Transformers 3 wasn't what I expected to be

United States
July 3, 2011 9:53pm CST
I was waiting for this movie from the beginning of the year until today, this afternoon I went to see this movie alone myself in the movie theater nearby. I thought it will worth my ticket, but actually, it was a bit of disappointment though. It is right, I remember one of the mylot member remind me of he also has disappointment toward this movie, but I didn't believe in him. It was truly predictable, and it wasn't that exciting anymore if you already see the 1st and 2nd one. Probably I am wrong, but I would like to hear what is your review on it if already see it.
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5 responses
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
I watched the movie already, and it was not very good, but not bad either. Just so-so. As a tip, don't focus much on the story because it's not that deep or it doesn't have a message or whatever. Watch it for the action scenes, the special effects. I won't say much already because I don't want to be much of a spoiler, hehe!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
I'm with moonchild. I watched the movie with my husband last night. He actually got bored at the middle of the movie. But it was ok for me. I didn't focus much on the story because I was really into the special effects. And it was WOW! for me.
@exkrima (291)
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
Well I am looking forward for this movie as well, even though the leading lady change. Some of my friends is actually disappointed, I want to watch the movie but i might regret that my ticket for the movie is not worth a penny. If you know what I mean. Maybe I will still look some comments for this movie as well. Safety and Peace!
• United States
4 Jul 11
I know it is hard convince a person if that person didn't see it himself. I am not trying to discourage people not going to see this movie. I just reveal my opinion toward this movie after I watch it. Go to the movie theater, see it for yourself. Then post a review here too.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 Jul 11
I haven't seen the movie. I didn't really care for the last one that came out. Alot of movies get talked up alot and when you see it, you are disappointed.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Hi Kingparker! I still loved the action in this movie. The special effects and the animation was great. The witty jokes were hilarious, too. I loved the duo of that former CIA agent and his sidekick Dutch. What I did not like was the cheesy scenes towards the end of the movie. It was too cheesy for me!!! I didn't feel the emotion of it. I actually thought the movie would have been better without it. It felt to me that the ending was hurried up. Even Optimus Prime's narration felt like it was just added for effect. But all in all it was good.
@sfleric (83)
• China
4 Jul 11
You are so lucky to have the chance to see this movie today. I have to wait for the movie until 20 July. So I can not make any comment on it. But just as what you did, I am looking forward to seeing it for a long time. And I hope it would not below my expectation. After hearing your remark on it, however, I would put down my high expectation and treat it as a normal Hollywood movie. In essential, your feeling on a movie depends on how high you expect it to be. A lower expectation may bring you a surprise. So I'll just wait for it.