Blue pill or the red one?

July 3, 2011 2:11am CST
If you had to take one of the pills just like Neo which one would you take? Would you take the blue pill and go on with your life like it was before or would you take the red one and and see how deep the rabbit hole goes? I m not sure that I ll take the red pill a. It is so hard to get rid of all the illusions. May be I prefer to live in lie than to live outside The Matrix where the reality is cruel.
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2 responses
@mrbytes (37)
• Denmark
10 Mar 12
Definetly the red pill, lets get out of this charade of pretend, there is nothing real it is pointless so definetly the red pill, but I don't think that such a choice would ever be giving to anybody. Then again if people actually did wake up, the world would not be as it has always been there would be civil war all over the world, as every country believes more in money than in humans.
• Bulgaria
9 Jul 11
The red pill definitely. If i have the chance to see something quite different from the world and life we now know i would not let it go just because of one blue pill..We already know what is going to happen in this life anyway.. 8)