Did you ever let go of a night and did not sleep even till next night?

July 2, 2011 12:48pm CST
Yesterday night Was a night when i was awake the whole time.I did not sleep even for a second.Actually it was because of some work that i had to spent this night awake.I did not even sleep during next day and that is of course today.And presently i am facing sleep deprivation problem.I will solve it by going to bed now.But before that i want to ask some things to fellow mylotters. Did you ever let go off some nights because of work? If yes Then how do you managed to this ? Because this was the second time i was doing this,i had to face a lot of problem.I drank about 2 to 3 cups of coffee to be awake to complete my work. How about the next day. Did you sleep after submitting the work or kept awake yourself till the next night came? Please share your experiences with me as this is going to help me the next time in emergency.
4 responses
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
9 Jul 11
Yes i have... during my final exam... usually i never drink energy drink such as red bull, but that time i have to drink red bull to keep me awake and boost my energy and concentration.. After the final exam end i sleep for two days, only wake up to eat then go back to sleep...
@peavey (16936)
• United States
2 Jul 11
I sometimes get started on something that I want to finish before going to bed and stay up way too late and sometimes I just can't sleep at all. I don't think I could make it all day the next day, though. My mind quits working if I don't get sleep. I read an article not long ago that claimed that portions of our brains "go to sleep" or take a break when it doesn't get enough real sleep. I think that's what mine does!
• India
3 Jul 11
I had felt the way you said.my brain stopped working the next day.And i had to face a lot of problem.I was unable to memorize any thing nor i was able to remember the stuff i memorized.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
3 Jul 11
It can be really hard to cope with!
@GemmaR (8517)
3 Jul 11
The only time that I have ever done this is once when I was living in student accommodation. I had only got up late in the morning, and we were deciding to go on a night out that night. We stayed out until 6 o clock the next morning, and still had to go to lectures the next day. So, I chose just not to bother to go to sleep and instead try to stay awake for the rest of the day. I drank one energy drink and other than that I just ate and acted normally and coped with it alright. I don't think that it is something that I would be able to do very often though, as I am not as young as I once was anymore. Mind you, once you have children, a near sleepless night isn't exactly uncommon.
• India
3 Jul 11
If it would had been me.I would have skipped the class for good.
@petersum (4522)
• United States
2 Jul 11
24 hour shifts, or ghosters, are quite common in the navy. My worst one was when I had absolutely nothing to do at all. I spent the whole time fishing. Didn't catch anything either!
• India
9 Jul 11
So that means you were in navy.