GTA IV online multiplayer: earned money not being saved hence not levelling up

@nvtellan (1907)
June 21, 2011 3:48am CST
I was playing multiplayer online last night and I have earned enough money in order to reach near level-up. Then I decided to go out of the multiplayer mode to check the ladderboards (which is accessible during offline). As I viewed the ladderboard, I noticed that my hard earned money were not being credited and I still remain at the level from where I first started playing. All the money/exp I earned were not being credited. If this goes on, then I won't be reaching level 10 and get that Wanted trophy. Anybody here still playing GTA IV online multiplayer on the PS3? Are you also experiencing the same thing? What could be the reason for this and the resolution? Thanks in advance.
1 response
• United States
24 Sep 11
Never had this kind of problem when I was playing this game at the beginning of the year. I did had where I would earn money and then the next day I lost about 1 million dollars. It then came back later. The servers are always crappy, but I have heard it has gotten worst that people don't earn anything like you. Amazing they haven't made a patch yet.
@nvtellan (1907)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
Well, I have platinumed GTA IV last month and yes, the servers are crappy but they have made some fixes on it already. Also, I noticed that I was earning extra experiences daily after I grinded for exp for an hour or so. Thanks for the reply.