
@pcruz77 (449)
September 2, 2006 9:45pm CST
how often do you all go to the beach? I go every weekend.
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37 responses
• India
20 Nov 06
once at goa n the place was awsome
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
27 Nov 06
I went to beach 8 years ago it was terrific fresh air was blowing waves chirping
• Pakistan
27 Nov 06
I went to beach 8 years ago it was terrific fresh air was blowing, waves chirping, birds dancing!
• Pakistan
27 Nov 06
I went to beach 8 years ago it was terrific fresh air was blowing, waves chirping, birds dancing!
@pusiket (1756)
• Philippines
20 Nov 06
during group putings only. :]
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@Victoria7 (1240)
• Spain
3 Sep 06
Every day pretty much. I work right opposite, in the harbour. I love beaches.
14 Oct 06
I love habours!
@emarie (5442)
• United States
28 Nov 06
not here...the water looks nasty
@nicola82 (478)
• Italy
28 Nov 06
every weekend??? oh what a luchy you are.. i can go to beach only i summer and nowadays it's so far..
@sindai (204)
• Canada
8 Jan 07
I live 20 minutes away from the beaches in Toronto, but unfortunately the only time to go is in the summer time! hahaha.........i do go go for walks along the boardwalk all seasons with my dog though.
@abccba (1914)
• Denmark
27 Nov 06
well, where i live, it's not nice to go to the beach in this time of the year! But in the summer i do it about once a week, with some friends!
@nf_lanka (95)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Nov 06
Whenever i see a beach???
• India
27 Nov 06
i go there very rare.
@moneyseeker (1024)
27 Nov 06
I live near beaches and love to walk along them. The weather isn't always good enough in the UK to go swimming or sunbathe.
@abagslife (1212)
• Italy
27 Nov 06
Every week in summer
@carlomeno (1085)
• Italy
27 Nov 06
Not very often
@carlomeno (1085)
• Italy
27 Nov 06
Not very often
@livesoul2 (162)
• Pakistan
27 Nov 06
Unfortunately i have not gone to beach from 8 years because i am residing in a city which is very far away from any sea!I wish to go one day again
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
26 Nov 06
When the weather is nice I go to the beach once or twice a week. But this time of year it is useless to go to the beach (I live in Canada) as it's too cold to enjoy anything.
• India
26 Nov 06
i never been there.
• United States
20 Nov 06
ive nerver been
• India
20 Nov 06
i dont go at all.. coz thr's no beach in my city...
@yuki87 (607)
• Italy
20 Nov 06
I go once in a while during Summer. But I don't really like it...
• United States
20 Nov 06
i don't go to the beach often, what i do like is to go out with Bi**ches