I'm not on Facebook, Don't I still matter? ( a rant)

United States
July 5, 2011 12:24am CST
Am I the only one on the planet who uses computers but isn't on Facebook. It seems that way these days. Sorry I won't be joining this craze. Does this mean in a few years I won't count? Your thoughts.
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47 responses
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
5 Jul 11
You count! And good for you. Unfortunately, I have been sucked in. It is now the #1 way my family and I communicate. With family blown all over the 50 states, in some ways it is a good thing. But I have noticed, when we get together in person we have very little left to discuss. I hope no one is giving you grief for your choice. It's probably healthier in the long run.
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• United States
6 Jul 11
Thanks Ersmommy1. And no friend will ever pressure me or we won't be friends too much longer.I don't have any long lost family or friends I want to reconnect with.
• United States
5 Jul 11
I find the contrary to be true. Thanks to Facebook, I'm able to keep in touch with people and.. when I see them again.. I have something to talk about.
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• Philippines
5 Jul 11
I've heard the same from others. I don't think you won't count just because you're not in Facebook. It's just the popular trend nowadays I guess that's why people sometimes get shocked finding out people who frequent the internet but has no Facebook account.
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• United States
5 Jul 11
I have been shocking people All my life. My inner core doesn't fit my appearance. Everyone just assumes I'm Christian And now this. Oh Well. The one thing I will never do is just get on Facebook just because everyone is there. I'm not everyone.
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• Philippines
5 Jul 11
That's the problem with most people. They do snap judgments just by looking at the appearance of a person. It's one of the reasons why a lot gets easily fooled by cons.
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@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
6 Jul 11
Others might get shocked but I am not because I am surrounded by people who do not open any social site accounts and I do know why they don't even bother to have one and I am fine with it. So whenever someone say that he/she did not have a FB account then it is perhaps because they found nothing interesting about it and they just don't like it.. If we can live even without FB was invented then the existence of it did not give any impact to their lives. So what is wrong with it?? Nothing~ People may choose whatever they want right???(^^)
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jul 11
I don't have any old friends - or new ones for that matter. I certainly don't want to keep in touch with every single person I've ever been friends with. I've had friends drop me because I wouldn't join them on FB. I've also had a friend drop me because I told her I don't like to use the phone. I find it an intrusion. This person (whom I have never met) would ring me, long distance, and yak for over 3 hours about her while I said yeah, really, wow, ok, and uh huh. I hate FB, I hate phones and I hate phonies. That doesn't mean I don't count...we all count for something.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jul 11
It's great to find a kindred spirit. Thanks for BR.
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• United States
15 Jul 11
It sure is. I'm not alone! You are so welcome.
• United States
15 Jul 11
I don;t talk on the phone. I hate phones ! And if a person doesn't want to talk to me because I am not on Facebook, it is their lost! I'm glad to know I am not alone!
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• Philippines
16 Jul 11
Dude, I think there's really no problem about being not on Facebook. I just want to know why you don't want to join this craze. I agree with other people saying that Facebook can really make you reconnect with old long lost friends. If you really don't like, then there's no problem. There's still a lot of people not on Facebook, not only you.
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• United States
17 Jul 11
I think Facebook can be an invasion of privacy. I don't see the point. I don't want to reconnect with old friends . And I do not want to upload pictures of myself. In fact I don't have any pictures of myself to upload. and I don't think adding " friends" Just to add friends is fun.
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@garson (884)
• United States
23 Jul 11
Facebook somehow becomes the most successful social network, but I don't really care too much about it. I have Facebook, but I just hate see my name showing up like that. Like here, you won't see my real name. There's always other better things that would matter to you most and Facebook would not be one of them. Just don't let any of your acquaintances sway you into joining.
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• United States
23 Jul 11
There is no way of swaying me to join.
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@Awinds (2468)
• United States
5 Jul 11
Facebook has just over five hundred million users (as of late 2010). The world has a population of just over seven billion people. This means six billion five hundred million people do not have a facebook account. You are in the majority. Besides, it's a sad day when someone's worth is judged on whether they are in on the the latest flashy trend or not. :)
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• United States
5 Jul 11
Welcome to the sad days. some companies assume everyone has a Facebook account. It was the only way to connect. They lost me as a customer.It is so sad. I'm not going to join Just to contact Anyone.Sorry. ps. Thanks for the stat. I'm not alone! I feel So much better.
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@Awinds (2468)
• United States
5 Jul 11
I know what you mean! Some sites won't let you get account unless you have a facebook account. I like my choices. I'm not giving my information to that social monster. There is plenty of competition guys that don't use the facebook chain. I deleted my facebook account some time ago - it was a overwhelming waste of time for me.
• United States
6 Jul 11
You just gave me an great idea! The next time they assume I have a facebook account , I will write them and tell them Why they just lost a sale!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
5 Jul 11
Personally sometimes there are days where I could have continued to not want to be there myself. There is good things about being a member there, and I have been able to find childhood friends and reconnect with them, but overall there is a lot of people using this site to rant and rave and use choice language that makes me wonder as well. It is your choice, and if you feel strongly against being a member there than continue to not be one. Never hurt anyone who chose this way I am sure.
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• United States
6 Jul 11
There is a long list of things that isn't for me, facebook is just one of them. Would I demean any facebook member? Never.
• Australia
5 Jul 11
It took me a long time to join Facebook even though I had been social networking for years beforehand. Over the couple of years I have been a member I have seen it develop. I now find it invaluable not only to connect with family and friends around the world but for information and research and for marketing my business. Increasingly I am finding special shopping deals on there too. I have a child with the disability Fragile X Syndrome and through FB now have 200 contacts with other parents of FXS children. We have a very active discussion group and swap our experiences and knowledge and help new parents learn and cope. FB may have wider uses than you think it has if you look outside the basic profile messaging system.
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• United States
6 Jul 11
I'm glad it helps you. There is no reason for me to search for anything and If I needed to search , I wouldn't have used facebook. Uh-oh. What happens if a parent needs this group but won't join facebook? Will they be turned away. Are these groups Only for Facebook members? What happens to them? Don't they matter?
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
5 Jul 11
It's more of a social issue. Our family used to have it's own family website so we could all keep connected. But now we have decided to drop that and just keep in touch on facebook because the younger generation uses that more then the family website....so it's up to you ....so you still matter to those that love you? I would say yes.
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• United States
6 Jul 11
Yes to ones I love but not to companies who you Must have a Facebook account to respond to or they assume you have facebook . Or it is Only through facebook to fins savings. it shows me I do not matter to them. Besides, I don't have any long lost family members I Want to find.
• United States
5 Jul 11
My friend, Jon, has decided against joining Facebook. Shame, really. He doesn't do so well keeping in touch with people, I would have thought the social network might help him with that. I suppose everyone has their personal preferences.. and Jon's is to hole up in his house and mope.
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• United States
6 Jul 11
Maybe he prefers to be alone. Why force him to join a site where he Has to be on display?
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
5 Jul 11
It doesn't mean you wont matter. Some choose not to join, there is lots of drama and teens and stuff people don't want to deal with there. If I didn't have friends and family far away that I don't see everyday I would of got rid of mines long ago. It's not life though...it's just a social networking site. Some people worry that we wont be able to communicate face to face anymore if we do it so much online and through texting and stuff. Some relationships are based online? how could you even do that? I hope our future is more personal than that. I hope we don't start depending on this stuff for socializing. but sometimes that's where I see it going.
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• United States
6 Jul 11
I have many friends I have never seen face to face. Some I don't know what they look like. We All met here. I am not opposed to My Lot or email, I just won't be on facebook. I rather meet because I have something to say or they have something to say. Not just chatting.
@sheetalnr (586)
• India
9 Jul 11
It is not like you need to have a facebook account. It's you personal choice which everybody should respect.
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• United States
10 Jul 11
• Portugal
5 Jul 11
no sarah^^ its ok if you dont use facebook^^ a lot of people dont like it.. i must say that i didnt use it before.. i registered on tagged but then things started to change a bit in that site so i changed to facebook bcs is an easy way to contact with my friends^^ even real ones that i cant see so often :) but sure is fine that you dont use it. that doesnt mean that you wont count to the world^^ a lot of people that i know dont even know how to use a computer well and they live very happy without it^^ just dont care for what others think^^
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• United States
6 Jul 11
I don't but it is when companies assume I have facebook when I don't. That's when I think , they really don't want my business do they?
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
5 Jul 11
You are not the only one! I'm not on facebook too! But, unfortunately, I think I'll have to open an account very soon, because all the news on my college are posted on facebook! So, if I wanna to know what's happening, I have to ask to my friends, because I don't have a facebook. If it wasn't for that reason, I would probably never create an account on facebook. For me, is just a waste of time, because I talk to my real friends live or on msn. Facebook would be only to meet old friends or that kind of persons that you know, but they are not your real friends.
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• United States
6 Jul 11
So All news on campus is on Facebook? Wow, I'm sorry I wouldn't know Anything. I am not going to be bullied into starting a Facebook page just to get news that Should be on the college website already. I rather be in the dark.
@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
5 Jul 11
There is nothing wrong with not having a facebook, and there is nothing wrong with having one. I know I've had mine since it was a college only site. You had to have a college e-mail address and everything. When I first went there my college wasn't even on it yet! They got on there right before I transferred to another school! I didn't join as a trend or anything, I just thought it was neat and a cool way to talk to friends. I stay there for that reason as well, and also because I like to play some games on there. But if you don't want to join it, I really don't think it will affect you at all. Maybe you won't run across old friends and such, but that's really the only thing. It is not a necessity, it's a convenience and entertainment, but I don't see it ever being mandatory for anything.
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• United States
5 Jul 11
Thanks. I never thought of joining because I really don't want to come across old friends and I like My Lot to make new friends. Plus i don't have nor will i ever have pictures to put online. Plus I hate my real name. So what's the point?
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@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
Of course it does not mean that you won't count. There are a lot of people who do not have a Facebook account and they seem to be doing well. I used to feel that way about Facebook too two or three years ago until I got addicted to Farmville. I do not play Farmville anymore but I am glad I have a Facebook account because I am now able to get in touch with my friends from different parts of the world. I am also just a message or a comment away from my brother who lives in Canada. And recently, somebody in our clan set up this fb group and our relatives from different parts of the world can now communicate and get to know each other.
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• United States
5 Jul 11
What is wrong with email? Most of my friends are far away. Between My Lot and email I keep in touch. As for relatives? No not really I don't have the desire to but if I did, It wouldn't be at Facebook, way too public.Hard to have a Facebook account when you refuse to show your face.
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@allknowing (141987)
• India
5 Jul 11
I am on FB but my interest there is waning and so is the interest of those of my friends to look at my wall and send me comments. When I just started I went on looking for lost friends and relatives and that done I have nothing more to do there and the cheeky relatives are happy to interact on FB but never in the real world. I am sure others too feel likewise. Here at myLot we participate on a daily basis, contribute, learn, share, socialise - this is a global arena where we meet users the world over.
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• United States
5 Jul 11
And you don't have to display pictures and wait to be noticed. Here set up your username and think of a topic to discuss and go! I will never upload pictures of me and Hope I can attract " friends" sorry. I'm not on the market. Here I have friends all over the world and if I want , I can send a private message. And some of us have exchanged email addresses. so it is safer and less ego crushing than Facebook would be for me. Besides I have no desire to reconnect with old friends or relatives for that matter.
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• China
5 Jul 11
You are not lonely.I have no idea what Facebook is and don't know what is the good of it.At present,I concentrate on Mylot,I don't know whether this is righr or not.
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• United States
5 Jul 11
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• Philippines
5 Jul 11
It's but just fine! You always have a choice and you need not conform with the bandwagon craze of Facebook. But I suggest that you should just try it out and check if you will like it. Then delete your account if you don't like it. Then you can feel why there are a lot of persons using it and judge it by yourself.
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• United States
5 Jul 11
My sister has an account and from what I see, I will Have to have pictures , I will not do that and you have to be on display, I will never do that. Sorry. I will rather just disappear.
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• India
5 Jul 11
Its not about the future. Today also, for doing most of the tasks on mylot need a facebook account. Its the best way to keep connected with friends and family. And i believe, in an year or two, you'll be forced by someone(friendly to join it)!
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• United States
5 Jul 11
No. I'm glad I didn't try to do any tasks. So you are saying I don't matter because I don't have a Facebook account. No, if they try to force me all they will do is lose me as a friend. I strongly disagree. There is email , telephones ane even letters. I will not join a site where I will feel exposed just to please a so called so to be ex friend. So friends, enjoy my company now. In the next few years I'll just disappear!
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