remove articles or contents from revenue sharing sites?????

@hish101 (103)
June 28, 2011 2:01am CST
hi, i would like to know whether i can remove my articles and other uploaded contents like videos,pics,etc......from revenue sharing sites like triond,bukisa,sqidoo,hubpages,etc,..........?????? i would also like to know whether i hold the copyrights to the articles and contents posted in these revenue sharing sites. if not....are there any such sites that gives me the rights to my articles and content.......and also pays thru revenue sharing???????? thanks. hope u can help!!!!
4 responses
• United States
28 Jun 11
Most sites have a delete button and you do own the copyright to all your written materials.
@hish101 (103)
• India
29 Jun 11
hi, thank you all for ur answers......... special thanks to owlwings for a detailed answer........... enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
28 Jun 11
I agree with owlings because every website has own deletion authority and if we post a article on revenue sharing site then I think we cant delete it. This authority is only has site owner.
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
28 Jun 11
I suggest that you read the Terms of each site in detail. Yes, you retain the copyright of your original material on all of the sites you mention but, by joining the site, you have automatically agreed to their Terms and Conditions, which usually include a clause giving them the limited rights to display or reproduce your articles on their own website or others under their control. Many article sites also contain a clause allowing people to copy your work so long as the resource box/signature is reproduced in full. If anyone has done this with your material, it will be much harder to have it removed from the Web entirely. Each site has its own policy on deletion of material. I believe that, in most cases, you have to contact the site specifically to ask for it to be removed. You will also need to give a legitimate and plausible reason for your request.
@rhodzptc (1317)
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
I could suggest revver for video sharing sites and also share a pic for the pictures. regarding the copyright issue I'm not sure of it but they are surely a revenue sharing sites.