Am I Being Too Rude?

@alphenor (686)
July 4, 2011 6:17am CST
There are times that I can't prevent from being rude when responding to discussions - mostly because I see the topic starters as dumb or they haven't read the "rules" and ended up making a topic in the wrong interest. There was this one time that my rank decreased by two because I was rude. Maybe this was an effect of one forum I joined where most of the people hate the dumb members. (I'm not telling which forum it was since I like that forum.) Well if I am too rude, I feel sorry for being one.
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9 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
4 Jul 11
Ther is no such thing as a 'wrong' interest here. All of the interests are user created and many are multiples but nowhwere are we told that we have to choose a particular interest when startoing our discussions. Of course if we place it in the appropriate interest then it is more likely to receive responses because others will have added that interest and will see it but it is not a violation to post it in an interest which appears to have nothing to do with the topic. If you are aware that you are rude then maybe you can do something to appear less so in future. Rememeber that beside each post are the rating boxes and rude behaviour, as well as being likely to be reported, will also be rated negatively by many Lotters.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
4 Jul 11
I'm sure that the longer you stay and the more you participate then the more you will feel part of a family and will no longer have these kind of problems Thank you for the BR here though myLot suggest that we should wait at least a week before awarding it to give everyone a chance to respond.
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@alphenor (686)
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
Thank you mysdianait for sharing and I'll remember all of the people's advices here. :)
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jul 11
hi diana I do not know how you handle it but even when you are a little irked by someone you do respond with such grace and tact that nobody' gets ruffled feathers. lol. I sometimes get a bit grumpy with people like alp;henor but you have that priceless tact. But then I still would not call anyone stupid or dumb here as we are all one large community with varying degrees of intellect and ability but we do not spurn anyone all are welcolme here and thats the way a great community should run. We rant we rave but we support each other. Rudeness is just not needed,'compassion, humor,tact, and loving affection are what we should all use. Like the indian young man who scolded me for eating dog meat he was not stupid, he read that I was enjoying a hot dog while mylotting and talking to him. It was a Cultural error on my part and I assured him that when I said hot dog it was a wiener or beef sausage I was talking about.Also I told him we Americans love our dogs and would never think of eating dog meet. He told me he was so glad as he had thought me a nice elderly lady and now he knew I still was a good person. He was not dumb but I felt stupid for not explaining our idioms to him.I salute you for always being unruffled.
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
Don't worry, I noticed myself getting upset on some responses and comments which seem to be touching and getting on my nerves. although i think some of them didn't mean it, i felt sad because i allow emotions to get to me. I feel sorry to the people i have said something a bit negative to it.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jul 11
hi letran and alphenor I have never seen Letran get really rude just a gentle rebuke was more like it the ones I saw. alphenor you must remember we have a lot of people here in mylot who are just learning English so they make a few errors that may appear dumb to us but we must cut them some slack as mostly it was just misunderstanding someone. take a page from Diana's book as she has even told off a few here but with such tact nobody got upset at all. I myself am not that good so I have to stand back, take some deep breaths and remind myself calling someone stupid is not a good thing to do. either help them or by pass.
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@alphenor (686)
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
Hi LetranKnight25, I didn't saw the posts that you were talking about but I appreciate that we have the same thoughts and that there are others who share the same fate as I am. :)
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jul 11
alphenor well boy howdy so we are all dumb gee whiz thanks so much. rude here on mylot really does not cut it. We are supposed to respect each other and lest you did not realize mylot is open to people from all over the world. sometimes what you may feel is dumb might be a simple misunderstanding because the person you are referring to u may not realize the meaning of what you said as they have English as a second language. Go around calling people dumb here and mylot might slap your ears for it. as for interests a lot of us just us mylot or people or life as they fit a lot of interests. really do not call people dumb here as its just not the right thing to do. People do not like to be called dumb or stupid either one.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
4 Jul 11
I hope our new friend takes the time to flip through to your profile and to look here too: It might, I hope, make them aware that Lotters are not only from all over the world but are from teens upwards, right upwards
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• United States
4 Jul 11
Hi Hatley and Aunt D! You both hit it on the head here. We are of all ages and from all over the world. We are also from all walks of life with varying levels of language skills. No one deserves to be treated badly.
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@allknowing (134097)
• India
4 Jul 11
None of us have any right to label anyone as being dumb or whatever. Admin does not take it very kindly although some escape the axe. You have just started here and you need to be more careful in future.
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@alphenor (686)
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
Yes, I am really sorry for doing so. I'm starting to be careful and trying to rephrase my comments before posting it so that I wouldn't be rude. :(
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@allknowing (134097)
• India
4 Jul 11
Sometimes even when something is said humorously is taken seriously here and so you should be really careful. I like your attitude!
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• Philippines
5 Jul 11
That's just about life! I would just like to advise you to tone down a bit if you think you are about to cross the borderline of becoming rude. Other people have feelings too and being rude is a blow to those feelings. Really, no one can prevent you from being rude but just take note of the consequences of being one. Also, it wouldn't hurt to be tactful on your messages and apologizing after an uncontrollable rude comment will be a good way to straighten things up.
• United States
4 Jul 11
You ust understand that we are people behind our screen names. We don't have the right to be rude or call people stupid. It hurts mot when we break the rules and start name callin or just being rude. People will report you for that and neg you too. Welcome to mylot.
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• Philippines
5 Jul 11
Yep! Just always try to be careful with the wording or phrasing of your comments. Be tactful of your responses and as much as possible try to be gentle on your choice of words. As PointlessQuestions said, there are individuals behind those screen names. They got feelings too and being rude to them has big blows to their egos. Just do those kind of people a favor by trying to be patient and gentle with them. Being nice to the not so nice persons won't really hurt, would it?
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• Canada
4 Jul 11
You may not like a topic or you may feel that the person who started it should already know the answer. However, that's a personal opinion It is unfair to judge anyone as "dumb." We all have varying degrees of knowledge on any given subject... we all have a wide variety of interests... we all have differing levels of writing ability. What I like to discuss here at myLot may not be what you like to discuss. But, that's the beauty of this site - there is room for everyone. Being rude can very quickly sink to personal attacks or harassment - all of which are against the terms of use agreement for this site (and most every other site too, whether or not they actually enforce it). If you find yourself reacting too emotionally to a discussion, topic or particular user, why not just pass those by? There are lots and lots of opportunities to participate here so why not just focus on the ones you enjoy? There is absolutely nothing to gain and much more to lose by being rude or offensive to others.
• Canada
5 Jul 11
I find that to be a very good idea, alphenor There are so many things to talk about here at myLot that it doesn't seem worth the effort or aggravation to participate in areas that are going to be upsetting or stressful
@alphenor (686)
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
Thank you thinkingoutloud for making me realize such things. I'll take note of your suggestion not to participate if I get emotional.
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@alphenor (686)
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Yep. I was practicing that and it feels so good
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
14 Jul 11
yes. no problem. Why it happens? We know certain things and we also think others also should know these things. You are right people can know about mylot by reading FAQ or by committing mistakes. But some people believe in asking. this is allowed. If that is not allowed there is not need for the topic "Mylot". The very acceptance of the topic also implies people can ask and get doubts clarified. What is clear for some is not clear for others. If u are feeling bored leave that discussion and go to another one. it is like ur not liking a movie because you have seen it already and for that the theatre owner cannot change it immediately. The film has to run for the days it can and it is sought by others. Similarly discussions of this nature will be there, will continue to be there and it is for us to participate or not. You go to a hotel for food --same staple food will be served --for those who come occasionally it is good - regular visitors not so. enjoy. good day. thanks for starting discussion.
• India
4 Jul 11
Many people feel that its not that important to read the faqs....they just want to talk to people and know them but you shouldn't be rude on someone's ignorance. You can simply direct him or leave him but you should never be rude....
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