldn't have contact with her. Actually, I would write a letter detailing every single thing that happened, how you felt, what you had to miss. I'd send her the letter, and wait for her response. If she didn't call you or contact you in any other way, then that would be my answer as to whether to continue the friendship.
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
19 Jul 11
I understand. I used to be like that until recently. One person in particular. Then I realized forgiving her is great. But I had to cut her out of my life. There just came a time when the degree of her inconsideration could not be mistaken as anything but despicable. And as hard as it was, my life is better without her.
• United States
19 Jul 11
That sounds like a good idea, and one I'd not thought of. When I call someone, I usually end up crying and forgiving all without getting an explaination for anything because I'm very tenderhearted that way. I know in many ways I should be tougher, but I'm just not.
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• Canada
22 Jun 11
Don't let "this" go, let HER go!!! What she did is totally uncalled for. I would not take this crap from someone, and neither should you. I used to live in Sedona, and we went to Phoenix all the time, so I know how big the city is, and what traffic is like out there. God knows, it's like Toronto on steroids. You need to drop this woman like a lead turd!! I know the kids are great, but you can't afford the freaking drama, and you don't deserve to have to deal with it either.
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• United States
22 Jun 11
Oh girl, you have me rollingwith laughter at the thought of a "lead turd"! I was raeading your response to Kristen after she came in my room to see why I was laughing so hard! I think the big thing is that it just hurts to think that she would abuse our friendship without even seeming to think about it.
@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
21 Jun 11
I'm not really sure I would consider this person a friend. The least she could've done is taken her children into consideration before she decided to go on a 3 day furlough. Her children should always be her priority. I believe she owes everyone and explaination. However, I think you will never hear one. If I were you, I would definitely let her know how you felt about this situation. The only way your friendship will survive is if you get it off your chest. I think you and your husband went above an beyond what a normal person would do. She needs to apologize to everyone who was involved. Best Wishes!
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• United States
19 Jul 11
I agree. She did call and try to apologize, but we ended up g4etting into a huge argument. I hate fighting...with anyone and especially someone who is supposed to be a friend. I spoke to her sister late last week, and apparently she is not taking her bipolar medication.
@xien2xien (1382)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
that was a tough one.. one question you need to ask your self, do you still really want to be friend with her? if the answer is no, then don't bother yourself anymore, let her be and continue with your own life. BUT if the answer is yes, that's a lot of work for you ma'am.... if this friend of yours doesn't have the guts to explain the real reason behind her sudden disappearing act, maybe you could find a very good time to ask her side, you have no idea what she went through that past 3 days so you don't have any right to judge her right away... try to ask her, then when she try to explain the details listen very carefully then after that decide what you will do, forgive her, accept her details and be friend again. OR to make it short, if you just still love her and value her as a friend for the last 10years, like what she did don't mind what just happened be friends with her again forget what you've been through that day, i'm sure someday you can both find a very good timing to talk about this matter. goodluck!
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• United States
19 Jul 11
I do still love her and I want to "fix" the fight we've had. but right now I don't know how, or even if I'm going to be able to. I've not tried to contact her in the last couple of weeks. I understand she's having some medical issues and I'm trying to wait those out. In the meantime, I'm praying for her, us and the entire situation
• United States
21 Jun 11
Wow, you really did go through a lot, and I'm hoping this woman simply just somehow overlooked all of these things that you went through for her. You need to let her know that you really don't plan on going through all of that again.
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• United States
1 Sep 11
Well, unfortunately I would go through it again if the situation should happen again. I don't want it to happen, but I love her and her kids so much that it wouldn't take much for me to help her out again. She has apologized, explained that she has been off her bilar medications. (Which explains ALOT) and begged my forgiveness. How can I not forgive?
• United States
21 Jun 11
Wow! Your friend really deceived you. NO I would not let this go. She lied to you and she used you. She at least owes you an explanation as to why she used you like that. She has some nerve to complain to you that you gave her child soda? I mean...come on!!! She would really get a piece of my mind. I doubt I would continue the friendship with her lying like that.
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