What will you do if you get bored?

@Mirsya (520)
July 4, 2011 9:53pm CST
Sometimes, if you do the same thing over and over again (like working or going to school or do the same tasks), it'll bore you down. I used to play my favorite songs with my acoustic guitar to remove the boredom. What about you?
8 responses
• United States
5 Jul 11
If I am bored, then I try to do something else. If I cannot do something else, then I will go somewhere else in my head and think of a bunch of different things ... unless doing that would not be safe. Then again, if doing that would not be safe, then I probably would not be bored as my full attention would be required to do whatever I was doing.
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@Mirsya (520)
• Indonesia
5 Jul 11
You are right, a bunch of different things might get you busy not doing anything that bore you down.
5 Jul 11
text or phone my friends, if not go for a drama.
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@megamatt (14292)
• United States
5 Jul 11
Well if I am bored, it won't be something that will last all that often. There are a lot of times where I feel like I am sitting around for a few minutes here but if I just sit back and wait long enough, there will be something that will happen. Always something to do, breaks are rather short lived and there is something to do all of the time. However I lightly surf around on the Internet when I am board. Check out the news, read a book, that sort of thing. Perhaps if there is a paper and a pen nearby, I tend to doodle, until the time where I have something to do. That time is really going to be something closer to be actually doing something. Therefore boredom is fleeting and it is something that does not really last for all that long to say the least.
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• Philippines
5 Jul 11
I read a book when I get bored. Political/economic novels, auto/biographies of prominent or striking personalities, books on organic agriculture (and related topics), health and nutrition, and science fiction are usually my range of choices for reading during boring days. When I don't have a good book around, then I surf the web for any topic that suits my fancy. When somebody else uses the computer at home or if my eyes are tired, I usually go to the nearest bargain bookstore (there are two in Davao City), browse around, sometimes read lengthy portions of books. I'm known to the booksellers, so they don't stop my reading anymore. They also know that the books that I read lengthily are the books that I buy. From the bookstore I then proceed to the local fruit and vegetable market to see what are in season. At the market I also look for rare or exotic or heirloom produce. Then perhaps I buy a piece or two of vegetables and fruits. This time it's evening, so, if there is no rain, I proceed to walk back for about 5-7 kilometers nearer to my residence before taking a ride by public conveyance. It is good exercise and saves me fare.
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• Philippines
5 Jul 11
Sometimes I am finding ways to surpass boredom. I listen to my favorites songs through my ipod or sometimes I am passing by time logging on to the internet. It is really boring to do nothing especially when there's no one to entertain you. I also enjoy reading books whenever I am alone. If i get a chance I watch my favorite movie.
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• India
5 Jul 11
I just try to divert my mind to say I would like to think about my Favourite food songs or something like that. If possible I would get out for a walk so we can get fresh air and can feel free and relieved from boredom
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@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
5 Jul 11
I go to school and like you said, it's the same everyday. I mean my day is literally repeating itself day by day. i don't know, I try to make small changes in my schedule everyday. Like go to libraries sometime, somtimes to the park and stffs like that.
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@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
1. Just log-in to myLot and ask some questions that you think can increase knowledge more than you might expected.... Brown-out??? 2. Practice Martial Arts in a Japanese Punching Bag or Chinese Wooden Dummy Pain??? 3. Just go to the city Mall and enjoy shopping while the 2012 end of the myth prediction is waiting.... enjoy life...
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