We can't afford a Tsunami...
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
June 21, 2011 7:20am CST
Hello Lotters,
We all felt BAD about what happened to JAPAN, one of the most advanced and develop countries in Asia. despite of their preparations, a tsunami killed more than ten thousand of their citizens
but that's a complicated situation sure worse from our situation now in our Rainy season in the Philippines.hough we have the regular rains, and yet we have floods in both rural and urban areas. even in Mindanao that has mountains also experience floods.
If a tsunami
strikes in any three of our Islands, the damage will be tremendous. So, fearful and terrifying that it will kill MILLIONS instead of thousands unlike in one of the Japan's prefectures.
But for now i think we are still blessed by not having that kind of wave that high. but still we need to have pipes that are as big as a tunnel in the MRTs railways underground....
A wave like that can drag us like bits of sands.
Not a referral link.

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14 responses
@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
22 Jun 11
No way!
if that kind of tsunami will happen here in Manila Bay then most likely we will be the first people who will be drown right away. It is really disturbing that it will drag all the things just so easy for a minute even the buildings wherein you have been worked hard and construct it for how many years before it was established. Then by just the tsunami it will fade all away. That is the sad truth.

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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
Hello Metatronik,
Yeah, the best way is to climb or go to the highest building as possible. well, that's the sad reality of the power of nature, anything that is man made can really just destroy anything and everything. well, let's just hope that it won't hit us some day, but at least we can prepare for the worst

@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
25 Jun 11
@mantis36: really? so you mean at least we are a little bit safe? Just in case it will happen?
@LetranKnight25: as what I have seen on video that you shared even the highest building was destroyed by tsunami or unless it was just a creation of movie then in reality it was never happened yet. And yeah I am totally hoping that it won't be happen someday.

@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
I sure hope that no tsunami would ever hit us. The damage would be unimaginable! Let's all hope and pray hard that Tsunamis and Strong Earthquakes won't ever hit our country. We should, at the same time, start re-enforcing our structures and processes in case these calamities would strike.
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
Hello xte,
Yeah, i sure hope so, but a lot of floods are slowly eating our way of life, most specially to the poor people. we have experience earth quakes before and it killed millions of people, like the one in Baguio way back 1991. i am not sure about buildings reinforcing structures, that's expensive.
, they'd probably do that after the disaster strikes

@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
21 Jun 11
I second that with you Xtedaxcvg. I hope nothing like that happens in your country.

@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
I think if that kind of tsunami hit the Philippines, we'll be erased off the map. It's probably an exaggeration but that's not far from being possible. We're already suffering from tremendous floods every now and then, what if a tremendous flood and a tsunami happens at the same time? The effect will be really disastrous. There are projections already that by the rising sea level brought about by climate change, some towns will be submerged with water, and will no longer be habitable.
Let's just hope and pray that a tsunami never happens in the country.

@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
Even if we have huge tunnels or pipes to divert the water, where will it go? To the sea and oceans of course, and that will only add to the rising sea level which is slowly submerging all the lands in the coastal areas.
Even good swimmers can be killed in tsunami or in flash floods. We've seen cases like these on tv.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
Hello secret bear,
Not really but definitely a lot of people are going to die. well, that's because we lack tunnels or huge pipes that divert water to another location. i believe it can kill all of us, i know it can kill me because i don't even know how to swim. too bad though

@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
22 Jun 11
I do not think anyone would like to see a tsunami but it is really evident that earthquakes nowadays does bring about these deadly waves.
There may be bountiful and endless expert opinions and findings as to how and why tsunamis follow after a major earthquake - but I don't think we can really comprehend especially when it is becoming more rampant nowadays.
In the past, I am sure tsunamis are quite unheard of after major earthquakes until of late. So, I can only conclude that we are actually responsible for it where we have been exploiting mother nature with our willful destructive acts like illegal mining, oil rigging, improper disposal of hazardous materials and nuclear bomb testings. We sow what we reap, so it is only natural that we will one day have to face the inevitable consequences of our abusive ways.
Tsunamis are devastating and dreadful but they are uncontrollable. However, I believe we can lessen the chances of another occurrence by doing our part in earth preservation.

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
am not sure how an oil rig or driller can trigger an Earthquake since there are movements of lands under the sea. that's the scary part because the movement of masses actually happened i Japan.it's true that no one will be safe but probably we should live our lives to the very end.

@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
how about the sinking of the Atlantis where Tsunamis is the major cause of it????
it is not that WE are responsible to Tsunami since it is a nature kind of disaster...
it is accurately God did it instead of People is the main cause....
if there is no Tsunami, probably the earth will become overpopulated....
as it is one of the reasons when God decreases population in the planet earth....
and besides, plenty of babies born on this planet earth compare to deaths....
9 babies born
compare to...
1 human will die

@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
22 Jun 11
i can assure to all of the members of myLot,
Tsunami is impossible to hit Philippines or Manila....
because the only way to produce a Devastating Tsunami is to have a far great distance in order to invest an appropriate amount of force enough to destroy all of its path...
and besides, there is no history that Philippines suffers a Tsunami like what Japan experienced before....
yet Philippines is also located in the Pacific Ring of Fire but due to its neighboring countries serves as blockage of oncoming tsunami's.....
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
Hello mantis,
- serving as a blockade to us? now that is something worth use with other countries besides pissing us off and demorolizing us. so, if tsunami happens, they die first before we do?
. well, you never know, earth quakes can change that kind of perception about tsunami 

@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
extremely true,
those countries surrounds Philippines serves as a country break water or like those of Manila Bay Break Waters.....
that if Tsunami still on course to the Philippines, it is a very low Minimum Tsunami...
Typhoon and High Tide Flood due to Typhoon is the Feared of all Filipino and not Tsunami....
Flood because one of the reasons is the clogged street for the flood not to drain...
the Philippine Tsunami History is the best source....
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
23 Jun 11
Tsunami in the Philippines can be compared to a Martial Arts...
Muay Thai versus Kung Fu:
the Muay Thai Kick you in the stomach using Muay Thai's Round House Kick
while the Kung Fu neutralize the Muay Thai's Round House Kick using two palms semi-circle neutralize to the similar shin's direction....
yet you will hit by Muay Thai's Round Kick but its only like feeling of tickling like tickles to laugh because you are only tickles with that kick instead of hurt....
the force of the kick or the force of the tsunami can only kill an ant insect and nothing else....
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
21 Jun 11
Hi LetranKnight25,
That video was really scary. I guess that was computer generated and not a real one, right? Anyway, it was scary just to sit here and watch it. I didn't finish washing, because it was so scary... you know.. you just can't outrun a tsunami. You can not run fast enough to escape one. I feel so sorry for anyone who lives on an island or near the coast where they might be the victim of a tsunami. How terrible. I hope and pray that you and all your loved ones will be safe. I hope nothing like what happened in Japan will happen where you are, dear Letran.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
Hello PQ,
Yes, indeed. it's jut a movie but no one believed in it until it happened in Japan which has more attention than ever.i feel sorry for the ones who live near the coast line because they will be the ones who are going to be affected.
if that happens, our lives here will changed forever....we would ends up poor anyways

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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
21 Jun 11
Well that WAS a very believable movie. I hope that never happens where you Letran.
@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
22 Jun 11
Oh that is frightening Let. I felt sorry for the fact that there is nothing to be spared once a natural calamity occur. Even buildings will collapsed as our buildings now have no strong foundation as it was builded fast. As much as we know we can afford to have a tsunami, it will happen if it is about to happen. Even if we can say we are ready for that, we are never ready. No life can be spared when it happened. Since Japan who are more modernized country did not saved, how about us. We just have to live our life everyday while we have chances. No local government can save us, they will save their lives first and that are the people we voted, remember?
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
22 Jun 11
Hello grecy,
Yes, it is indeed frightening to know that things like this can really happen. not to mention we never when is it going to happen because such technology hasn't been made to predict this kind of seismic events. we can only save ourselves, to those we voted can only save a few.

@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
dear LK,
That would surely sink one island (uh uh)
This only proves that..no technology can ever match the unseen power.
This is also a reminder to those who forgot that..there's unseen power more powerful than the most powerful country,nation or the most advanced technology ever invented.
Okay..back to your topic dear brother...let's pray it won't happen.
That's the best weapon..prayers.

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
Hello SIS,
Nope not really, but it would definitely destroy buildings and kill a lot of people that we ALL know are completely unprepared for it. Now, that Japan's Nuclear power plant is endanger the people near by and not to mention it has left it completely unusable for future purposes of power use. well, god has a will and a way

@alphenor (686)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
Hello LetranKnight25,
I agree with what you have said, because Philippines is completely surrounded by water. Thus, tidal waves may strike at any place especially in the Visayas.
I have been scared for a while since the tsunami in Japan happened not much later after the earthquake at Chile. Moreover, it is already 2011 and I have watched the movie 2012.
I'm always wishing that there wouldn't be any natural disasters happening.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
Hello alphenor,
Well, Philippines wasn't even included in the damn 2012 movie, so basically i don't want to think it but it could happen in our country too. there are areas that could swept around millions of people and take lives. well, that's why they are called NATURAL in the first place, because it happens

@alphenor (686)
• Philippines
22 Jun 11
I'm certainly sure that it is. The last place was in China (near Mt. Everest actually), and the water comes from both sides. :(
Well, natural disasters can be prevented though if there are still a lot of trees that hold the soil and the once thick ozone layer that made the Earth's temperature just right.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
7 Aug 11
yes you're right that we are really blessed because there are no tsunami happen to us,because if that happen to us for sure millions of life will be lost,they said that this year a big disaster will come to my country but till now its not happening and still praying that this would never ever happen here.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
a tsunami will hit if it's going to hit and I think it is directly related to earth movements and earthquakes and very unpredictable, if there is one compliment, we do not have that much infrastructure like the advanced nations have that the tsunami will destroy neither do we have a nuclear power plant that might endanger a lot of people, but a disaster is a disaster no matter how we look at merits if ever it has one, so preparedness is still a key factor, yes we have long coastlines and sea shore but compared to Japan there is nothing much there except fishing villages and nipa huts, an early warning system is for me still the best way for people living in these places to survive plus an active government participation.
@naija4real (1291)
21 Jun 11
I am afraid of tsunami. It is not found in africa. but when I heard about how it struck indonesia some years back I am begining to feel for those people who are victim of this bad weather situation.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
Hello Naija,
Only an idiot or crazy aren't afraid of it. it's not good when it comes to killing a lot of people but you know, we all have to take a stand and face the future. we should all do our best to survive and help others.

@lilyfang1991 (164)
• China
21 Jun 11
Yes, imagine that i feel so terrible, although i have never experienced these disaster, really hope that very few disasters occured on the earth, and god bless all of the people...
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
Hello lilyfang,
I haven't felt a disaster in a long time since the Mt. Pinatubo Incident, but something tells me i need to be prepared for a lot worse accident in the future. i agree that god can only help or save us but we must have an effort to save others too

@ryu009gaijin (92)
• Japan
21 Jun 11
Im from Philippines too but luckily im half japanese so i live here in japan. Yup i agree, Philippines cant handle a tsunami, and youre worried because its always raining. I know you already know this but the reason why tsunami strikes = earthquake right? in my opinion before you worry about the tsunami thing you need to worry about the earthquake. If a magnitude 8 earthquake hits Philippines, its all over before the tsunami strike. I grew up in manila and i know personally that buildings are too weak, houses, and all kinds of structures. This is just my opinion and its so sad that we cant do anything about it. Im here in japan but i cant stop thinking what if earthquake strike philippines, im scared because my aunt and grand parents is there and i cant do anything. The best we can do is Pray. Godbless
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
21 Jun 11
Hello ryu,
you should encourage you're people to join more in mylot. by the way, welcome to this site because we have wonderful people here. A magnitude of 8 will kill a lot more most specially if it happens in the Metropolis like Cities. buildings in Japan are a lot stronger compare to the ones in the Philippines. not to mention, there's a lot of hard headed filipinos refuse to leave dangerous prone and unsafe old buildings.