I'm done with chemo!!!

@daeckardt (6237)
United States
June 29, 2011 11:23pm CST
I thought I would never see the day after all the problems I have been through, but I got the word today! It started out pretty bad because I have not felt good since last week because of the UTIs I have been fighting since I found out about the fistula in December. I was having fevers from about Saturday night and was told to go to the ER. They didn't keep me there then, but they did several cultures and lots more blood tests than they usually do and they took a urine sample using a catheter so I know it was "clean" (if you call having "poop flakes" being clean). They sent me home with some antibiotics and said it should help within 72 hours. I continued to not feel well through today, but I got to my lab appointment ok. I got off the elevator at the cancer center and was stumbling like a drunk so they grabbed a wheelchair and pushed me around. When they checked my blood pressure it was low so they checked with the doctor and she said to give me fluid (normally I'm about 110 or so and it was 92 for the top number). Before they finished the first liter of fluid, they got the lab results and my potassium was low so they changed the second bag for one containing potassium solution. It did help a lot. Part way through, the Resident came through to let me know that my doctor would be down but she wanted to check on me then. This was the same resident that was on-call at the hospital when I called in Saturday night. Total infusion time was about 5 hours, but it wasn't until the end of that five hours that my doctor finally showed up. I found out a few things from her today. First, they found two bacteria when they cultured my urine at the hospital but had only treated for one of them at the time (apparently the other result came in later after I left) and they gave me the second antibiotic today. They said I should stop having the fevers by Friday. I sure hope so!!! Second, I will be allowed to stay on the study. Since all of the women on this study have had carboplatin before, many had reactions and they wouldn't have any candidates left if they were all kicked off because they couldn't finish 6 rounds with it. Third, because my last two CA-125 results were normal, I don't have to do round 6 at all! Instead, next week, they will do the lab they normally do before chemo, then I will see the doctor, and then I will get another CT. After that, I guess I will get the study drug every three weeks indefinitely until I have a problem with it or my CA-125 goes up. Since the purpose is to see if it will keep me cancer free, I'd like to be on it the rest of my life. I am so happy right now!!! Have a great day!!!
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16 responses
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
1 Jul 11
Hi daeckardt, you have lots of diseases. I think you are a fatty woman. I'm not a doctor. But I think the main cause of your diseases is your over wait. Control your wait and follow the advices of your doctors. I hope you will be alright very soon. Don't worry you will remain cancer free. Have a nice day.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Jul 11
This is some Good news. Just will continue to Pray for you for good things to continue to happen from here. I know when you are always feeling like there is No hope you can often feel quite down. A lot of times it can be discouraging and make you feel like you can never get better as well. But things sound like they are looking up and will continue to Pray and believe and wish the Best for you always.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
2 Jul 11
Thanks for the response! You are right about your statement about feeling down. I was almost at that point last week when I went in for labs and I was stumbling around. After they gave me the potassium and told me I was done with chemo I felt better, but it wasn't until last night that I felt physically better after the second antibiotic finally kicked in. Have a great weekend!!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
2 Jul 11
Wow daeckardt!! That's wonderful!! God IS in control!! God is awesome!!!! I can't imagine how you're feeling, maybe over the moon?!!!! LOL Now how are you feeling with that bladder infection? Being that it's Saturday afternoon, you should be feeling some what better by now. I certainly hope so! I know how it can really mess you up because back in January I had a severe bladder and kidney infection and ended up in the hospital for two days. I thought I was going to die because I was so darned sick. I'm much better now and hope that you are too!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
2 Jul 11
I was so excited when I got home that day that I was telling everyone I ran into. I'm feeling much better now that both antibiotics have kicked in. Unfortunately, there is the possibility that the infection will return until they fix the fistula and my doctor doesn't want to do any type of surgery for at least 6 months. The infections are being caused by the feces that travels through the fistula from the colon to the bladder and that won't go away by itself. It will probably require the removal of the bladder and most of the large and small intestine because they are all stuck together. My doctor being present to find out if there was any cancer was the only thing that kept that from happening in January I am told. Maybe they should have done it then because I think I would rather have two ostomies than to continuously have infections. Oh well... Have a great weekend!!!
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@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
30 Jun 11
For me drink soya search this site www.bravounlimited.com so that your immune system would make strong and after you done in chemo you are not tired.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
Is this a product that you are trying to sell? I will have to settle for something that I can get in my own country more than likely, at least for the present time because if I buy it in the grocery store, I can get it with my food card. I can't use that on a website. Thanks for the response!
• Philippines
1 Jul 11
Wow! That is a very inspiring coming from a chemo patient who had successfully undergone the therapy. You have just made a fantastic journey on your life. Thank God that everything has been normal and you also made an inspiration with lots of people who heard your story. Just keep the positive vibes all the time and God surely will have all the answers. God bless!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
Thanks for the comment! I am very happy to be done with this chapter of my life. This next chapter should be a little easier I hope and I hope it will be a very long one. Have a great weekend!!!
• United States
30 Jun 11
Wow! thats very exciting and im very happy for you! my mom is on chemo and i know how the body reacts to it and its nt so fun. congrats though!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
I hope your mom is doing well and that it is not treating her too badly. It isn't any fun, but if there is someone around to help you through it, you have much more reason to go on. Have a great weekend!!!
@AmbiePam (96638)
• United States
1 Jul 11
Yay! I'm glad to hear of all the progress you are making. Wonderful, wonderful news and thank you for keeping us updated.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
Thanks for the comment! I am hoping that everything continues to look up and that sooner or later I will be able to get the problem fixed that causes me to keep getting UTIs. Have a great weekend!!!
• United States
30 Jun 11
Yay for your last treatment! I hope those antibiotics are kicking in for you so you have some relief. Cancer is a long journey.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
The fevers have stopped, but I'm still having a pain in my side. Still don't know what that is, but if it hasn't cleared up by next appointment, I will definitely be getting it checked again! Thanks for the response!!!
• Philippines
30 Jun 11
Hi! Congratulations on your success. I'm sure it was painful for you. I also had a friend who once had a cancer but she didn't do the chemo. Instead she found an alternative way of treating her cancer. In fact, she's very well now.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
I'm gad she was able to find an alternative. I think if I have another recurrence that I might look for an alternative because I really don't want to go through the hair loss and everything else again! Thanks for the response!
• United States
30 Jun 11
Hooray on so many levels. That you finally got through the chemo stage and that all thus far is looking great. Wow Deb you have been through a great deal and am very glad you have been so positive and willing to go through no matter what. I see you are hoping for the medication for the rest of your life, all I can say is that if this will do it, definitely a great idea. Always happy to hear your updates.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
At times I just wish the pain would go away, but most of the time (at least mentally) I feel great! Thanks for the response!
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
30 Jun 11
It is nice to know that you are feeling better than before. I just hope everything would turn alright and you will get out of medication soon. Just be happy and then pray and be strong as things will work alright after all.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
Thanks for the response! Although I am not feeling bad from the chemo any more, I am still fighting an infection caused by the problem that brought my attention to the cancer. I am so tired of being in pain right now and hope that it all clears up pretty soon. Have a great weekend!!!
@margeryann (1845)
• United States
30 Jun 11
I'm so happy for you that you came out clear and that you can stay on the study. It would be cool if that treatment that you can take for the rest of your life can make you cancer free for the rest of your life. You can imagine what good that would do for other people too that hasn't had cancer yet. They might figure out a medicine that people can take to not get cancer if they have it strongly in their family or had cancer before. That would be great! Have a good week!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
You are right that would be great! I really do hope that this will keep me cancer free longer than I was last time (over 7 years). I guess this is another way that I can make a difference in someone's life so I will stay on this as long as they will let me. Have a great weekend!!!
• Philippines
30 Jun 11
Good to hear that!I'm so happy for you and hope that your cancer will not go back again. For now, just sit back, enjoy and relax. have a good day and God Bless.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
Thanks for the response! I will sit back for now, but it is hard to enjoy when still in pain from other problems and it is hard to relax when behind in school. I also hope that this will not happen again because it is really tiresome and no fun at all! Have a great weekend!!!
• Malaysia
30 Jun 11
Congratulations!! Really good to hear that!! Is not an easy task to fight cancer. I was diagnose with uterus cancer in year 2000 and have hysterectomy done. I wasn't on any medication after the surgery. I had God to thank for that I'm still alive today, because medical fees in my country are really very expensive at the private hospital and there are hundreds in the waiting line at the government hospital.I wish all the best in recovering and God bless you always!!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Jul 11
I know when I had cancer the first time, I had both ovarian and uterus cancer so needless to say, I had it all out. I was lucky enough at that time to have insurance so I didn't have to pay much out of pocket compared to what they paid. I feel sorry for people who live in places where the medical system is not as liberal as here. I was treated in January even though I didn't have insurance and hadn't yet been approved for medicaid. I had no ability to pay so I stressed about it until I was approved because the medical bills were over $100,000! Thanks for the response!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
30 Jun 11
Congratulations on being done with chemo. I certainly hope that the study medication will be able to keep you cancer free for many, many years to come. I don't think that there is anything scarier at this point in time for me than to think about a cancer recurrence for my husband, and he isn't even clean yet. How long will it be before they will consider you to be cured or is your type of cancer one that is curable?
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
30 Jun 11
Although I am considered to be disease free right now since my CA-125 has been normal during the labs before the last two treatments, I don't know how long that may last. The numbers could skyrocket again at any time. For some women it has been a chronic problem while others are never bothered by it again. I don't know which way it will be for me. Thanks for the response!
• United States
30 Jun 11
Awww this is great!! It always makes me happy to see stories of cancer success and overcoming the long journey of treatment. I hope everything works out for you and you're able to stay happy and healthy for the rest of your life!
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