I don't Believe but What if I experience?

@dpalais (130)
June 27, 2011 10:37pm CST
Last Sunday I was invited by a friend to there home,luckily I am free so granted the request.There house was located at an old subdivision.When I was there I am suppose to press the door bell when I notice that some one already know that I was in front of there gate,so I guess I don't need to knock since one of the home owner already know that I was there. I smiled to the girl at the window and wave my hand, she smiled to me. I waited for her to open the gate.5 minutes waiting my friend send me message, asking if where I am, I replied I was in front of your gate I even verified the house number and the color of their gate and she confirm that was their gate,and I saw her rushing to open their gate. I told her that I was there for almost 10 minutes and I also saw someone in the window that's why I did not knock. My friend smiled at me and said how dare me joking her since she was alone in there house.I did not answer(my question is who was the girl a while ago). When we get inside their house a gentle wind coming inside the house make me feel uncomfortable.I even reacted "hey your air-con was so cold". My friend stared at me and said we don't have air-con.And my friend suddenly said " I think somebody wants to welcome you""Don't you know that we have a ghost friend inside the house". That statement rock me!but with due respect I still entered the house until I reach their receiving area.At first glance I saw some one stand up and walk away.So I ask my friend again "Are you joking me? Your with someone somebody is sitting there(pointing to the chair beside a door) and just walk away when I arrived. Then She just answered " as I told you she welcomes you". I don't believe that GHOST exist but what did I experience in to that old antique house,,,day dreaming?Gosh I don't know if how did I get out of that house.
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4 responses
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
hi dplais, Woooooooh,,,,,,,,,,,goosebumps Oh well I don't know what is my standing at this maybe if they exist good thing she just welcomed you and did not do any harm at you. keep posting happy mylotting
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
goosebumps?... does it really bumps ?
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
ghosts bumping on you eh?
• India
28 Jun 11
i can understand the situation you r in right now, believe me or not as one of our friends said i also think you can see ghosts, you might be having a rather rare gift clairvoyance, its a higher level sixth sense, it is related to seeing what others cannot see. i cannot really see ghosts or spirits all the time but i can surely feel their presence. when ever there is a spirit nearby the temperature drops, that should explain why you felt a cold breeze. many spirits are trapped in this world and cannot pass over. many stay and enjoy the eternity until they pass over. you have seen one of casper, the friendly ghost type.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
I've heard many people talking with different experiences "ghosts" spirits etc. Even few of my loved ones also has experiences. I myself had undefined encounter with "spirits" but i just ignore and shrug the thought. I sometimes feel uneasiness ,something like someone is there staring or near me (ehhh) just ignore and don't entertain...it happens everywhere and to everyone i guess. have a good day
• United States
28 Jun 11
Sounds to me like you can see spirits. Congrats, not many of us can. I know it seems like its not real, but hey its either real or you're crazy. Lol I have always believed in spirits, but I cannot see them. I do have a ghost in my house though. He messes with me all the time, especially if I watch scary movies. My husband has the gift too, but like you, he doesn't want to accept it. He has seen a ghost at our house and a few others at different places he's been. But if the spirit means you no harm, I think its fine. Look up paranormal sites about being able to see spirits. It's not a bad thing, maybe it will show you a different outlook on life.