Are All Prisoners Bad?

Valdosta, Georgia
June 23, 2011 7:01pm CST
I have spoken to a lot of people including my family and I feel like they have a misconception about prisoners. My family believes that all prisoners are bad and monsters and they deserve what they get. I write to a prisoner to lift his spirits and to make him feel like someone cares in this world. I found him off a prisoner website that says the crime the person has committed. He is in prison for robbery. In his letters he told me he robbed a store in hopes that he could get enough money to feed his 18 month old son. They were living in a trailer and they were really struggling. Now, I know I would never rob anyone or anything like that but as a parent trying to feed his hungry baby I kind of can see that he is not a bad person. I don't judge him for it. I know regardless it was not the right choice for him to do that so don't get the wrong idea but do I think he's a monster for that? No. So, do you think that all prisoners are bad? Do you think some just have really bad circumstances? What are your thoughts?
24 responses
@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
24 Jun 11
Hi LovingMyBabies, No, I do not think all prisoners are bad. Some of them are innocent, and never done a thing wrong... but were wrongly accused. Also, I agree... someone robbing a store to feed their child is not a bad person, and does not deserve anything bad. However, there are better ways to go about things. You don't have to steal. There are many churches, soup kitchens, etc... that provide free food for those who have little or none at all.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree that there are far better ways to go about doing things than what he did. So for that he was wrong and he admits he was wrong. He was only 18 himself when he did it and he thought this was the best way to do things at the time. Now he knows he was wrong.
• United States
24 Jun 11
You're welcome! ;) I wouldn't say he doesn't deserve any punishment or consequences... but he is certainly not a "bad" person for it.
• Philippines
24 Jun 11
Yeah, some are innocent and only framed up. Others were just forced by the police to accept a crime they did not commit so that those unlawful cops would eventually be able to close out the case. I guess those prisoners who were forced to do something bad due to certain circumstances don't have access to alternative ways of solving their problems. This made them decide to use unlawful means. I think their intentions are good but the means are not. I don't want to judge those guys, but the fact that they did it makes them bad still. If only they tried a different way to do something. They still know that what they will be doing is bad and yet they executed it still.
@sjvg1976 (42019)
• Delhi, India
24 Jun 11
Jail - people who do crime should always be put behind bars to teach him a lesson. But judgement should always be fair & innocent people should not sent to jail.
Hi LovingMyBabies, Its not that every prisoner are bad.Sometimes circumstances compel them to do crime as you have written in your discussion. This prisoner was not actually a professional robber but circumstances made him to do it.If he had enough money to feed his baby he would not have done this crime.But this is for sure when someone comes out of jail after completing his punishment he is seen as a bad person without being judged in what situation he did that. May be now after knowing about this prisoner you must have known it & will try to make understand your parents too.
@sjvg1976 (42019)
• Delhi, India
25 Jun 11
I know how do you feel when your kids are hungry and you have nothing to give them to eat its really a panic situation and one is forced to get money by any means to feed them.. One can himself remain hungry but cannot see his kids starving for food. People should always sense the situation first before having a perception about anyone. I don't find that this prisoner should be treated as a prisoner.People should understand it.
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Jun 11
I absolutely agree with you. People shouldn't be so quick to judge others.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! No I don't think he was a professional robber but I think he was desperate. Not many people know what it feels like to see your starving kid crying that they are hungry. That's a terrible feeling.
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Jun 11
We did a prison outreach a couple of years ago. We were going to visit prisoners and interview them and serve them food. They haven't had chocolate in a while and that was big deal for them It was strange walking into maximum security. Because of the way they're enclosed, new faces amaze them and they tend to stare. Some of them were also helpful. They'd come up to us and hold umbrellas for us. Long story short, a LOT of the prisoners we talked to were pastors. They weren't pastors before their sentence was carried out. They became pastors while INSIDE prison. We all prayed for each other and I have never felt so empowered and blessed. Then they all got up and sang a few songs for us. It was something else to see and hear them sing about God's love for them in spite of being imprisoned. On our way back home, we were all dumbfound. We realize that God truly is everywhere, really works in mysterious way and through prisoners no less!
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! That is incredible! I would have loved to go there and do that. I bet it was a huge blessing. =) I have been wanting to do a prison outreach and let them know God loves them and that people do care. I'm sure it is a very lonely place. =(
• Philippines
24 Jun 11
I don't think so...sometimes battle in court depends on how the lawyer presented their evidences and that one can be prison due to lack of evidences. There are also cases that a prisoner committed a crime due to ignorant of that law. And even how bad a person is, i believe there is still a good part of his heart because it is a nature of a human to have a compassion.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I believe he has a very good heart from what he has written to me. I feel bad for him in a sense since he was only 18 when he did it and at the time he thought he was doing the right thing for his son...=(
• Philippines
24 Jun 11
i agree..
@wilneth (23)
• Philippines
25 Jun 11
I Believe that not all prisoner are bad maybe they are in jail not because they are bad maybe because they are to confident trusting other people that lead us to become in prison.Most on jail are victim of wrong decision like here in Philippines if you are poor don t expect that the truth with prevail.SO we don t have right to judge the people in prison because the more we thing that they are bad the more they insecure to their self that make them we need to trait them a normal person..
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree with you. Were not the judges here.
• United States
24 Jun 11
I dont think all prisoners are bad. I think some make bad choices. we all make mistakes. and if we learn from them then that super! just because someone makes a mistake does not make them a bad person. It is not for us to judge anyways. the only person who can judge anyone for their mistakes, one that has never made a mistake them self...and that would be nobody. but also, most the time people go to prison is for some serious stuff that makes them a bad person. but there are also innocent people in prison. but as i stated, no i dont think everyone in prison is bad.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree that this was a very bad choice but he is not a bad person because of it. I know we all make mistakes a lot so who's to say that my mistakes are any better than his? I agree with your point. thanks for sharing!
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
24 Jun 11
I don't really think that prisoners are really bad people. It is just that they have flouted the laws of the country and need time out behind the bars. But there are few who are real monsters who are habitual offenders and can't be left roaming in public as they are public nuisance and they should be imprisoned for life.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree that not all of them are monsters but there are some that are absolutely. That's a good way of looking at it, a time out for them. =)
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
24 Jun 11
Well given the fact that the legal system is flawed at best, there are many innocent people who might have had the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. That is the most unfortunate thing, some of those people who claim that they might be innocent, really are. Some of them are just blowing a lot of steam, but there are a lot of innocent people who did in fact have the misfortune of being put there, despite the fact that they had not committed a crime. Then there are those people who committed a crime, but they really did regret it in the end. Perhaps they were desperate, perhaps it was something that they never meant to go that far. Tempers do flare and sometimes they do flare too hard. However that would not make everyone who has a temper a monster. Granted there are many people who should be locked up with the key thrown away in prison, but every single person is not a monster. In life if I learned anything, there are no absolutes. The prison system is the furthest thing from absolute that I could think of.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree that there are a lot of wrongly accused people in prison right now. So sad. =( I cannot imagine sitting in prison for something I really didn't do! That has to be awful. This man was very desperate at the time and did what he thought was right at the time but now knows he was very wrong.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
24 Jun 11
No, not all prisoners are bad. Some have committed the offense , out of self defense. Others have just been provoked . Others just did it to be able to feed the family. But whatever made them do those offenses, they have erred so they have to be punished. But they are not necessarily bad.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree that not all of them are bad. I agree that he deserved to be punished for what he did. And he is paying for it now.
• India
24 Jun 11
i dont think you can judge people just by where they are, they might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and therby ended up in jail, sometimes people might have done something for the greater good of some other thing, or mayb they were in desperate times , so i think that jugding a person before meeting them is a really practice
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree with you. Desperate times can sometimes make us all do some crazy things.
@polaris77 (2039)
• Bacau, Romania
24 Jun 11
I don't think all prisoners are bad;there are people who steal or rob because they are in a desperate situation and nobody gives them a helping hand,so this is their last resort;of course what they did is bad and they deserve to be in prison,but this doesn't mean there isn't anything good in them.Of course,this idea only applies to people who committed theft,I have no sympathy for those who committed murder,rape and so on,that kind of criminal acts has no justification and those people are true monsters.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! Exactly, he was very desperate and thought at the time that he did the only thing he could think of to do. Now he knows he was wrong but at that one moment he thought it was the best thing to feed his family. I agree that it depends on what the person did as well. I do not have any sympathy for murder or rapists.
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
24 Jun 11
I think all prisoners ain't bad at all. Most of the countries are unjust especially if you don't have money. I pity all those prisoners...
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I do too. I feel bad for most of them.
@jonnieke (38)
• Kenya
24 Jun 11
Some of the prisoners are innocent, they have done no mistakes. unemployment, poverty may lead some people to go stealing hence ending up to prison. there may also be false witnesses, against someone, which may lead to imprisonment of an innocent person. people must find other means of surviving rather than stealing because it will lead them to prison.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree that circumstance can play a big part in a committed crime. I don't think it's right regardless but I don't think they are heartless because of it...
• Philippines
24 Jun 11
I think not all of them are monster as you have mention.Most of them are just unfortunate to be not able to have income for their family or self.For them making a crime is the last resort.But there are also monsters there in prisons.With the justice system here in our country I'm not surprised that there are innocent but less fortunate people who get prison for the crime they did not done.In your example what he did is really not the best way to solve his problem he was just unfortunate and want the things to happen in easy way.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree that some of them are just unfortunate. =( Sometimes they are desperate. Especially when their kids are involved. I know it would kill me to see my children hungry. I still wouldn't commit a crime because of it but I can see that he's not a monster, he just wanted like you said an easy fix for his situation.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
24 Jun 11
For me not at all but mostly yes because of injustice in our society it is happened the time will it is happened.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! =)
• United States
24 Jun 11
No, all prisoners are not bad at all. Some are just victims of false accusations also. And sometimes law is so twisted that it sends an innocent to the jail. Unfortunately, the criminals who deserve to be in jail are living a luxury lifestyle. No one will ever accuse them of any crimes because they have money.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree the law can be very unfair. That's right, if you have money you can get out of anything. Sad, isn't it? What are we teaching the younger generations? Terrible.
@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
24 Jun 11
I don't think they all are.There are some who are wrongly accused and victims of circumstances.Others like the one you have stated have run out of options where to get money to support his son.But if he is really determine to support his son he should have find a job.Well, we don't know what really is the situation during that time that led him to do the crime.Maybe he thinks it's the quickest way but still he has violated the law. Others were put there because they have been framed up or maybe just a fall guy to cover for the real offender.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I agree that there were better ways of going about things. Unfortunately he was young himself to have a child. He lost his job and was having trouble finding another one and couldn't take the child crying he was hungry anymore. Not that its an excuse because it's still illegal but I do feel bad due to the situation.
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
24 Jun 11
I don't think so! :)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response =)
• China
24 Jun 11
I think most of them are bad. Only a few of them may be forced by life to commit guilt. Most of them did so just because they themselves are wrong, instead of the wrong society or circumstance.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response!
• Malaysia
24 Jun 11
no, i don't think all prisoner are bad because people are not perfect. may be they did mistake because of they they didn't think wisely at that time and that time they kill someone and did bad think. all of us should set in our mind that they should be given some space in this world that they will change and be good guy. people can change.
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jun 11
Thanks for your response! I hope I really hope that this guy changes. I think he deserves another chance at life.