When do you prepare your luggage?

@elida279 (165)
July 1, 2011 5:49am CST
Finally the long waited vacation is here!!! We're leaving tomorrow and I expect that it's going to be fantastic. It's a surprise week in Dubai and definitely the kids will have lots of fun. So I'm trying to prepare the luggage at the moment and I was thinking that every time we're travelling I'm preparing the bags full day in advance. Yes, it's true that this way I'm not going to forget a lot of things that I'll need but at the same time the clothes are staying pressed in the bags for a full day before we travel. I wanted to ask you how you manage with the luggage before travelling. Are you preparing it much in advance or at the last moment? Do you make lists with what are you planning to take before starting or no? Please, share your experience.
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15 responses
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
1 Jul 11
I usually take out my underwear first, and see if I have enough. Then I decide on what outfits I sill wear, how many dresses and skirts, shorts, and tops to take along. I then find out what else I need, like a camera and put it someplace where I will nt miss, my iphone, cords, now it will be the laptop and the plug ins. . Plus a book or magazine plus a notepad. I make sure that they are handy. When I am ready to leave by the door, after I tell someone to look after the house - my sons have keys. I will put the clothes neatly in the suitcase, so they do not wrinkle andI do have traveller hangers, and the underwear and deoderants, soap, and s;uff like that separate. I do have a separate bag that I keep my necessary books in, and my Bible, but with the extra costs of travelling I would have to stuff everything into my computer back pack. and carry the camera around my shoulder. Not a list maker. We did takes trips every year to Saskatoon while my husband was alive, so it was basically the same routine, but then we traveled by car.
@elida279 (165)
• Bulgaria
1 Jul 11
Thanks suspenseful. You reminded me of the phone plugs. I was going to forget it. Thanks. I think I'm done already. Let's see :).
1 person likes this
• Philippines
1 Jul 11
Whenever we're planning to go to a vacation, we're planning a week ahead on what to bring and what to expect. Of course you have to make sure that everything in your list should be included in your luggage. It's gonna consume your energy and time when you pack to the last minute. I make sure that everything is well organized so there won't be any problems during our trip. Happy vacation to you and your family.
@elida279 (165)
• Bulgaria
1 Jul 11
Thanks a lot genesisgroldan. Yes, you are right that it's time and energy consuming if you prepare your luggage at the last moment. And always I forget something if I don't plan properly my trip. Hopefully this one will be fine. I'll tell you how was it when we're back :D.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
1 Jul 11
It depends on my destination and how long would i stay there. For example, my recent travel was 4 days ago MNL-MCT, i prepared my things a week before my departure as I have a lot to bring with me and some stuff for family and friends. My short travels in the past, MCT-DXB, I just prepard my things the night before departure as I don't bring much stuff in DXB because I am going to shop there. My travels to the US and some countries in Europe for leisure was done 3-4 days prior to departure as maximum stay is only 6 months but careful enough to cover the clothing for 2 seasons. I don't remember preparing list for stuffs to bring.
@elida279 (165)
• Bulgaria
1 Jul 11
Well it looks that you have really good experience with travelling :). I agree with you that Dubai is really good for shopping so I shouldn't be worried if I've forgotten something. I'm really excited for that part :D.
• United States
1 Jul 11
I do some mental planning ahead, but I normally pack everything the day before. If I am taking a bunch of stuff to someone, I will plan that out well in advance (sometimes I visit friends and teach their children how to make certain crafts). Otherwise I just pack as I go through my day the day before. Two days before, I charge toothbrush, cell phones, etc. Then the day of, when I have finished my shower, I pack the shampoo, soap, towel, etc. Then when I dress I pack the deodorant, hairbrush, etc. Those go in a different pocket than the clothes. If I have to bring my own tea or coffee I pack that in advance, too. That way, I know I haven't forgotten anything, because I have gone through my day and packed what I used, and I am able to go on my vacation calm and cool!
@elida279 (165)
• Bulgaria
1 Jul 11
Good planning. Usually I follow the same steps with the luggage but unfortunately I have problem with the toiletries. I also leave them for the end and most of the time I forget to put them in the bag before leaving. Well not that it's a big deal and you may always buy these from everywhere but still it's not that nice.
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
1 Jul 11
I always plan to prepare my luggage in advance, but, in the end, I prepare at the last moment. I should do lists, but I never do. I always put the things that I remember at the time on the bag and I leave. That's probably why I always realize that I forgot something on the way of my destiny.
@elida279 (165)
• Bulgaria
1 Jul 11
Yes, that always happens to me when I'm in a hurry that's why I try to do it in advance so I'll have plenty of time. Especially I prepare hte luggage for the whole family so I try not to forget anything. The others will be upset if i do :).
@febrigas (362)
• Indonesia
1 Jul 11
Before travelling, especially to go for long distance for days, certainly need good preparation. I usually prepare the items into a suitcase, a day before departure. I do this so that next day i was in no hurry, so it can better enjoy the ride. In addition, also for items for items that are important can be prioritized into a suitcase and easy to remember. Then after the goods were packed, I noted what goods that I will be bring. I noted from shirts, pants, underwear, gadgets, the contents of the wallet, etc. Records are necessary to ensure that no items are left behind when we want to journey back home.. Have a good journey and vacation for all :D
@elida279 (165)
• Bulgaria
1 Jul 11
Thanks febrigas. I missed to make a list with my needed items but thankfully I'm not travelling for long time. I hope I haven't forgotten anything but even if I have we'll have to buy it. What can I do? Well the items for the beach are packed so even if there is something missing it's not that big deal :).
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
1 Jul 11
Two or three weeks before my trip I like to write my packing list. Then if there are some items on it that I haven't got I can go out and buy them. I travel with my 4 year old disabled son and my 2 year old daughter. I am the person that has to carry all our baggage in addition to pushing my son's wheelchair. I take two holdall bags and a small backpack plus my handbag. On our last trip our baggage was delayed and I did imagine it was lost when we touched down in Colombia. Therefore I learned something very important: pack essential items in your hand luggage when flying on a plane. The most important item for my son are his catheters for his medical needs. I can buy diapers anywhere in the world so I take just enough for our first few days. I take just a few outfits in an attempt take fewer clothes. That is because I have difficulty carrying too much luggage. I get packed a week before hand so I have time to make changes before my departure day. I hope it will be very enjoyable in Dubai.
@elida279 (165)
• Bulgaria
1 Jul 11
Thanks maximax. I hope we'll have fun there too. It's a very good note to put the most important items in the handbag. I've had such a bad experience with lost luggage in the past. I had my 40 day old baby with me and my luggage didn't arrive. I had only the milk and 2-3 diapers in my handbag. You can imagine how I felt when they told me that the luggage wasn't there. Of course the first stop before going home was at the super-market. I've never travelled with this bag again :D.
@zzyw87 (1254)
• Philippines
14 Jul 11
I love traveling very much. Preparing my luggage and packing is part of the fun of traveling for me. I get so excited whenever I will be traveling that I pack at least two weeks in advance. I also always make a list of what to bring. This is mainly so that I won't forget the important stuff.
@beingwell (3625)
• Thailand
5 Aug 11
Hi elida! How's your vacay? I hope you had lots of fun! As for me, everytime I know I'm travelling, I tend to pack my things the night before I leave. This works for me since I'm a very light traveller. I bring just what I need. As log as I have my lappy with me, I'll survive for sure!hahaha
@peach786 (16)
2 Jul 11
Most people i think leave it always to the last minute, and just stuff things in the bag few hours to go before heading for the airport. Things you don't do everyday as a routine are always mismanaged, so why bother to be precise. Shops at the holiday resorts bank on the fact that tourists come short prepared....and they get the 'impulse buy' business.
• Bulgaria
24 Jul 11
Hello this operation must be done wisely and carefuly.Take a look at this article where you find some more tips how to pack your luggage: http://trifter.com/practical-travel/pack-uour-luggage-wise/
• United States
1 Jul 11
I hardly ever make lists of what to bring. The day before I leave for a trip I just grab a bunch of my stuff and toss it in a suitcase. I hate packing so it's just easier for me to just grab a bunch of things and have a variety. My mom gets so annoyed at me for doing this. She packs a few days early and plans everything out. When she sees me throwing my stuff in she gets frustrated. Then, she'll start asking me if I have this, that, and everything else and it drives me nuts
@elida279 (165)
• Bulgaria
1 Jul 11
You're lucky that your mom is not like me. Usually I don't let my kids prepare their luggage and I do it myself. Of course later we're fighting why I haven't taken this or that. Eh, mothers, mothers!!! :D
• United Arab Emirates
3 Jul 11
its good to make prepare the bags before lefting first of all i am thinking about the journey its duration and requirments then make a list of items will be need then compare it with the space available and weight alowed and if need so re check teh list of requirent to make necessery things. i am trying to avoide the things which not alowed. i am trying to take the minimum things with me which make easy to carry with me the bag and not make extra burden.
@erez98 (166)
• Israel
20 Jul 11
what a good question! maybe i shall learn from others how to be preapered to my travels much in advance and not in the last moment, as i usually do.... and then, on the way to the airport i am trying to think what i have forgotten... i remember that in one travel to england i forgot to put the coat in my suitcase and discovered it only when i was in the airport. the first week of my stay in england was painfuly unpleasant as i was freezing. it took me a week to find the right coat for me and to buy it...
• Philippines
2 Jul 11
Sometimes i used to prepare at the last minute if the place where i go is used to be near at my place. But if i will go far away to my place i will start preparing my luggage a week before my trip specially if i have companions with me.