Do you always listen to your conscience?

@zenki08 (700)
June 27, 2011 11:05pm CST
Everyone of us makes mistakes. We are not perfect. Whenever we commit mistakes or make important decisions in our life there is our conscience that keeps everything in check. I value my conscience a lot it has helped me make decisions in my life. Although it has helped me improve myself, it has also put me in some awkward situation. Do you always listen to your conscience or better yet should we listen to our conscience.
3 responses
@emerillus (467)
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
Hi! I always try to decide based on the negative effects my decision will impose on the person concerned. Maybe if it will hurt him the most, I will listen to my conscience because I'm a person who pities immediately especially if the person concerned is the one I love. I also think that conscience is the one asset that we should value because it will mimimize some of our sins.:)
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
@zenki08 (700)
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
True but sometimes it can also lead us into making wrong decisions in life
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
Maybe, we can make wrong decisions with following our conscience, but we can adjust so that the same mistake will not be repeated.:)
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
2 Jul 11
That is a very good. I certainly listen to my conscience. I may or may not follow it every time. But, I take it as a reminder to to give some thoughts or second thoughts to specific actions and matters. That would put me back on the right track which I could have missed had I acted too quickly. I had that experience from time to time.
@Jesuriel (267)
• United States
28 Jun 11
I don't always listen to my conscience but I do most of the time. Sometimes your conscience may be telling you to do something but you impulsively do another thing. Most of the times when this happens to me, the outcome is pretty good. It really all depends on the situation and what the circumstances are.