Djokovic wins No.1 spot.

@hanuma34 (819)
July 1, 2011 10:41am CST
It was a wonderful semi-final match. Both players played stupendous match. Tsonga and Djokovic showed not only sublime tennis game as well as some acrobatic tricks on the court. Enjoyed thoroughly. A match for a long time. But Djokovic has to match Rafa.
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6 responses
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
1 Jul 11
Congratulations to Djokovic! He deserves to be the number 1! I like him better than Nadal. Djokovic is so funny and carismatic, that video that he imitates the others players is so hilarious!! Now, I'm rooting to Djokovic beat Nadal on the final!!!
@hanuma34 (819)
• India
2 Jul 11
You are right about the charisma of Djokovic. We watch the players of repute closely and form some sentiments about them. Federer looks graceful and gentlemanly, but he has the desire to demolish the opponent. So has Nadal. It is reported Nadal has very pleasing manners off court. Djokovic is no doubt entertainer and is considerably improved player. Tsonga too has his typical mannerisms identifying him. Well, at this juncture I think Nadal will take the championship even fighting to the last drop of energy.
• India
1 Jul 11
A fantastic match and well deserved victory for Djokovic. He sure did play well and kept his cool and emerged victorious. Facing Tsonga was definately not an easy task considering that Tosonga was on a high after defeating Roger Federer. But Djokivic overcame all odds and played brilliant tennis to wrap up the match in 4 sets. He will now face Nadal in the finals and that will be another match to wtch out for. Despite having an injury scare Nadal defeated Murray and will not face teh Serb in the finals. Lets wait and see if Nadal will be stopped or can be win despite an injury..
@hanuma34 (819)
• India
2 Jul 11
Nadal has great temperament. The final match will be (let us hope) as thrilling as the matches so far quarters onwards. There have been new faces up on the horizon challenging the heroes - DelPotro,Tsonga to mention a couple.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
1 Jul 11
Djokovic has had a phenomenal last few months. He was unlucky to lose in the French Open to an inspired Federer, otherwise he was the overwhelming favorite to win there. But now that he has made the Wimbledon finals, here is a great chance for him to win his second Grand Slam of his career. Cheers! Ram
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
2 Jul 11
I missed the match. However Djokovic deserves No. 1 after the year he has had so far. I hope he can beat Nadal since I like him better.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
6 Jul 11
what happened in finals? Is the final over already? who won the match. ? did u enjoy that match also. sorry..
@bouncybug (614)
• South Africa
1 Jul 11
I loved the match as well!! It was so entertaining and just great tennis. Even though Tsonga was outplayed on the day, he didn't give up and put up a really good fight - it certainly wasn't easy for Djokovic! I'm now backing Djokovic to win the tournament!
@hanuma34 (819)
• India
1 Jul 11
After watching the match I could understand the deficiencies of Roger Federer to face players like Tsonga. Federer moves on the court with graceful movements and what was needed is entirely different. Djokovic won because of the agility and control of strokes. I cannot entirely agree with you about the final result. If Rafa does not suffer from his ankle injury, he can defeat Novac. That is my say.