Women and Weight

@AishaBR (345)
United States
June 30, 2011 1:11pm CST
Ok well I stay in shape no matter what. I had a baby two months ago and now I'm back to the size i use to be before i got pregnant. I don't understand why some women complain about their weight but don't do anything about it. I have this friend that went to the doctor and when she came back she was like oh my God I weigh 175 and I was like am ok. and she kept going on and on about it. that was like a month ago and still up to this day she has yet to do some kind of excercise or change some of her eating habits. She still complains about her weight, and I even offered her (more than once) if she wants to come and workout with me, but she always says the samething maybe one day. so why do some women complain about their weight and don't try to do anything about it? I don't understand why if you want to ose some weight why don't you just try instead of complaining.
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15 responses
@drasnian (548)
30 Jun 11
If you "stay in shape no matter what" I'm sure your friend feels intimidated to workout with you, especially if she isn't very fit. You may find however, that your friend HAS changed her eating habits, or is taking more stairs instead of lifts, or is exercising alone, but just hasn't mentioned it. Often, women are ashamed to admit they're trying to lose weight because they fear being judged for "failing". Equally, some women want to do it on their own, they don't want to say "oh I'm dieting" because then they can never have a cocktail, or cinema snacks, or anything else they feel bad about when they're out with you. A woman may diet at home but not tell her friends so she can have the occasional treat when out with them - after all, dieting 95% of the time is enough. Admittedly, some women just don't do anything about their weight. I'm not sure why. Because it's hard work maybe? The exercise thing is more understandable to me, it's hard to motivate yourself to exercise if you can only jog one street before you get tired or you're worrying how your bum jiggles or your heart is pounding from just walking up a flight of stairs.
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@AishaBR (345)
• United States
30 Jun 11
I mean I don't excercise for hours or even an hour. I exercise like 30 minutes like four to five days a week. I don't even run. I don't go all crazy with the exercising. and I know she is not dieting because I live with her. Last night she aet chips and dip for dinner with some coke to drink.I mean I don't have a problem with her weight I just don't want to hear about it if she is not rying to do anything about it.
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
30 Jun 11
I can understand if she lives with you that it is too obvious that she is not even trying, but the question is why? Old habits die hard, I know.
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
1 Jul 11
I guess losing weight is like any other addiction, you have to really want to do it before you can commit yourself to doing it. People have to gear up and set their mind to do it. Sometimes it takes some people longer than others to achieve their goals.
• Philippines
1 Jul 11
Good day Irishmist, Indeed you are right. One must be committed in doing weight loss as this is not as easy as it is. There are times, you must also have the courage for you to loose weight.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
1 Jul 11
She sounds just like myself. Always complaining of my being overweight but did not do anything except a 10 minutes floor exercises every morning which I believe would not do anything good than giving me a feeling of being fresh every day. I reduce y portion of foods every time I eat and my weight stays the same for a couple of years now. Maybe some people gen can never change and stay fat with only slightly encouragement... I don't know. I guess you are lucky to have a good figure and gen.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
4 Jul 11
Yeah, the most important thing is being healthy, then we can talk about beauty...
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
1 Jul 11
For me, it only means something , that she know she is fat so she doesn't have to be told that. She also isn't doing anything about it, because she has accepted being that already.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
2 Jul 11
One thing that could really get her to shape up is , when she will have some illness that relates to her being fat. When that happens, it might be too late.
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jul 11
I know someone like this also and I don't understand it either. I work my butt off to stay the weight I am now. I have had 3 kids and I weigh 123lbs. I don't understand why they complain and don't do anything about it. It's like always complaining you cannot save money but yet you are always spending it. Well, duh you cannot save money like that. I agree with you on this one.
• Netherlands
1 Jul 11
Staying fit and in shape is one of the obvious thing women look at especially after pregnency. After delivery women can gain weight slightly coz of irregular food intakes and irregular sleep. But gradually when they start regular excercise and incorporate proper food timings and sleep, that weight can be lost. Lack of metabolism, eating junks are the real ones to add weight. So rather than complaining about over weight try to eat right food and stay healthy.
@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
30 Jun 11
My daughter loses her pregnancy weight without really trying, that is her metabolism. I lost weight easily and well in my thirties, but I am almost sixty, and the weight has crept back and seems not to budge. I am doing weight training three days a week, among other things. On the other hand I am on the computer too much. Some people will not even try because they are afraid of failing. Or it seems too hard and over whelming. I do know people who keep talking and take no action, and that is frustrating.
@GemmaR (8517)
1 Jul 11
I have been overweight for my whole life, literally since I was about 10. I am 20 now, and am only just doing something about it despite complaining about it for the majority of my life. I have lost 4 stone now, and am only "overweight" rather than "obese", which is a great achievement for me. The thing that bothers me more than people who complain and don't do anything about it are the people who complain about being fat when, in reality, there isn't anything wrong with them, and if anything they should be trying to gain weight rather than lose it.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
1 Jul 11
I think that with most people, weight is merely the symptom. Until, you go on a journey of self discovery and understand what is really making you want to stay fat, you will never solve the problem.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
1 Jul 11
Good day AishaBR, With reference to what you have said, I guess, some women do feel uncomfortably to enroll in a gym because of their heavy weight though this place was also build for everybody. Perhaps, what they have in mind is that, they see more of people in their fitted weight rather than those with heavy weights. Aside from that, maybe they dont have that enough budget for a gym enrollment. And if you will just say that they can still do the exercise without enrolling into the gym, maybe they are hesitant to start the exercise since they dont have any idea on what will be the first step. Aside from that, perhaps they feel quite insecure to display in the areas wherein they can exercise because of their heavy weights. A lot of reasons, for some those reasons are quite small but to them who has a heavy weight, is quite a big deal for them. Due to those issues, they just end up in saying "maybe later" and will not stop complaining as they usually do.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
30 Jun 11
I have never been one to complain about my weight. If I am lazy and don't work out or eat like crap, I know that the natural consequence is a few extra pounds. I do agree that people who complain about their weight, or how easy it is for me to stay thin, while not doing anything about their own weight bothers me. I am just now getting into a good exercise routine after 5 years of just doing whatever. After I had my baby, I nursed and that took the weight off for me. I have good genes and a good metabolism, I know that not all people do and I do feel for those who have to work harder at loosing weight, but not doing anything and whining is not acceptable either.
• United States
1 Jul 11
I'm not terribly in shape, but I recently went over 150 lbs for the first time in my life. Problem is, I'm only 5'2", so that really jacks up my BMI into the overweight range. I am not the kind of person to just let this go, so I just started a diet and exercise regime in the hopes of lowering my weight by about 25 lbs so that I can be in the normal weight range for my height. I used to complain about my weight more, because I gain easily, but I have decided it's time that I shape up my eating habits and try to live a healthier lifestyle.
@febrigas (362)
• Indonesia
1 Jul 11
ecess weight in women can be derived in various ways, but the best way is to exercise and reasonable diet.. As for tips that can be done by the mothers to re-lose weight is as follows: - Bre*stfeeding. Some research activities show that bre*stfeeding can help mothers to lose weight gradually, At least for 6 months after birth. In this process released into the body, the hormones is what will help the uterus to return the body into shapes as before pregnancy. For information bre*stfeeding can burning calories by 20 to 500 calories per day. Same number of calories if you swim for several hours or ride a bike for an hour. - Sport. Consulting with your doctor what excercise is safe and when it can begin to do. This is especially important for mothers who gave birth by Caesarean section. Try looking up a friend who also gave a birth to exercise in order to motivate each other. - Communicating with babies One fun way is to act with the baby. Indirectly it will burn fat in the body. For example, by taking a walk with your baby using the stroller and pushed him or her up. It can burn fat in our body. - Changing eating habits. Better to eat 3 meals a day with a complete menu than the one meal, but in adding a sweet snacks such as chocolate and less healthy, snacks. For mothers who are bre*st-feeding do not forget to consider the adequacy of nutririon in the food that is consume. And Dont forget to consume lots of water. - Create a realistic target. Weight may not return pre-pregnancy size in an instant. So, keep your motivation. - Sleep enough - Ask for help If you're trying to lose weight, ask your doctor and dietitian. Dietitian can help you plan meals that helped you lose your weight safely and effectively. While the doctor can guide you in determining the amount of weight that must be taken down and when it is appropriate to start exercising.
• Australia
1 Jul 11
I suppose some people want everythng without having to put the work in as others like yourself know that to look good or get results you have to work for it. perhaops you need to tell her unless she is willing to do somethng about it not to talk and complain about it anymore, I am a very blunt person and often say this to friends when they complain and dont do anything I agree with you its just a waste of everyones time really
• United States
30 Jun 11
I am just like you in the sense that I am back down to my pre pregnancy weight. But like you said, I take time out to exercise and I eat healthy. Some women do these things too, but their metabolism isn't back to normal yet, or they were never in shape to begin with. But most are just lazy and eat chips and drink coke all day. I always have (fat) women ask me how I'm so small with a 4 month old, so I tell than I eat right and exercise. But one said I had to be bolimic or something cuz its not possible. This woman also had a buggy full of cookies and pizza rolls, so I didn't take offense to it. I guess were just some of the few who actually want to stay in shape.