micro cheese packaging

United States
June 27, 2011 11:25pm CST
When I bought my milk I noticed on the aisle where they have the featured dairy/frozen items they had what appeared to be on sale for a dollar. Naturally, I was inclined to inspect the item on sale for a dollar. I saw some American slices packs as well as some string cheese packs. But the packs of American cheese only had 5 slices in it and the string cheese a mere 3 sticks. I'm thinking gee what a rip off! Who'd pay $1 for 5 slices of this national brand when Aldi runs $1.99 for 16 slices. P Plus if you watch you can get the national brand for the same price or less than Aldi when it's on special. The string cheese they had their store brand with 6 sticks on sale for $1.29 (used to be part of their 10 for $10, I really hate the economy and inflation) so why not pay .29 more and double the quanity. Anyone see these micro packs in the store? I wonder if they are trying to cater to single people or just trying to scam someone into thinking "oh it's only a $1 it's a deal" when if they person knew their prices it really would not be considered any kind of deal.
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12 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Jun 11
I'm sure it's a marketing ploy. More people are now really looking at prices and values but there is still a huge segment of the population who look only at price and don't think about the value. I got some Kraft cheese on sale a few weeks ago--I use cheese to give my dog his pills. I had been buying Kroger brand cheese slices and thought I was getting a treat---WRONG!! The Kraft American slices were paper thin and hard to unwrap in in piece and the taste was bland, the texture was unpleasant. Of course the dogs loved the Kraft just as they love the Kroger but I dislike it. I've noticed that Kroger brands are often superior to the name brands.
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Jun 11
Exactly1 We're on the same train of thought on this one yet again Dragon! Like I said the $1 sign caught my attention as very little is under a dollar anymore. But if I was someone to only buy by price and not look at the amount they were getting then sure more profit for the store and less money in their wallet & cheese in their fridge. To me cheese is cheese no matter who makes it. My kids inhale it so fast who knows what it tastes like. I just make sure I buy the real sliced cheese made with milk not oil.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
28 Jun 11
I have not seen the micro packaging yet but will be sure to watch what I am getting. Thank you for bringing it to my attention,I bargain shop all the time when I am at the store.I hate the economy and inflation to it's getting to be hard on everyone.I wish you well and have a great day.
• United States
3 Jul 11
Inflation is getting bad on many items. Sadly the politicians continue to ignore such things probably cause it doesn't make a dent in their budget like it does everyone else.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
3 Jul 11
Inflation is getting very bad and you are probably right about the politicians they have enough money that it don't effect them as much as it does others in the world.Have a great day.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
28 Jun 11
I have not seen these but I have seen micropacks in the past. It does fool some people into spending more money, or making an incidental impulse purchase. It might come in handy if you needed to make a quick lunch, though, and did not have a place to store the rest. You could have a cheese sandwich and not waste any by letting it sit out.
• United States
28 Jun 11
True if you were traveling you wouldn't want to keep a large quantity of anything onhand that needed to be refrigerated. I don't see it being a big seller other than at maybe a gas station or something where you want convience packs & are willing to pay the price.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
28 Jun 11
No, but I have seen Walmart is now selling packs of 10 larger slices of cheese for about the same amount as their packs of 12 normal sized slices. I generally buy myself a package of swiss or provolone.. and the cheapo american cheese for the kids. Sometimes I will use 2 slices of cheese on a sandwich because you hardly notice 1 slice, so I think the larger slices might be a good deal for me.
• United States
3 Jul 11
I have not seen that. Then again I don't usually buy my cheese there, unless like anything it's a deal. My kids inhale all cheese so unless I get my own fridge with chains and a lock on it... I have to stick with the basic cheep stuff. You know they even ate the shredded cheese just because it was there! Not that I had any plans for a meal or anything for it.
• United States
29 Jun 11
Wow. That's a bit much. They should have just labeled the whole thing for a dollar than waste time and effort to micro pack. The bright in all this though is that the store isn't throwing anything out.
• United States
3 Jul 11
Hard to say. It depends on if the people that do their math buy more of the larger packs or if people who go "oh a dollar" buy the tiny packs up.
• United States
29 Jun 11
I have seen this happen in the past but it is happening more now then ever. I have always been a careful watcher with these types of "micro sales" I often thought who are they kidding as one checks the quantities and can see they have decreased. I guess they feel that many will only pay attention to the cost as opposed to the quantities. Not me. lol
• United States
3 Jul 11
Sadly items marked a dollar are typically a 'deal" just not in this instance for sure. Who knows maybe they figured someone else would see the enlarged dollar sale tag on the item and thinks... Oh it's only a dollar = sold.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
29 Jun 11
Wow, that's not very much cheese at all. Maybe they're taking advantage of people who have very small grocery budgets? If you only have $20 or something like that for the week, $1 can seem like an okay amount to spend.
• United States
30 Jun 11
Some people prefer the micro packages because they are dieting. Besides cheese, I see micropackages in cookies and candies and chips. Many people buy the small packages simply because it is easier to control food intake with small packages rather than forcing yourself to eat just a part of a big package. Financially it may not make much sense but for some weight watchers, it works.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
28 Jun 11
I have seen the smaller packages of Kraft items at the store recently. The only one that I would really even consider buying is the Parmesan cheese one. My kids love Parmesan cheese on their pasta, but there are times when I cannot really justify spending $3-5 on a bottle of it.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
6 Jul 11
Probably both, cater to single people or people who just need it for one thing, and also people who think it's a great bargain...
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
29 Jun 11
I doubt their concerned who it caters to, they just know it works most of the time and so they're going to get their money any way they can. It's better to buy the cheaper and if you don't think you'll use it all, share it with friends or family, then to waste money buying so many of these etc. Now I can see buying it if say you're going on a walk or a picnic where you just need a quick snack, but this is just ridiculous.
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
29 Jun 11
I have seen the string cheese micro packs before at the Dollar Tree. We were taking a drive and stopped at the Dollar Tree to get a few snacks. My son (who loves string cheese) asked if he could get a pack. Normally I am very frugal, and I realized what a rip off it was, but to keep the peace and have a quite car ride, I agreed. He thought the cheese tasted terrible, and when the rest of us sampled it, it indeed tasted awful! Never again, will purchase cheese from there. It not only isn't a bargain, it tasted gross!