leaving to work abroad...

June 28, 2011 9:18am CST
Few days from I'm leaving to work abroad, this is my very first time to be away for so long, from my family, love ones, friends...How will i adjust from loneliness to enjoying my new environment?
2 responses
@1989622 (68)
• China
5 Jul 11
I always want to be abroad to have some foreign life experience. SO i think maybe you can regard it as a interesting travel and just open your heart to make new friends .you will have fan. PS:would you mind telling me which country you are going to ? Im in china.
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
thank you, im going to C.A to work there excited to meet new people and new culture
@tamark (27)
• Philippines
2 Jul 11
I think you should focus more on your real objective in going abroad...that is to work. I believe that paying attention to that will not only somehow ease the loneliness, it will hopefully make you more adept on the job you will be tackling while in the foreign country and as a result, be probably excelling in it. With the advent of modern technology, we can easily communicate with our family and loved ones through Skype among other things. Also, try to divert your attention by simply immersing yourself in the country's culture if it stirs your fancy. Go out and mingle if it is possible. You will be surprised that by considering these things, the moment of loneliness will be subdued by moments of activity and of the feeling that you never really left and that you just found your second home.
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
i will now focus on my goals...thank u tamark