Adsense does not show up ?

July 1, 2011 12:09pm CST
I've long had the adsense account.Previously, I visited the blogs of my friends who have adsense. When first I saw ordinary. But when I see adsense who have nothing. I think maybe just for one day. The very next day I look back on it remain invisible. I hope anyone wants to help me. I am very grateful if this question be answered. Maybe this will be very helpful.
1 response
• Netherlands
3 Jul 11
I use it on my blog too. I must say yesterday and the day before I had some problems too. I wanted to log on and this did not work. When I finally got logged on, the statistics were not working. Maybe it gets overloaded from time to time. Another reason could be that they were updating their site or something. Did you manage to get it working again? I am curious!
• Indonesia
4 Jul 11
For until now is still experiencing the same problem. The solution I have not been solved. Maybe someday I will improve my blog.